

Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller was an American playwright of the mid 20th century, known for such works as The Crucible, and Death of a Salesman.

332 Questions

What does the quote Where choice begins innocence ends by Arthur Miller?

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It means that once you make a choice, you're responsible, and "guilty" of it.

What committee did Arthur Miller have to attend in 1956?

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The House of Un-American Activities committee. I got this from one of his brographies so it must be right.

Why did arthur miller change what actually happened in the Salem witch trials to write his book?

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Arthur Miller was trying mirror McCarthyism to make a point with his book so he had to doctor some facts to make them fit. He also had to tell a story so what he wrote about had to be interesting.

What would Arthur Miller say would make the best tragic hero for a modern play and a modern audience?

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Arthur Miller would say that a typical working man or woman would make the best tragic hero for a modern play and a modern audience.

How and why was Arthur Miller accused for being a communist and what was the result?

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Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible, a story of Puritan Settlers in Salem which was widely viewed as a lampoon of sorts on senator McCarthy's pursuit of communists. In The Crucible, people are judged by an incompetent who takes as true, the wild accusations of a group of adolescent girls.

Might Arthur Miller think would make the best modern tragic hero?

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Arthur Miller might think that a working woman facing prejudice in a male-dominated business world would make a good modern tragic hero.

Why did Arthur miller choose to write a novel about a692 and the Salem witch trials?

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They are easy to compare to McCarthyism and Miller was trying to make a point about McCarthyism. The Trials are also different enough that he could not get in trouble for writing about them to write about a senator.

How long was Arthur miller married to Mary slattery?

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Arthur Miller was married to his first wife, Mary Slattery for 16 years until they divorced in 1956.

Arthur Miller later remarried to american actress, Marilyn Monroe and austrian bookwright, Inge Morath.

What do all Arthur Miller dramas have in common?

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There are two things they all have in common:

1) They are all by Arthur Miller


2) They are all Dramas

How did Arthur Miller respond to the American Dream in his plays?

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He showed that a lot of people work very hard for very little

Arthur Miller was charged with 'Contempt of Congress' What did he refuse to do?

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He refused to disclose the names of fellow writers that were allegedly involved with the Communist party or that held Communist sympathies.

What event did Arthur miller compare the witch trials?

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The McCarthyism of the 1950.

Which Greek dramatist had a big influence on Arthur Miller?

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Sphocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus

Arthur Miller is considered a social dramatist because?

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A.his plays deal with significant social issues the entire society grapples with.

How does Arthur Miller use stage directions to further develop the interactions between his characters?

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Arthur Miller uses stage directions to further develop the interactions between his characters by telling the characters when to interact and different sequences.