


Arthropods have segmented bodies and exoskeletons. Some types of arthropods are crustaceans, insects, and arachnids.

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Can humans be double jointed?

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How does the characteristics of an insect different from an arthropod?

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An insect is an arthropod. Arthropods are a phylum of animals characterized by their jointedappendages, segmented body's, and their exoskeletons, so an insect, arachnid, crustacean, etc. Insects are just part of the larger group the arthropods, but insects are characterized from other classes of arthropods by their six legs, compound eyes, one pair of antennae, and three segmented body (Head, thorax, abdomen).

What arthropods lack jaws?

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class cyclostomata are without jaws

there eg are :



Why do you think Arthropods outnumber all other of the other phyla of invertebrates?

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The lower an organism is in the food chain the greater its population.

Do lobsters have appendages?

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Yes, lobsters are one of the creatures that are capable of regenerating limbs. Also, lobsters have been known to cut off their own limbs as a survival mechanism too.

What are two characteristics of chitin that make it a good material for exoskeleton and wings?

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Chitin has two notably good qualities as an exoskeleton. Since it is a type of protein, it is relatively easy for arthropods to make. And it is quite tough. Its properties are similar to the protein keratin, which is used by mammals for making hair, nails, and horns.

Do both nematodes and arthropods possess an external covering or cuticle?

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Yes. A nematode is covered by a tough cuticle that is periodically shed through ecdysis.

What are 5 animals that are arthropods?

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  1. Trilobites

  2. Chelicerates

  3. Myriapods

  4. Hexapods

  5. Crustaceans

How Arthropods alike?

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they all have exo skeleton

Are arthropods unicellular?

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No. A unicellular organism is an organism made up of ONE CELL, so they're all microscopic. Microscopic means that you can't see it it without a microscope. And you can see a sea urchin, so it is not microscopic, so it's not unicellular.

What are some key features of arthropods?

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An arthropod is an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages. Arthropods are members of the phylumArthropoda(from Greek ἄρθρον arthron, "joint", and ποδός podos"foot", which together mean "jointed feet"), and include the insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and others. Arthropods are characterized by their jointed limbs and cuticles, which are mainly made of α-chitin; the cuticles of crustaceans are also biomineralized with calcium carbonate. The rigid cuticle inhibits growth, so arthropods replace it periodically by molting. The arthropodbody plan consists of repeated segments, each with a pair of appendages. It is so versatile that they have been compared to Swiss Army knives, and it has enabled them to become the most species-rich members of all ecological guilds in most environments. They have over a million described species, making up more than 80% of all described living animal species, and are one of only two animal groups that are very successful in dry environments - the other being the amniotes. They range in size from microscopic planktonup to forms a few meters long.

What are the key structures of arthropods?

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Arthropods are characterized by segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages. They have an internal body cavity (hemocoel) and an open circulatory system which employs hemolymph, a fluid that does not distinguish between interstitial fluid like lymph and oxygen carrying fluid like blood as in most vertebrates. They use a copper-based oxygen carrier molecule instead of the iron-based hemoglobin, which floats unbound around in the hemolymph and is not bound to blood cell proteins. They do not have a dedicated and separate branch of their circulatory system just to oxygenate; internal organs (and cells) are simply bathed in this fluid. Their nervous system is 'ladder-like' on their ventral surface, and their brains formed around the esophagus from fused segment nerve ganglia.

What is the blue morph butterflies defenses?

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Some of these adaptations of butterflies

are that they can fly

and also they pollinate flowers.

How many arthropods are they in the world?

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The true count of living arthropods at any given moment on Earth is unknown but some estimates place it at around ten quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) which is over a billion for every human.

Three main features of arthropods?

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The head, thorax and abdomen are one so a three peice body, three pirs of legs and I can not think of the third...

What makes a crab an arthropod?

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yes, because it has its skeleton on the outside (its shell)

What type of muscles do arthropods have?

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They have muscles like us, except theirs are smaller and are connected to the inside of their exoskeletons, instead of wrapping around the endoskeleton like we have.

Is a slug an arthopod?

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Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Superorder: Heterobranchia
Order: Pulmonata

What describes the legs of all anthropods?

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The name for phylum Arthropoda is derived from "jointed legs" or jointed feet, and arthropods live up to that name. Because of the rigidity of the exoskeleton, joints are apparent in any of their mobile appendages; not just legs but some specialized appendages like swimmerets for aquatic arthropods, antennae, wings, all evidence some kind of jointing. Legs themselves may have specialized adaptations; some insects hear or taste with special organs on the legs or feet. Some crustaceans have legs bearing claws (chela) called chelipeds.

What arthropod has 3 body sections and 1 pair of antenna?

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You are describing insects.

All insects have 6 legs, one pair of antennas and three body sections.

Some examples are:

  • Ants
  • Beetles
  • Wasps

What do arthropods do?

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Arthropods are not just insects--they are very interesting animals, smaller then a beetle & a lighter color.

I have had experience with arthropods, a.k.a. rolly pollys, so I know a lot about them. Arthropods move much faster then beetles, smaller, lightening in color, and much younger. They are still in their developing stage to become strong darkling beetles!

There are 2 ways to hold an arthropod:

1. Beginner way:

If you are just a beginner hold the little critters, gently pick up your arthropod and scoop it up on a spoon (make sure it is NOT upside down! arthoropods could die if they are upside down too long because they can't get themselves up) After scooping it up in your spoon, gently put it on your PALM and curl your hands LIGHTLY to let it feel safe. Let it crawl around and when you are done with it, gently put it back in the container using the spoon.

2. Experienced way:

If you are an experienced expert with arthropods, it will be easy for you! Pick up your arthropod. You don't need it with a spoon if you know a lot abuot their life cycle. Gently put it on your hand and let it crawl around, making sure it's safe. Experienced experts with arthropods can also let them crawl on their arm, and even a pencil!

make sure if you are a beginner arthropod holder, that you make sure you're not scared of the insects. Being scared can cause serious injuries or even death to the arthropod, so be careful! Ask an expert to help you if you need help. You'll soon get used to it. =)

Hope this info helped!


What are 3 major arthropod?

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An arthropod is an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages. Arthropods are members of the phylum Arthropoda, which together mean "jointed leg", and include the insects,arachnids, and crustaceans. (Ant, Spider and Crab)

Is krill an arthropod?

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No, krill are a type of fish that whales feed on. They are very small.