


The axolotl, or Mexican salamander, is known as a walking fish. However, it is not a fish at all. It is actually an amphibian. Axolotls have gills outside of their bodies, which have a fringed appearance.

224 Questions

Axolotl is in a food chain?

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Yes, axolotls are part of the food chain as they are a predator to smaller organisms like insects, small fish, and larvae. They may also serve as prey to larger animals like birds, fish, and mammals.

Does a Mexican axolotl make any sound?

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No, Mexican axolotls are generally mute and do not make vocalizations or sounds. They primarily rely on their vision, smell, and tactile senses to navigate their environment and communicate with other axolotls.

What vertebrate class is an axolotl?

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The axolotl is in the vertebrate classification of amphibians.

What is the scientific name for the Mexican axolotl?

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The scientific name for the Mexican axolotl is Ambystoma mexicanum.

When was Axolotl by Julio Cortazar written?

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"Axolotl" by Julio Cortázar was written in 1956.

How long can axolotls carry eggs for?

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100-1000 eggs

What animals are like the Axolotl?

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Axolotls are also referred to as "Mexican walking fish" in Australia and New Zealand, but they are not fish. They are amphibians, specifically, salamanders. They are native to the lakes of the Mexican basin underneath and around Mexico City. The axolotl differs from normal amphibians in that the larva (the equivalent of a tadpole in frogs) never undergoes full metamorphosis to adult form. It keeps its gills and fins, and it doesn't develop the protruding eyes, eyelids and characteristics of other adult salamanders. Unlike other amphibians, it needs to remain under water. It does have basic lungs, but breathing is done almost completely through its gills, and partially through its skin as well.

Do axolotls live in texas?

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How does the Mexican axolotl obtain nutrients?

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Once every few days, though naturally a bottom feeder an axie should be taught to hand-feed as this can prevent swallowing of gravel (though you should really makes sure it can't fit in his mouth anyway) and it should be cut into cubes less than a centimetre. He eats quickly and once he grips hold of his dinner, he won't let go! He swallows his food whole so should not be fed anything bigger than his mouth.

What does the Axolotl do?

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If theyre eating live food they just suck it in.They don't really attack.

What can help save the axolotl from becoming extinct?

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i dont know but i need to know!

What year did the Axolotl become not endangered?

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It's still endangered. However, it hasn't been listed on the "Endangered Species Act", just on IUCN's Red List.

How does axolotl raise their young?

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The male axolotl will swim around and deposit 5-25 spermataphores (packets of sperm) before then trying to lure a female axolotl to collect them. The female picks up the sperm (from one or more of the spermataphores) in her cloaca. A cloaca is an opening in the female axolotl. After a few days or even possibly a few hours, the female will lay eggs. she can lay anywhere between 100-1000 eggs, but this is dependant on her size. about 3 weeks later, more or less, these eggs will hatch, thus the reproductive cycle continues as these offspring will grow up to do exactly the same as just described. Have a nice day.

Do axolotls live in cold or hot water?

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they have to or else the larvae will die

What states are axolotls legal?

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Every state except for NJ and CA

Are blue axolotl's real?

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Axolotls are real, they do exist.

What do you need for a axolotl?

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Axolotl Facts

Pronounced: ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl

Origin: Mexico City

Albino: Origin Reared in captivity

Temperature: Keep in Unheated Aquarium 50-68F *No higher

Attitude: Frequent biter of tank mates

Issues: Will eat gravel

Security: None needed

Foods: worms, insect larva, crustaceans, fish, crickets

Supplements: None needed

Housing: At least a gallon of water per axolotl

Water: Clean water preferably hard

Introduction to Axolotls

The Axolotl is very unique. The axolotl is a type of salamander, native to Mexico. It's scientific name is Ambystoma mexicanum. The common pet or laboratory Axolotl refers exclusively to A. mexicanum, although in Mexico the term Axolotl is used in reference to several species of Ambystoma, and is considered an edible food source.

The Axolotl is neotenic, meaning that it doesn't routinely undergo metamorphosis from the larval to adult form, as happens with most other salamanders. Instead, the larval form (with gills) becomes sexually mature and reproduces, maintaining a strictly aquatic life style. Under some circumstances, the Axolotl can undergo metamorphosis into a terrestrial from, although this can be stressful on the animal.

