



Candles consist of two main parts, wax and a wick. The wick is lit to provide light. At one time, they were the main source of nighttime light for in most homes. In more modern settings they are used more for fragrance or mood setting. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, scents, and colors.

500 Questions

What is made by a candle?

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A candle is made by pouring melted wax into a mold and inserting a wick, which is then allowed to cool and solidify. The wick is lit to create a flame that melts the wax, allowing it to be drawn up the wick and burned, producing light and heat.

What particles are in a candle?

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A candle emits particles such as soot, water vapor, and carbon dioxide when it burns. Soot particles are small carbon particles that give the flame its yellow color, while water vapor and carbon dioxide are byproducts of the combustion process.

Why is burning a candle a closed system?

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Burning a candle is considered a closed system because the wax and wick within the candle system are confined, and the energy and matter within the system (such as heat, light, and gases emitted) do not exchange with the surroundings. The energy released from burning the candle is contained within the system, making it a closed system.

When a candle burns what is the most prevalent products are what?

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When a candle burns, the most prevalent products are water vapor, carbon dioxide, and heat. Additionally, depending on the type of wax used in the candle, there may also be trace amounts of soot and other byproducts.

When you place a glass rod over a burning candle it gets black what change happens to the glass rod as the candle burns?

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The blackening of the glass rod is due to the deposition of soot (carbon) from the candle flame onto the surface of the glass rod. This is a physical change where the soot particles adhere to the glass surface but do not chemically alter the glass itself.

What is a candle made of?

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Candles are made up of different things. Wax candles are usually made of 1: wax 2: a wick 3: colours 4: scent, natural or chemically derived.

Why do coal miners use battery powered lamps rather than candle light lanterns to provide light inside the tunnels?

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Coal miners use battery-powered lamps because they are safer and more reliable than candle lanterns. Battery-powered lamps produce a steady and bright light without the risk of open flames, which can ignite pockets of flammable gases in the mine. Additionally, battery-powered lamps are more durable and last longer than candles, making them more suitable for the harsh conditions of the mining environment.

Why a candle brought near the mouth of a jar containing hydrogen gas starts burning but is extinguished when pushed inside the jar?

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When the candle is brought near the mouth of the jar containing hydrogen gas, the hydrogen gas reacts with oxygen in the air to produce water vapor and heat, allowing the candle to burn. However, when the candle is pushed inside the jar, the available oxygen is quickly used up by the candle flame, leading to oxygen depletion and eventual extinguishment of the flame.

Which source of energy does a candle use?

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A candle primarily uses chemical energy stored in the wax. When the candle is lit, the heat from the flame melts the wax, which is then drawn up the wick and vaporized, releasing heat and light energy in the process.

Is cold candle wax a solid?

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Yes, cold candle wax is considered a solid. It has a fixed shape and volume, and its particles are closely packed together. When heated, it melts into a liquid state.

When the candle was lit a pool of liquid wax formed in the area around the wick and then spilled over the side and solidified does this observation reefer to a physicalor a chemical change?

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This observation refers to a physical change. The melting and solidifying of the wax is a reversible process that does not change the chemical composition of the wax molecules.

Why does the color impact on the burn time of candles?

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The color impacts the burn time of candles because darker colors tend to absorb more heat, which can result in faster burning. Additionally, some colored dyes and pigments used in candles can affect the composition of the wax, potentially altering the burn rate.

What is wax paper made of?

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wax paper is made out of wax,paer,and the trees 2 make the paper.

Is it safe to put a candle in a jar on plastic?

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It is generally not recommended to place candles in jars directly on plastic surfaces, as the heat from the candle could potentially melt or damage the plastic. It is safer to place a heat-resistant barrier between the candle and the plastic surface.

What is the hottest part in a candle?

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The hottest part of a candle flame is typically the blue central core where complete combustion occurs. This part of the flame can reach temperatures of around 1400 degrees Celsius.

Why did the candle stop burning after some time?

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The candle stopped burning after some time because it ran out of wax or oxygen. As the wax near the wick gets used up, there is no longer enough fuel for the flame to sustain itself. Additionally, if the candle is in a location with limited airflow, it may exhaust the available oxygen and extinguish the flame.

What is the person that makes a candle called?

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A person that makes candles is called a chandler.

What is the purpose of calcium chloride in burning candle investigation?

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Calcium chloride is used in a burning candle investigation to absorb moisture and prevent any water vapor from affecting the results. This helps ensure that any changes observed during the experiment are due to the combustion of the candle wax and not influenced by external factors like humidity.

Which object represents a simple machine a battery pliers a match or a candle?

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Pliers represent a simple machine. They are considered a type of lever, which is one of the six basic types of simple machines.

What is the ingredients in a white candle?

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The main ingredients in a white candle are wax (typically paraffin or soy), a wick, and a fragrance or dye (if added for scented or colored candles). White candles do not usually contain any additional colorants or fragrances to maintain their pure white color.

What happens if you lick candle wax?

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So uh you're tounge is gonna burn just rinse with water and DONT

Would a mobile turning because a candle below it be an example of convection?

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No, that would be an example of conduction, not convection. Convection involves the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases), while conduction involves the transfer of heat through direct contact between materials.

What happens to the carbon when the candle burns?

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When a candle burns, the carbon in the wax combines with oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide gas. This process releases heat and light, which is why the candle produces a flame.

Why do scented candles spread smell quickly through a room while it is burning but not when it's unlit?

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When a scented candle is burning, the heat from the flame vaporizes the scented wax and allows the fragrance to disperse into the air more quickly. When the candle is unlit, the scent molecules remain trapped in the solid wax and are not released into the air. Additionally, the heat generated by the flame helps to circulate the fragrance throughout the room.

Is candle wax made of cells?

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No, candle wax is not made of cells. It is primarily made of hydrocarbons, such as paraffin, that are derived from petroleum or plant sources. The wax is solid at room temperature and melts when heated, which allows it to be used in candles for burning.