SunTrust Banks was created in 1811.
The population of SunTrust Banks is 28,001.
The ticker symbol for SunTrust Banks is STI (for SunTrust Investments) and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Currently there are no ATMs or branches located in Boise, ID or anywhere else in Idaho. Sun Trust bank has locations in 14 other states.
Without knowing your location we can only suggest that you use a google maps search. You go to and enter your location. Then you click search nearby and search for Suntrust. This will return all the locations near you.
The Suntrust online banks appear to have a reputation for having very substantial fees and poor customer service. They are not a very reputable institution.
Suntrust mortgage rates are very affordable in light of the rates offered by many banks!
Banks provide information about checking accounts. One can go to a local Wells Fargo, Chase, SunTrust, or other banks. One can also go to the banks' websites for information about checking accounts.
New York City once boasted numerous Suntrust Banks. However, after the closure of many of the branches, only one Suntrust Bank remains, located on 5th Avenue. Other branches are available in New Jersey.
SunTrust offers banking services including savings, checking, online banking and mobile banking. You can also receive insurance and loan services from SunTrust.
SunTrust Bank is headquartered in Atlanta, but has locations all across the south. States that SunTrust operates in include Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, as well as Washington D.C.