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Q: How much gold is one ton of the mined rock?
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What percentage use do diamonds have?

One hundred percent of all diamonds mined are 'used', either as gemstones -- about 20%, or as industrial diamonds.

How many tons of ore contain one ounce of gold?

The grade of the ore from which gold is to be recovered will determine how much of it must be processed to recover that ounce of gold. There is a broad variation, but there is plenty of gold in ores that is dispersed so widely that it is not economical to attempt commercial recovery. In an additional note, gold exists in veins within ores, and is not chemically combined with other elements within that ore. Mines that are probably considered marginal yield something on the order of 4 to 6 grams of gold per ton of ore, and you can do some simple math from there (perhaps using 5 grams/ton) to discover an answer for the stated grade of ore. There are just over 30 grams in a Troy ounce, and at 5 grams/ton, you're looking at 30 divided by 5 or 6 tons of ore to recover that (Troy) ounce of gold from ore with a grade of 5 grams/ton. If you have 6 tons of ore, that's a lot of ore, and you have a lot of hard work ahead of you if want the ounce of gold disbursed in it. It will take time and energy to win the metal, and it might be as cheap to buy the gold as to recover it from the ore. But we'll leave it for you to do the math after you get an assay.

What is the price for one metric ton of gold?

With current price of $1213.00 US dollars per ounce. 35274 ounces per metric ton. $1213 x 35274 = $42,787,362.00. Please remember that the price of gold varies from day to day so this is only good for 12/29/2013.

How much in words is 1500000?

One million, five hundred thousand.

How much is 51 weeks?

357 days. One week shy of a year.

Related questions

What things are mined in Colombia?

Gold is one of the major things mined in Columbia.

Once all the loose gold has been mined from streams who moved into the mining towns?

Well, one answer is saloons- to remove the gold from the miners! However, once the easy placer gold was mined from the streams, mining companies that sought to mine the rock that the placer gold came from moved in, and began mining gold ore that required processing to extract the gold.

How much gold do miners find in one day?

Gold miners never found a set amount a day. The amounts changed based on location, weather, and how much had been mined prior.

Is gold mined in Australia?

Australia is one of the world's major gold producers. For information on working gold mines in Australia, see the related questions.

What is the most common rock that is mined using a quarry?

Limestone is one of the most common types of rock mined using a quarry. It is widely used in construction, agriculture, and as a raw material in manufacturing industries.

How much gold produced in one rock?

The amount of gold produced in one rock can vary widely depending on the size, type of rock, and location. In general, gold deposits are quite rare in most rocks, with concentrations typically measured in parts per million or even parts per billion. Therefore, the amount of gold produced from one rock is usually very small.

Can the map of an ore deposit help miners decide how to mine the ore?

Yes, because if one does not map out where the ore is, much waste rock will be mined and that's a big waste of money.

How much does gold ore sell for on Rock Isle on HorseIsle?

One chunk of Gold Ore sells for 47.

What are the advantages and drawbacks of using gold standard?

Unfortunately there are disadvantages to the gold standard. One of the main disadvantages of implementation is that a gold standard would artificially inflate gold's value, increasing the cost of items and industrial process in which it is used. Another disadvantage is under the gold standard, gold mined at a different rate than the economy grows can produce both inflation, when deposits are discovered and extracted and deflation when they are mined to exhaustion

What type of rock is gold in?

gold does not form in a rock. however it does forms along igneous rock and quarts veins. For gold to be present one of these two rocks will more then likely be there as well. (In some large gold nuggets, pieces of quarts will be stuck to the gold)

Is diamond a polished rock?

About 20% of all diamonds mined can be cut and polished into gemstones -- and in that case, you could call one a 'polished rock'. 'Polished rock' is not considered a natural state for a raw diamond, however.

What are Ghana's accomplishments?

One accomplishment was holding great wealth from silver and gold mined in the forest kingdoms. (I found this information in The World And The People.)