


Geographically, elevation refers to the geometric height after a fixed reference point. Elevations can be measured by using the Earth’s sea level and the Earth’s center as reference points, but the former is used more commonly.

500 Questions

What is the term for how high something is above sea level?

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Elevation is the term for how high something is above sea level.

What is the elevation of Nyamuragira?

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Nyamuragira volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo has an elevation of approximately 3,058 meters (10,033 feet) above sea level.

What is meant by average sea level?

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Average sea level refers to the average height of the ocean's surface, taking into account factors like tides and other short-term variations. It serves as a reference point for measuring elevation and understanding changes in sea levels over time due to factors like climate change.

Is Michigan above or below sea level?

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The average elevation in Michigan is around 900 feet above sea level. However, the specific elevation can vary depending on location within the state.

What would the earth look like if crust above sea level?

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If all the crust above sea level were removed, the Earth would essentially resemble a giant ocean planet with no landmasses visible. The entire surface would be covered by water, leading to a vast global ocean.

What is the elevation above sea level in Bakersfield CA?

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The elevation above sea level in Bakersfield, California is approximately 404 feet.

What locations on earth are 6000 feet or above?

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Some examples of locations on Earth that are 6000 feet or above in elevation include parts of the Rocky Mountains in North America, the Andes Mountains in South America, the Himalayas in Asia, and the Ethiopian Highlands in Africa. These regions are known for their varying topography and high-altitude environments.

Why Sea level appears higher than land?

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Sea level appears higher than land because water bodies, such as oceans and seas, cover a large portion of the Earth's surface, leading to the sea level being the average height of the ocean's surface. In contrast, landmasses vary in elevation, with some areas being higher and some lower than the sea level. This difference in elevation between land and sea level creates the perception that the sea is higher than land.

Awhat is a beach called above present sea level?

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A beach above present sea level is known as a fossil beach or a raised beach. These beaches were formed at sea level in the past but have been lifted up by geological processes to their current elevation.

What physical characteristic of the bedrock are responsible for the oldest rock remaining at the highest elevation?

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The oldest rock remains at the highest elevation due to its resistance to erosion, typically because it is composed of hard, resistant materials like granite or quartzite. These rocks are able to withstand weathering processes better than surrounding rock types, allowing them to be preserved at higher elevations over long periods of time.

What elevation is Christchurch above sea level?

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Christchurch, New Zealand has an average elevation of about 13 meters (43 feet) above sea level. However, specific areas of the city can range from sea level to higher elevations depending on their location.

What is pressure 1 mile below sea level?

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Pressure 1 mile below sea level is approximately 1,525 pounds per square inch (psi). This is due to the weight of the water column above exerting pressure on the depth below.

What is the lowest point of the coastal area of the earth?

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The lowest point of the coastal area on Earth is the shoreline of the Dead Sea, which sits at approximately 1,412 feet (430.5 meters) below sea level.

What is sea level of stonington ct?

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The sea level in Stonington, CT is approximately 0 feet above sea level.

What will happen if sea level get higher?

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Rising sea levels can lead to increased flooding, erosion of coastlines, loss of coastal habitats, and displacement of communities living in low-lying areas. It can also contribute to saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources, impacting agriculture and ecosystems. Global efforts are needed to mitigate the causes of sea level rise, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing adaptation strategies.

Is Maine above or below sea level?

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Maine's average elevation is above sea level, with the highest point being Mount Katahdin at 5,267 feet. The state also has a significant coastline along the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the lowest point in South Carolina and the feet?

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The lowest point in South Carolina is the Atlantic Ocean, which is at sea level.

What is Eustatic sea level change?

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Eustatic sea level change refers to fluctuations in sea level worldwide caused by factors such as melting ice sheets or changes in the volume of ocean basins due to tectonic activity. It is a global phenomenon that affects all coastlines uniformly, rather than being specific to a particular region.

Why new orland is below sea level?

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New Orleans is below sea level because it was built on a delta where the Mississippi River drains into the Gulf of Mexico. The natural sinking of the land, erosion, and human activities like draining wetlands and oil extraction have all contributed to its current elevation below sea level. Additionally, the city's location makes it vulnerable to flooding from storms and hurricanes.

Approximately how much of earth's surface is above sea level?

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About 29% of Earth's surface is above sea level, with the remaining 71% covered by oceans.

How does elevation affect the rate at which rock weathering?

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Higher elevations generally experience more rapid rates of physical weathering due to the presence of increased freeze-thaw cycles. These cycles occur when water seeps into cracks in rocks, expands as it freezes, and then thaws, causing the rock to break apart. On the other hand, chemical weathering may be slower at higher elevations due to lower temperatures and reduced presence of moisture, which are necessary for chemical reactions to occur.

How much of Earth's surface is above sea level?

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Approximately 29% of Earth's surface is above sea level, while the remaining 71% is covered by oceans.

How many meters is putney park sydney above sea level?

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Putney Park in Sydney is approximately 13 meters above sea level.

Can you use a barometer below sea level?

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Yes, a barometer can be used below sea level to measure atmospheric pressure. However, the reading may be slightly affected by the pressure of the water above it, which needs to be accounted for to obtain an accurate measurement.

What is The lowest unit level of digital data?

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The lowest unit level of digital data is a bit. A bit is the basic unit of information in computing and represents a binary value of either 0 or 1.