You can sort the results of a query by using the order by clause.
Ex: Select * from tbl_employee order by emp_num
The above query would sort the results by the employee number and display them. The default sort is ascending order.
Ex: Select * from tbl_employee order by emp_num desc
The above query would sort the results by descending order of employee number and display them.
Insert into
Order ByIt's correct or not
It provides a better and faster method to search a particular item you are looking for. When you issue a select statement to have a particular item with some condition, it searches the whole DB to get the answer for you. Instead if you have some indexes to it, the searching is done faster.
The use of sorting information in SQL is to organize database query results. Typically the data can be sorted in either ascending or descending order. The "Order By" command can be used to sort data in SQL by multiple columns.
Structured Query Lanaguage(SQL) is a command language to communicate with oracle server.whereas SQL*PLUS is an oracle tool that recognises and submits sql statements to the oracle server for execution.
You need to tell us what the statement is - in order for us to help you !
Statement can be abbreviated to STMT. It is not widely used, but it appears SQL code.
An SQL Delete statement is a code used for programming. It allows you to delete a single record or multiple records from a graph or table. These codes can be very useful.
Asc & desc
The SQL statement used to update data in a database is the UPDATE statement. It allows you to modify existing records in a table by specifying the columns and values to be updated based on certain conditions.
A memo is a useful tool to provide a record of communication.
"SELECT" statement is used to extract the infromation from a database.
The SQL statement used to update data in a database is the "UPDATE" statement. It allows you to modify existing records in a table by specifying the column and value you want to update based on certain conditions. Additionally, you can use the "SET" keyword to assign new values to specific columns in the table.
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