The Axolotl has amazing regenerative abilities- if injured, even to the point of losing a body part, the Axolotl will heal readily and even regenerate lost bits. Because Axolotls have the ability to regenerate lost body parts, axolotls are probably one of the most scientifically studied for this reason. They are fairly hardy creatures that can be expected to live up to 10-15 years with attention to proper care, particularly with respect ot water quality. Can grow up to 12 inches. Weight is from 2 to 8 oz. Their skin and gills are very sensitive and quite soft, so handling is not recommended any more than is necessary. Because they can exchange air through moist skin, they can survive outside of water for short periods, as long as their skin is not allowed to dry out.

Juvenile axolotls can be cannibalistic towards each other, so they are best raised in separate enclosures. Adults can potentially be housed together but watch for cannibalistic tendencies. Of course, if a body part gets bitten off by a tank mate, an axolotl can regenerate it over time.

Buy, For Sale, Selling, Price, Purchase, Cost, Sale, at; Axolotls Care Facts Axolotls (ambystoma mexicanum) Axolotls should not share their living space with other animals especially fish smaller than the mouth of the Axolotl will eat them. Also the fish will go after the axolotl's external gills. Axolotls 16 months and older Axolotls can live with other Axolotls because their cannibalistic phase should be over. TEMPERTURE The temperature of the aquarium is very important should be between 57 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Lower temperatures result in slow moving salamanders with slower metabolism, while higher temperatures than 68 causes stress. Too warm and the axolotl will die. If it is too cold this will only slow their metabolism. HOUSING Axolotls are entirely aquatic under normal circumstances and so fish tanks are the ideal home. But give your Axolotl enough room to move around. So an adult Axolotl should be kept in an aquarium at least 20 inches in length. Larger or more numerous Axolotls require larger tanks. The Axolotl's tank should have about 6 to 10 inches of water in it. Filters are essential as Axolotls produce a lot of waste. However Axolotls will eat gravel in the tank so it is a good idea to use no gravel or to use smooth rocks that are lager than the size of the Axolotl mouth. The water should be calm. They enjoy having plants, caves, and other decorations to hide in. WATER Water quality as essential for keeping bacteria low in your tank so it is recommended that you do 20 % of the water change should be done once a week. Taking time required to do water changes each week will greatly extend the life of your Axolotls. You should keep the water flow at a minimum because the water current can cause your Axolotls to be stressed from fighting the current. You will see that the Axolotl spend most of the time in the same spot, moving their gills occasionally to disperse carbon dioxide and circulate new oxygen. The water in the Axolotl's aquarium should have a pH of between 6.5 and 8. It should be free of chlorine. Axolotls prefer relatively hard water. If the tap water available is soft, it can be supplemented with added salts such as Holtfreter's and Steinberg's solutions. LIGHTING Axolotls have a low light requirement so the lighting should be fluorescent light with a low wattage lamp. Don't use bright lights or lights that generate any heat. Axolotl's eyes have no eyelids to protect them. FEEDING In their native habitat, axolotls eat the abundant small fauna, including snails, worms, and crustaceans, various small invertebrates such as daphnia, and small fish and amphibian. They will in fact eat just about anything that will fit into their mouth, but this doesn't mean they should. Generally they can be fed beef heart and other frozen or fresh carnivore's foods. Special axolotl food is also available. Avoid feeding them mince or other budget meats as they cannot tolerate fats. Any food that the axolotl doesn't eat should be removed after 24 hours otherwise it will begin to go rotten and spoil the water quality. Similarly any solid waste material should also be removed. If your axolotl is not eating be sure to check the water quality and temperature. GENERAL Axolotls are unique and easy to keep. Providing you maintain their water conditions they can live for up to 15 years and make an excellent pet and companion, no biting and no claws that can hurt. I you are in the USA, Axolotls can only be purchased within the United States. For additional information please look at my Bio Page. ====== ======

How often do you have to put salt in a axolotl tank?

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I would say that it would depend on the specie. You should spot clean feaces as soon as you see it so a full clean out could probably be done once a week maybe a bit longer

Do axolotls fight for food?

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no, they are carnivore's.