becaused it is exact
disadvantages of index numbers
How to calculate machine price index?
Dense Index: An index record appears for every search key value in file. This record contains search key value and a pointer to the actual record. Sparse Index: Index records are created only for some of the records. To locate a record, we find the index record with the largest search key value less than or equal to the search key value we are looking for. We start at that record pointed to by the index record, and proceed along the pointers in the file (that is, sequentially) until we find the desired record. - - (ref:
merits and demerits of index number
soil variation
a. Heterogeneity
Homogeneity refers to the similarity or uniformity of a group or population, while heterogeneity refers to the diversity or variation within a group or population. Homogeneity implies that the members share common characteristics, while heterogeneity implies differences among the members.
Heterogeneity refers to the diversity or variability within a group or system. It can manifest in different characteristics, behaviors, or components within the same population, leading to differences in outcomes or responses. Heterogeneity is commonly studied in fields such as biology, statistics, and social sciences to understand the complexity of systems.
Heterogeneity in the echotexture of the supraspinatus tendon refers to a variation in the appearance of the tendon under ultrasound imaging. It may suggest changes in the tendon structure, such as degeneration, inflammation, or injury. Further evaluation is often needed to determine the underlying cause of this heterogeneity.
I don t know
Homogeneity means that the statistical properties of the variable which is being studied remain the same across the population. Heterogeneity means that they do not: it could be that the mean changes between different subsets of the population or the variance does.
intangibility inseparable heterogeneity perishability fiduciary responsibility
Geoffrey Lacey has written: 'Platelet subpopulation heterogeneity'
Mel G. Catre has written: 'Platelet heterogeneity'
Diana Van Lancker has written: 'Heterogeneity in language and speech'