


Argon is a noble gas, and the third most common gas in the earth's atmosphere.

500 Questions

Is argon harmful to the environment?

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Argon itself is a non-toxic and inert gas that is naturally present in the atmosphere. It does not react with other chemicals in the environment and is not considered harmful. However, large-scale release of argon due to human activities can contribute to global warming as it is a greenhouse gas.

Are neon and argon of stable or unstable and why?

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Neon and argon are stable because they have a full outer electron shell, resulting in low reactivity. This makes them chemically inert and less likely to form compounds with other elements.

Why do helium neon argon have a 0 valency?

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Helium, neon, and argon have a full outer electron shell, making them stable and chemically non-reactive. They each have a valency of 0 because they do not need to gain, lose, or share electrons to attain a stable electron configuration.

How many moles of argon are found in a 5L sample of argon at STP?

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At STP, 1 mole of any gas occupies 22.4 L. Therefore, in a 5L sample of argon at STP, there would be 5/22.4 moles of argon, which is approximately 0.223 moles.

Does argon have thermal conductivity?

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Yes, argon does have thermal conductivity. It is a poor conductor of heat compared to other gases like helium and hydrogen, but it can still transfer heat through conduction. Argon is commonly used as an insulator in double-paned windows or in industrial applications where low thermal conductivity is desired.

What is the Latin name for the element Argon?

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The Latin name for the element Argon is "Argon." In the periodic table, its chemical symbol is Ar, and it has an atomic number of 18.

What is the mass of 7 moles of argon?

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The molar mass of argon is approximately 39.948 g/mol. Therefore, the mass of 7 moles of argon is 7 moles x 39.948 g/mol = 279.636 g.

How can argon be made?

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Argon is typically extracted from the air through a process called cryogenic distillation. It involves cooling air to extremely low temperatures to separate its components, including argon. Once separated, the argon is purified to remove impurities and can then be collected and stored for various industrial uses.

What is argon is it solid or liguid or gas?

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At normal temperature and pressure, it is a gas.

Why is argon used as a gas in welding?

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Argon is used in welding because it is an inert gas, which means it does not react with the molten metal during the welding process. This helps prevent oxidation and other impurities from forming in the weld, resulting in a stronger and more durable bond. Argon also provides a stable arc during welding, making it easier to control the welding process.

Why does helium have a higher ionization than argon?

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Helium has a higher ionization energy than argon because helium has a smaller atomic size and a full valence shell, making it more stable and requiring more energy to remove an electron. Argon, being a larger atom with more electron shielding, has a lower ionization energy as the electrons are further away from the nucleus and experience less attraction.

What mass of arsenic in grams contains the same number of atoms as 39.95 g of Argon?

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The molar mass of arsenic is 74.92 g/mol, and the molar mass of argon is 39.95 g/mol. Since the same number of atoms is present in equal masses, you'd set up a ratio of their molar masses to find the mass of arsenic equivalent to 39.95 g of argon. This gives you (74.92 g/mol) / (39.95 g/mol) = 1.874. Therefore, the mass of arsenic equivalent to 39.95 g of argon is 1.874 x 39.95 g = 74.84 g.

Is argon a heavier gas than Carbon Dioxide?

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Yes, argon is heavier than carbon dioxide. Argon is a noble gas that is denser than the diatomic molecule carbon dioxide, which consists of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

Is argon less likely to react with other elements?

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Argon is an inert gas, meaning it is very stable and does not readily react with other elements. It is unlikely to form compounds due to its full outer electron shell which makes it chemically inert.

Why argon is used in welding?

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Argon is used in welding because it is an inert gas that protects the weld area from atmospheric contamination. It creates a stable environment that reduces oxidation and improves the quality of the weld by preventing defects like porosity. Additionally, argon's high thermal conductivity helps to create a consistent and smooth weld bead.

What is the orgin of argons name?

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The name "argon" comes from the Greek word "argos," meaning "lazy" or "inactive," reflecting its lack of chemical reactivity. Argon was first isolated in 1894 by Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay as a component of air that did not react with other elements.

What column is helium neon and argon in?

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Helium and neon are in the same group, Group 18 (Noble Gases), also known as Group 8A. Argon is also in Group 18.

Is argon cheap or expensive why?

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Argon is considered a relatively inexpensive gas compared to others because it is plentiful in the Earth's atmosphere. However, its price can vary depending on factors like supply and demand, transportation costs, and purity levels required for specific applications.

What is the boiling and melting point for argon?

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The boiling point of argon is -185.85 degrees Celsius, and the melting point is -189.34 degrees Celsius. Argon is a noble gas that is commonly found in the Earth's atmosphere.

What is the age of a mineral that contains 25 percent parent and potassium 40 and argon 40 and 75 percent daughter and the half life potassium 40 is 1.25 billion years?

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The age of the mineral can be estimated using the ratio of parent to daughter isotopes. With 25% parent (K40) and 75% daughter (Ar40), this would correspond to three half-lives since 25% is reduced by half three times to reach 75%. Given the half-life of K40 is 1.25 billion years, the age of the mineral would be approximately 3.75 billion years old.

What happens if you mix nitrogen with argon?

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When nitrogen is mixed with argon, the properties of the mixture will depend on the ratio of the two gases. Argon is a noble gas that is inert and does not react easily with other substances, while nitrogen is also relatively inert. The resulting mixture would most likely retain characteristics of both gases without any significant chemical reactions occurring.

Is argon a cation or an anion?

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Argon is a noble gas, meaning it does not typically form ions. It exists as a neutral atom with no net charge.

Why is argon used in inductively coupled plasma optic emission spectroscopy?

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Argon is used in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) because it is an inert gas that does not readily react with the sample being analyzed or with the plasma. This helps maintain a stable plasma temperature for accurate and precise elemental analysis. Additionally, argon provides efficient energy transfer from the plasma to the sample, aiding in the excitation and emission of analyte atoms.

What group and what period does argon belong to?

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Argon belongs to the noble gases group on the periodic table, which is Group 18. These gases are known for their stable and non-reactive nature due to having a full outer electron shell. Argon is located in the third period of the periodic table.

What ion is argon is mostly likely to form in compounds?

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Argon is a noble gas and typically does not form compounds with other elements due to its stable electron configuration.