

Bud Not Buddy

The Newberry Award winning book, "Bud, Not Buddy" was written by Christopher Paul Curtis, and published in 1999. It is set during the Great Depression, and follows the quest of an abused foster child searching for his father.

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Is Bud Not Buddy the story racist?

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No, "Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher Paul Curtis is not a racist story. It tells the story of a young African American boy during the Great Depression who overcomes challenges and discrimination with resilience and courage. The book is celebrated for its portrayal of the African American experience and for promoting themes of family, friendship, and hope.

How is lefty Lewis in Bud Not Buddy?

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Lefty Lewis is a character in the book "Bud, Not Buddy" who helps the protagonist, Bud, by giving him a ride in his pedal car. Lefty Lewis is known for being kind and understanding, and he helps Bud reach his destination despite encountering some obstacles along the way.

What is the point of view on the book Bud Not Buddy the whole book?

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"Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher Paul Curtis is primarily told from the first-person point of view of the main character, Bud Caldwell. This allows readers to gain a deep insight into Bud's thoughts, feelings, and experiences as he navigates through challenges and adventures during the Great Depression. Bud's first-person narration helps to create a strong connection between the reader and the protagonist.

What time did Bud wake up the next morning in Bud Not Buddy chapters 13-16?

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Bud wakes up at 6:00 am the next morning in chapters 13-16 of Bud, Not Buddy.

What does Bud compare his idea that Herman Calloway is his father to in Bud Not Buddy?

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Bud compares his idea that Herman Calloway is his father to a piece of string found in the street. He sees it as a small glimmer of hope that could potentially lead to a big discovery about his identity.

What sounds like a case of diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain in Bud Not Buddy?

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In the book "Bud, Not Buddy," Mr. Calloway is described as having a case of "diarrhea of the mouth" due to his tendency to talk a lot and share many stories, while at the same time, he struggles with "constipation of the brain," hinting at his reluctance to express his true emotions or thoughts openly. This phrase emphasizes the contrast between his verbose nature and his internal struggles.

Why was hooperville so hard to find in Bud Not Buddy?

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Hooperville was hard to find because it was a made-up place that didn't actually exist. The characters in the book were searching for it based on false information, leading to confusion and frustration.

How does jimmy guess Bud's name in Bud Not Buddy?

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Jimmy guesses Bud's name by using the initials on Bud's suitcase, as Bud was carrying a suitcase with the initials "B.E." on it. Jimmy then combines this information with other clues and information he has gathered to correctly guess that Bud's full name is Bud Caldwell.

When mr calloway left bud's table who sat in his place in the book Bud Not Buddy?

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After Mr. Calloway left, the band members took turns sitting at his spot at Bud's table in the book "Bud, Not Buddy." Bud appreciated the sense of belonging he felt with the band, despite Mr. Calloway's absence.

What was the main event in chapter 10 in Bud Not Buddy?

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Some main events are when Bud travels to find his dad who he thinks is Herman E. Calloway, Bud has to leave the orphanage because he is getting a permanent home with the Amos's, when Bud gets locked in the Amos's shed by Todd's father

What is one word that describes the theme for Bud Not Buddy?

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One word that describe bud not buddy is survive a little boy trying to survive in the world with out his mother

What is the resolution in Bud Not Buddy?

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The resolution in "Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher Paul Curtis occurs when Bud meets his grandfather for the first time and they build a bond, finally giving Bud a sense of belonging and family. Bud also learns the truth about his father and finds closure regarding his past.

What is the climax of Bud Not Buddy?

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The remainder of the story represents the falling action. Bud is taken in by the band and especially by their lead singer, Miss Thomas. Calloway is hesitant to accept Bud, until it is revealed that he is in fact not Bud's father, but his grandfather. The story ends on a positive note, with Bud seemingly having found a home at last.

Why did bud end up sleeping outside the library beneath the threes in bud not buddy?

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Bud ended up sleeping outside the library beneath the trees because he had nowhere else to go. He was homeless and searching for his father, and the library felt like a safe place for him to spend the night.

What are Bud not buddy answers chapter 7?

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In Chapter 7 of "Bud, Not Buddy," Bud stays the night with a kind family but leaves the next morning to continue his search for his father. He encounters a kind couple in a car who offer him a lift, but Bud starts feeling uneasy and jumps out of the car, continuing on foot. Bud then meets Lefty Lewis, a man who claims to know Bud's father, Herman E. Calloway.

What is the tone of unfolding bud?

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The tone of a unfolding bud is usually described as hopeful, full of potential, and anticipatory of growth and transformation.

Who is Bud's dad in the book 'Bud Not Buddy'?

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In the book 'Bud, Not Buddy', Bud does not meet his father directly, but he believes his father is Herman E. Calloway, a famous jazz musician. Bud sets out on a journey to find him, hoping to find a place where he belongs.

What do you think surprised Bud about Mr.Lewis in chapter 11?

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Bud was surprised by Mr. Lewis's kindness and concern for him, as well as his willingness to help when Bud got into trouble after running away from the Amos family. Bud was also surprised that Mr. Lewis knew his mother and showed empathy towards his situation.

How did the Great Depression affect buds life in the novel bud not buddy?

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In the novel "Bud, Not Buddy," the Great Depression greatly affects Bud by forcing him to become an orphan after his mother passes away, leading him to struggle to find a stable home and deal with hardships such as hunger and homelessness. The economic hardship of the Great Depression impacts Bud's ability to find safety and security.

What are some examples of figurtive language in Chapter 1 of bridge to terabithia?

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In Chapter 1 of "Bridge to Terabithia," examples of figurative language include:

  • "The sun scattered golden spots through the shade of the trees." (personification)
  • "His voice was like a sound that you hear when you put a seashell up to your ear." (simile)
  • "It was an inviting thicket anyway, full of sun-dappled shadows and the bleached-bone limbs of old trees." (metaphor)

What are some clues that led Herman E Colloway to being bud's grandfather in Bud Not Buddy?

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Herman E. Calloway was able to recognize Bud's keepsake flyer that was handed out by Bud's mother. He also noticed the specific writing on the flyer that matched his own handwriting, which hinted at their familial connection. Additionally, Herman recognized the photo of Bud's mother on the flyer, leading him to realize that Bud was his grandson.

What are character traits of Bud from the book Bud Not Buddy?

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Bud is curious because he always has a question and he wants an answer if there is something that is new he wants to learn more about it. Sometimes he is so curious that he is noisy.

What does ilk mean in Bud Not Buddy?

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Ilk means class. In the book, if it talked about Bud's ilk, it was referring to the Black race.

How does Lefty Lewis treat Bud in Bud Not Buddy?

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Lefty Lewis treats Bud with kindness and respect in the book "Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher Paul Curtis. He helps Bud by offering him a place to stay, food to eat, and eventually helps him find his long-lost grandfather. Lefty becomes a supportive and caring figure in Bud's life.

Why did Bud get revenge on Amos family in Bud Not Buddy chapter 4?

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Bud sought revenge on the Amos family because they treated him poorly by making him sleep in the shed, calling him names, and accusing him of stealing. Bud wanted to stand up for himself and show that he wouldn't tolerate mistreatment.