As per the Patron Saint Index there is no saint for always having shelter. The closest match would be the patron saint of home builders. There are several:
Louis IX
Our Lady of Loreto
Thomas the Apostle
Vincent Ferrer
Saint Zygmunt Szczesny Felinskiis not currently shown as having any patronages.
Previous Answer: "St patrick...." No, actually, the patron saint of New York City has always been St. Nicholas. He is also the patron saint of sailors, children and Russia. He is probably the patron saint of more things than any other saint.
St. Michael the Archangel is a patron saint of soldiers and marines are soldiers. Therefore, he is a patron saint of marines, also. However, the US Marine Corp is an arm of the US Federal Government and is constitutionally prohibited from having an "official" patron saint.
Emily is not listed as having any patronages at this time.
The Patron Saint Inex lists no patron saints of bears.
A patron saint is someone we can turn to for guidance and to intercede on our behalf before God.
Well, isn't that a delightful question! While there isn't an official patron saint of bowling, you can always think of Saint Sebastian, known for his protection during times of sports and competition. Just imagine him watching over bowlers, guiding their aim and bringing joy to their game.
A patron saint is supposed to be a protector in the Catholic religion. Patron Saint Angelico is the patron saint of artists. A patron saint is a protector of life.
As per the Patron Saint Index, there is no patron saint of wrestlers. However, Saint Sebastian is the patron saint of all athletics and athletes.
St. Lucy is the patron Saint of the Blind, as she had been tortured by having her eyes torn out.
Saint Lillian is not a patron saint as per the Patron Saint Index.
There is a patron saint of Wales but no patron saint of whales.