


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the air passages between the nose and the lungs, including the windpipe or trachea and the larger air tubes of the lung that bring air in from the trachea (bronchi), restricting air flow to and from the lungs. Acute, or short term, bronchitis is usually a viral infection, but can also be a bacterial infection and can heal without complications. Chronic, or long term, bronchitis is a sign of serious lung disease that may be slowed, but cannot be cured.

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Can i get pneumonia shot if i have bronchitis?

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I have asthma, and I will definitely get it myself, considering every time I get a nasty cold I need more medicines since it gets harder to breathe. I also don't want to give it to any of my family or friends. So I think you should, but if you don't know speak to your doctor about it.

Can you take flucloxacillin for bronchitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most bronchitis is viral and can't be cured by antibiotics. When antibiotics are tried, penicillin is not on the list.

What is the difference between acute and bacterial bronchitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Acute asthma, also known as allergic asthma, is triggered by allergens (dust mite feces, pollen, etc...) activating mast cells located beneath the mucosa of the lower airways of respiratory tract. Activation of mast cells triggers release of granules that stimulate the nasal epithelium to produce mucus and subsequent contraction of smooth muscle within the airway. This contraction of smooth muscle constricts the airway, causing the characteristic asthmatic wheezing.

Chronic asthma is not caused by allergens, but rather a result of the inflammation obtained from acute asthma. The overall effects of acute asthma causes chronic inflammation, which causes the mucosal epithelium to become hypersensitive to environmental responses. So simple environmental agents, such as smoke, can stimulate the hypersensitive epithelium to produce large amounts of mucous and constrict.

What foods should you avoid if you have bronchiectasis?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to the US National Institutes of Health site (see link in related links section), the only recommendation found about foods and nutrition in bronchiectasis includes getting plenty of fluids and eating a healthy diet while following a healthy lifestyle. Avoid sodium, solid fats, processed grains, and sugar:

A healthy lifestyle also involves following a healthy diet. A healthy diet includes a variety of vegetables and fruits. It also includes whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, and protein foods, such as lean meats, poultry without skin, seafood, processed soy products, nuts, seeds, beans, and peas.

A healthy diet is low in sodium (salt), added sugars, solid fats, and refined grains. Solid fats are saturated fat and trans fatty acids. Refined grains come from processing whole grains, which results in a loss of nutrients (such as dietary fiber).

Staying hydrated also is important. Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, helps prevent airway mucus from becoming thick and sticky.

More from about bronchiectasis:

Bronchiectasis (brong-ke-EK-tah-sis) is a condition in which damage to the airways causes them to widen and become flabby and scarred. The airways are tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs.

Bronchiectasis often is caused by an infection or other condition that injures the walls of the airways or prevents the airways from clearing mucus. Mucus is a slimy substance. It helps remove inhaled dust, bacteria, and other small particles from the airways.

In bronchiectasis, your airways slowly lose their ability to clear out mucus. The mucus builds up, and bacteria begin to grow. This leads to repeated, serious lung infections.

Each infection causes more damage to the airways. Over time, the airways can't properly move air in and out of the lungs. As a result, the body's vital organs might not get enough oxygen.

Still more about bronchiectasis:

Bronchiectasis is a lung condition where your child's bronchi become too wide and build up mucus in them. Your child's bronchi are medium-sized airways (tubes) that carry air in and out of his lungs. Your child's lungs make mucus to trap and remove germs and irritants that he breathes in. The mucus made in his lungs is also called phlegm and sputum. Your child's airways are lined with ciliated cells that help move the mucus out of his lungs. With bronchiectasis, your child's airways are damaged and he will have trouble clearing the mucus out. The mucus stays in his airways and germs may grow in it, causing new and repeated lung infections. Over time, this can cause your child's airways to swell, stretch out, and scar.

How long to get over bronchitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

about 2 weeks i think

I presently have acute bronchitis and have had it for 4 weeks. Healing time is individual, based on prior health status, age and other contributing factors, like smoking and air pollutants. There is no definite answer for how long it will last.

What treatment exists for patients with acute bronchitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need to go see you doctor if you get this!

Antibiotics for the infection with additional paracetamol for the fever.

Ibuprofen could also be given for muscle pains and headaches.

What are the side effects of ciprofloxacn?

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Asked by Wiki User

Common side effects include stomach upset, diarrhea, light headedness, and headache. If these persist, worsen, or become severe, consult your doctor.

Cipro can also cause you to sunburn more easily than usual. Wear protective clothing, use a good sunscreen, and limit exposure to natural & artificial sunlight (tanning beds).

Cipro can rarely cause nerve, heart, and tendon problems. If you have concerns, speak with your doctor.

Please keep in mind that you have been prescribed this medicine because your doctor believes the risks are LESS than the benefits.

For a complete list of side effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

What types of pollution cause bronchitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Health unit corps god country

A. Particulate matter

C. Ozone

Should you work with bronchitis?

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Bronchitis is incredibly contagious especially because of the horrible cough that accompanies it.

Bronchitis is a disease of which organ?

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Asked by Wiki User

The suffix itis means inflammation. The Bronchi are the two tubes right after the trachea, and they take air that was in the trachea and send it to one of the two lungs. When you have bronchitis, a virus or bacteria infect the lining of the bronchi. Their natural reaction is to produce more mucus, and this causes the body to try to get rid of it by coughing violently. If not treated, some cases even turn into pneumonia.

Can animals get bronchitis?

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Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. Dogs can and do contract pneumonia and it is a very serious condition. Dogs in general have difficulty in fighting off pneumonia and may die or sustain permanent lung damage. They may develop pneumonia as a result of a simple viral infection, that is, a cold, and many veterinarians prefer to treat colds with antibiotics, knowing that they will not affect the course of the primary infection but may prevent pneumonia resulting from a secondary bacterial infection.

Is chronic asthmatic bronchitis contagious?

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Asthmatic bronchitis of any kind is not contagious.

Does synthetic weed cause bronchitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. Marijuana acts as a bronchiole dilator, sometimes helping asthmatics. It infacts helps the bronchioles, not damaging them in any way No. Marijuana acts as a bronchiole dilator, sometimes helping asthmatics. It infacts helps the bronchioles, not damaging them in any way

How many people die from bronchitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

The death rate extrapolations for USA for Chronic Bronchitis are: 1,172 per year, 97 per month, 22 per week, 3 per day

Is fluid on the lungs dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. It is very bad! never get any fluid in your lungs. just like when you have an ear infection, that means there is fluid in it and obviously, it cause an infection; hence the name ear INFECTION!!~ :) :D :p

How does bronchitis affect organisms?

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Asked by Wiki User

kabalo mo dapat ang mga answer sa wiki tinood pero bakit ngayon hindi tama


Who does bronchitis affect?

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Asked by Wiki User

any one can get bronchitis

What happens when you have bronchitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

It stops your air way which means you stop breathing and usally smokers have this

Can you take a cpap study with bronchitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

I used my cpap while I had bronchitis and it made me feel at ease because it opened up my airways and allowed me to take deeper breaths to breathe

What is the drug fluidasa mepifilina used to treat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, I got it this morning prescribed by my doctor, in Spain, Mijas Costa.... my baby is 11months old....and has a terrrible cough since 2 weeks.... I just googled on internet and got to this I wanted to know what mepiflina was.... regards,

Why do people have a fever in bronchitis or pneumonia?

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Asked by Cynthiabarksdale

because of infection, if there is an infection, probably it has bacteria that cause fever to the patient.