

Akita Dog

The Akita is a large Japanese spitz dog breed. These are two types of Akita - the Japanese variety and the American variety. Both are sometimes classified as separate breeds. Both types are Akitas tend to be strong-willed and independent and they may be aggressive towards people and animals if not socialized properly.

310 Questions

Are Japanese Akita dogs hypoallergenic?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, they shed alot and that means that they are bad for people that have allergies

What kind of companion dog is good for akita husky dog?

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Asked by Wiki User

They are loyal and loving friends to have around the house, i would know because some people i know have them:)

What is the area of Akita City?

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The area of Akita City is 905.67 square kilometers.

Will a akita dog turn on you?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Akita is known for being feisty, so you should be wary of one when you first see it, and ask the owner for permission before approaching it.

However, they are very affectionate towards their family. An Akita will protect his/her family in a dangerous situation, and would probably go after a fire breathing dragon if that was the case.

If you are introduced to an Akita, take some time and let it learn that you are not a threat. Akitas are independent by nature, so do not try to force a relationship.

Where are the akita dogs on the 700 smartest dog list?

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Asked by Wiki User

Their right at the 700

Where do the akita dogs live?

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Akita's come from Japan. But can be found living anywhere in the world.

How do Akita dogs fare in hot weather?

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Asked by Cicibark

Well this year, it got up to 110+ in NC. Everyone was at school and work during they day. My dog was fine, didnt get sick or anything, but when I got home, I brought her straight into the house.

What is the bite pressure of an Akita dog?

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Asked by Wiki User

The bite pressure of the Akita Inu (Odate styled) is 700 psi, equal to that of a lion.

Is there a type of dog called a American akita?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, although they are frequently simply called Akitas. Since roughly around WWII there has been some split between the American (and, more generally, Western) strains of the Akita breed and the Japanese strains; bred to different standards and in some cases extracted from different starting bloodlines, the strains developed in quite different directions until you get what there is today--two very distinct types of dogs that at one time were the same breed, but are now increasingly coming to be considered two distinct breeds.

The American Akita is generally larger and has more variation in color than its Japanese cousin. Temperaments also differ significantly, although both breeds are very large and powerful dogs with some tendency toward aloofness. Most people strongly prefer one type over the other. Most of the Akita breeders I am familiar with produce the American type, which is more common in North America and much of Europe. They say that the American type is generally somewhat more affectionate and has fewer near-feral traits, whereas the Japanese type tends to act more like the much smaller Shiba, but I've never met a Japanese type dog in person and thus truly don't know.

In the United States the two are still registered as the same breed, although mixing them is discouraged. The American type is what is shown in AKC shows, and although nothing is directly preventing a Japanese-type dog from competing, it would be unlikely to place highly against the American standard. My understanding is that both types are fairly frequently seen in Europe, and the FCI has started to register the two breeds as separate breeds--the American Akita and the Akita Inu.

Is an Akita the strongest dog in the world?

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No, they are 2nd strongest. The strongest dog in the world is the Kurdish Shepard Dog.

Are Shiba Inus and Akitas the same breed of dog?

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No they are not, you can tell because the Akita tend to grow much bigger that the shiba inu. They are related to one another,but they are different.

What is psi of an akita?

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What is the best dry dog food for an akita?

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Nutro dog food is really good for an akita because it keeps them healthy and helps them grow. Thanks ERIC

Which dog is better Akita or Labrador?

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Akita's are very independent. They are difficult to train and are big dogs that can be imposing.

Labradors are very loyal and willing to please. They are easily trained and are very common.

It depends what you want from the dog which is better for you.

Which city is northeast of Akita?

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In Japan the city northeast of Akita is Hachinohe.

Is an Akita a good dog to be home alone during the day?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes they are,I have 3 akitas and they stay home all the time they just sleep and wait till you get home,in japan were akitas first came from they trained the dogs to watch kids when the parents were gone.

How long does an Akita live?

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Asked by Jordyn Watson

The average lifespan of Akita is around 10 to 13 years. Akita has a similar lifespan to other large size breeds such as German Shepherd and Golden Retriever. ... Large size dog breeds like Akita usually live shorter because of more genetic disorders and early aging. They aged more quickly than small size breeds.

What dog is bigger husky or akitas?

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Akitas are taller and heavier than Huskies.

Here's more about them,

Is a Japanese Akita the strongest dog?

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Akitas are large, powerful dogs - but no - there are stronger dogs. They usually have a very strong and independent personality.