

Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense." Motivating people to question the English Monarchy's right to rule, Paine had a major influence in causing the Revolutionary War.

845 Questions

What propaganda did Thomas Paine produce prior to the revolutionary war?

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Thomas Paine wrote pamphlets that were influential in promoting the idea of American independence, most notably "Common Sense," which argued for independence from British rule. His writing helped galvanize public opinion in favor of the revolutionary cause.

Why is Thomas Paine included in Fahrenheit 451?

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Thomas Paine is referenced in Fahrenheit 451 to highlight the importance of revolution and freedom of thought. Paine's works, especially "Common Sense" and "The Rights of Man," were influential in promoting democratic ideals and challenging oppressive systems. In the novel, he symbolizes the power of ideas to inspire change and challenge the status quo.

Was Thomas Paine hung and for what reason?

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No, Thomas Paine was not hanged. He was a political activist and writer during the American Revolution and later the French Revolution. While his writings were controversial, he was not executed for his ideas.

What did thomas Paine mean by government like a dress is a badge of lost innocence?

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Thomas Paine meant that government, like a dress, is a symbol or representation of lost innocence. He believed that the creation of government was a response to the corruption and flaws of human nature, which led to the loss of an ideal state of innocence or simplicity in society. Just as a dress is worn to cover up and protect the body, government is formed to control and mitigate the negative aspects of human behavior.

When did Thomas Paine do his literary works?

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Thomas Paine did his major literary works during the late 18th century, particularly between 1776 and 1792. He wrote influential pamphlets such as "Common Sense" (1776) and "The Rights of Man" (1791) that played significant roles in shaping political thought during the American and French Revolutions.

What is the reason thomas Paine thinks the colonies stand a good chance against the British?

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The British army and navy are mostly made up of middle-aged men

Thomas Paine's common sense?

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Thomas Paine did write Common Sense. It was first published on January 10th, 1776.