

Battle of Midway

The Battle of Midway was fought from June 4 to June 7, 1942 between the United States Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy. It was part of the World War II Pacific Campaign, and was fought at the Midway Atoll.

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What is the name of the us carrier that was part of the doolittle raid and the Battle of Midway?

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The USS Enterprise (CV-6) and USS Hornet (CV-8) both participated in the Doolittle Raid and the Battle of Midway. Hornet carried and launched the 16 B-25's of the Doolittle Raiders while Enterprise provided the air cover for the task force. At the Battle of Midway, the two carriers comprised Task Force 16 while Yorktown was the only carrier in Task Force 17.

Why is the Battle of Midway considered the turning point of the war?

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Asked by Mtell22

It was considered the turning point of the war because 250 Japanese planes were destroyed, which started the beginning of island jumping to Japan.

What were the us aircraft carriers in the Battle of Midway?

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first answer: The US carriers at Midway were the Lexington, Hornet, and Yorktown.

More correct answer:

CV-5 Yorktown

CV-6 Enterprise

CV-8 Hornet

The CV-2 Lexington "Lady Lex" had been sunk at the Battle of Coral Sea the previous month, otherwise it would have participated. The CV-5 Yorktown was damaged in the Battle of Coral Sea and almost missed the Battle of Midway. It was sunk in this battle. The CV-6 Enterprise, "Big E" survived this battle and the war. The CV-8 Hornet which had earlier launched the B-25 Doolittle Raid on Japan, survived this battle, but was sunk later in the year.

Did the Battle of Midway destroy the Japanese navy?

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not totally but we sank many Japanese ship including aircraft carriers preventing the kamakazies from bombing the American ships

Who fought in Battle of Midway and who was victorious?

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America vs Japan

Americans won.

Who took control of guadalcanal in the Battle of Midway?

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The Battle of Guadalcanal was an entirely different battle from the Battle of Midway and did not occur until two months after Midway.

Who led the US in the Battle of Midway?

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Admiral Chester Nimitz .

What were the names of the 4 Japanese ships sunk in the Battle of Midway?

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The aircraft carriers Akagi, Kaga, Soryu and Hiryu were sunk and also the heavy cruiser Mikuma.

Can someone summarize the World War 2 Battle of Midway in 2 sentences?

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The Japanese Navy tried to ambush the American Navy but the Americans broke the Japanese codes and knew about it, so they set up their own ambush. The battle mainly involved aircraft carriers, and ended with the victorious US losing one carrier and the Japanese losing all of their carriers, thereby crippling their Navy for the rest of the war.

Was the Battle of Midway fought on the ocean?

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Very much so. The Island of Midway is a small atoll a little over 2 square miles that is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 1,500 miles NW of Hawaii. That was the only piece of land in the entire battle and the Japanese never set foot on it.

The battle was considered the most decisive battle of WWII in the Pacific as it effectively wiped out the Japanese carrier fleet (4 carriers sunk) and their best pilots and turned the war into the Allies favor. The losses were irreplaceable to the Japanese because of their limited resources and shipyards and very long training programs for pilots.

What was the main impact of the Battle of Midway island?

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The main impact was the turning point of the Naval war in the Pacific. Prior to Midway, the Allies were fighting an uphill battle against the Japanese Navy. After Midway, the Japanese Navy was fighting an uphill battle with the Allies.

Why was the us victory at the Battle of Midway significant?

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The US victory at Midway was significant because it was the first ever major naval battle which Japan lost. That meant a lot. It also meant the loss of 4 veteran aircraft carriers.

Japan's aircraft squadrons were permanently allocated to their carriers in which they had trained and fought for almost 5 years. The US Navy, on the other hand, regularly moved squadrons from one carrier to another and even moved pilots from fighter to bomber squadrons and back again. Japan did not have the capacity or the time to train new squadrons, build new carriers and combine them into a fighting force.

What ship was Nimitz on during Battle of Midway?

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nimitz wasn't on any naval vessel. he was in sick bay with a highly itching skin rash.

actually this is incorrect, it is true that Nimitz was not present, he was in Pearl Harbor. however he was not the one with dermatitis, Bull Halsey was the one down with the rash, Raymond Spruance actually took temporay command of Halsey's carrier group for him during the Midway campaign

What events led to the Battle of Midway?

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Following the inconclusive Battle of the Coral Sea (May, 1942) Japan realized that the US carriers (while outnumbered) represented a threat to their continued landing operations. They sought to engage the US carriers in a decisive battle and establish a forward position on Midway Island.
Unfortunately, things went wrong. Of the three Japanese carriers that fought at Coral Sea, one was lost and the other two needed repairs. That left 4 carriers to attack Midway. Also, the US had broken the Japanese Naval Code and knew where the fleet was going to be. A combination of skillful planning and fortuitous occurrences led to the destruction of all four Japanese carriers, while the US lost only the Yorktown.

Why was the Battle of Midway such an important battle?

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It was important because the US fleet destroyed or damaged the majority of the Japanese Imperial Navies carriers.

What made the Battle of Midway such a turning point in the pacific theater of world war 11?

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It was the first time the Allied Forces had soundly defeated the Japanese in a sea/air battle in the Pacific. This meant the morale went up in the war front and home front. It also meant the Japanese learned a hard lesson that they do not always win.

Why Americans won the Battle of Midway?

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The American code breakers at Pearl Harbor were, at almost the last minute, able to decode enough of Japanese radio messages to know that there would be a large-scale attack on Midway. For that reason, the American carriers, support ships, and later, a submarine, were hiding behind Midway when the Japanese struck. The American forces surprised the Japanese, sunk 4 of the aircraft carriers (The Hiryu, Soryu, Kaga, and Akagi) and other ships, with the result that the Japanese turned tail and steamed for home.