



Candles consist of two main parts, wax and a wick. The wick is lit to provide light. At one time, they were the main source of nighttime light for in most homes. In more modern settings they are used more for fragrance or mood setting. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, scents, and colors.

1,700 Questions

How far away could the Smeaton's 24 candles be seen?

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Smeaton's 24 candles on the Eddystone Lighthouse could be seen up to 22 miles away due to the design of the lighthouse lens and the height of the structure, which maximized the reach of the light. This was a significant improvement in visibility compared to previous lighthouses.

Why the innermost flame of a candle is black?

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The black innermost flame of a candle is due to incomplete combustion. This happens when there is not enough oxygen present for the fuel (wax) to burn completely, leading to the production of soot particles that appear as black smoke.

How much candle power does the sun have?

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The Sun has about 3.75 x 10^28 candlepower.

Can a candle in a jar last forever?

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No, a candle in a jar will not last forever. The candle will eventually burn out as it consumes the wax and wick. The duration of the candle depends on factors such as the size of the candle, the quality of the wax, and the environmental conditions.

How do light rays travel to your eye from a lighted candle?

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Light rays travel in straight lines from a light source, like a candle, and pass through the air until they reach your eye. Once the light rays enter your eye, they are focused by the lens onto the retina, where they stimulate the nerve cells to create an image.

What is a yursite candle?

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Yahrzeit candles are memorial candles that are lit in Jewish tradition to honor the memory of a deceased relative on the anniversary of their death and other significant days. The candle typically burns for 24 hours as a way to commemorate and remember the individual who has passed away.

What shape would a candle flame be in outer space?

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In microgravity, a candle flame would form a spherical shape due to the absence of gravity. The flame would seek to distribute heat evenly in all directions, resulting in a rounded appearance.

Was the candle an element or compound?

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A candle is a mixture of different compounds. The wax in a candle is typically made of hydrocarbons, such as paraffin or beeswax. When the candle is burned, the compounds in the wax undergo a chemical reaction to produce heat, light, and products like carbon dioxide and water vapor.

What will happen if you put a jar over a burning candle?

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If you place a jar over a burning candle, the flame will consume the oxygen inside the jar, causing it to extinguish due to lack of oxygen. The remaining air will become warmer and expand, creating a slight vacuum once the jar cools down.

Who invent candle?

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Asked by TitasVCH

The ancient Romans are credited with inventing candles as we know them today, using tallow or animal fat as a fuel source. Over time, candles have evolved to include different materials such as beeswax and paraffin, but the basic concept remains the same: a wick surrounded by a solid fuel that burns to produce light.

Why does a candle burn faster outside then inside?

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A candle may burn faster outside due to factors like wind speed and oxygen availability. The wind can increase the rate of combustion by supplying more oxygen to the flame. Additionally, outdoor conditions tend to be less controlled compared to inside, which can affect the rate at which the candle burns.

Why does candle go out when lid is put on jar?

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When you put a lid on a jar containing a lit candle, it cuts off the oxygen supply needed for the flame to continue burning. Without oxygen, the candle cannot sustain combustion and it goes out. Additionally, the lack of oxygen causes the build-up of carbon dioxide, which extinguishes the flame.

Why is it hotter if you put your hand above a lighted candle than at the sides if the candle's flame?

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When you place your hand above the lighted candle, you are closer to the source of heat, which is the flame. The heat rises vertically from the flame and directly impacts your hand when placed above it. On the other hand, when your hand is at the sides of the candle, you are farther away from the direct source of heat, so you feel less heat.

How was the candle holder invented?

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Candle holders have been around for centuries, with various designs and materials used throughout history. The earliest candle holders were likely made of clay or metal to hold candles upright and protect from wax drips. Over time, candle holders evolved to incorporate decorative elements and different shapes and sizes to suit various purposes and styles.

What will happen to lighted candle in a vacuum?

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In a vacuum, a lighted candle will eventually extinguish due to lack of oxygen for the combustion process to continue. The flame will consume the available oxygen in the immediate vicinity and go out once there is no more oxygen to sustain it.

What is more dangerous sparklers roman candle or bottle rockets?

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Bottle rockets are the most dangerous of the three due to their unpredictable flight paths and high velocity. They can cause serious injuries if not used properly. Sparklers and roman candles are less likely to cause harm if used as directed, but all fireworks can be dangerous if not handled with care.

Why does a candle go out when a jar is put over?

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A candle goes out when a jar is put over it because the jar restricts the flow of oxygen to the flame. A flame needs oxygen to burn, and when the oxygen supply is limited inside the jar, the flame will eventually suffocate and extinguish.

Will candles melt outside in the sun?

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Asked by Hopestella

Yes, candles will melt outside in the sun if the temperature is high enough. The heat from the sun can cause the wax in the candle to soften and eventually melt, especially if the candle is exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period of time.

What kind of candles last the longest?

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Soy candles tend to last the longest because soy wax burns slower and cooler than paraffin wax, resulting in a longer burn time. Beeswax candles are also known for their long burn time due to their high melting point. Look for candles with multiple wicks for an even slower burn.

How long can a candle stay lit in a upturned jar?

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The duration a candle stays lit in an upturned jar depends on factors like the size of the candle, the amount of oxygen available for it to burn, and the quality of the wick. In general, a candle may struggle to stay lit for more than a few minutes in an upturned jar due to limited airflow.

Why is candle a source of light?

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A candle produces light through a chemical reaction called combustion. When the wick of a candle is lit, it burns and melts the wax, releasing energy in the form of light and heat. This process is what makes a candle a source of light.

Which part of the candle is hottest?

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The flame of the candle is the hottest part, reaching temperatures of around 1400 degrees Celsius.

How do candles look like?

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Candles typically have a cylindrical shape with a wick running through the center. They are usually made of wax, which can be colored or scented. When lit, the wick burns slowly, providing light and often a pleasant fragrance.

What is the scientific name for studying candles?

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The scientific study of candles is known as "chirology."

What is the name of the light from a burning candle?

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The light from a burning candle is called a flame. It is produced when the heat from the flame vaporizes the wax and wick, allowing the combustion process to create light.