

Chronicles of Narnia

This category is for questions on The Chronicles of Narnia book series by CS Lewis. The chronicles includes The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and The Silver Chair, The Horse and His Boy, The Magician's Nephew, and The Last Battle.

500 Questions

Who were the key characters in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis?

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The key characters in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S. Lewis are the Pevensie siblings: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. Aslan the lion and the White Witch are also central characters in the story.

Does Caspian and Miraz symbolize biblical figures?

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Yes, Caspian and Miraz in "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis are often seen as symbols for biblical figures. Caspian can be seen as a Christ-like figure due to his leadership qualities and desire for peace, while Miraz can be seen as a symbol of evil or corruption due to his tyrannical rule and lust for power.

Why did C.S. Lewis name the character Prince Caspian?

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C.S. Lewis named the character Prince Caspian after Caspian the Great, a legendary king of Parthia. Lewis likely chose this name to give the character a noble and regal connotation, emphasizing his royal lineage and the heroic potential of his character in "The Chronicles of Narnia" series.

Why did C.S. Lewis named the four Children Peter Susan Edmund and Lucy?

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Asked by DylanMilliren

C.S. Lewis named the four children in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" after his own friends' children. Peter and Susan were named after Peter and Susan Martin, Edmund after Edmund Kirkpatrick, and Lucy after Lucy Barfield. Lewis wanted to pay homage to the children who inspired him.

Why did C.S. Lewis name the lion Aslan and the Witch Jadis?

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The name Aslan is Arslan in its Turkish origin and means 'lion'. It was used as a title borne or byname by medieval Turkish rulers. It is said that C.S. Lewis discovered the name in a footnote in Edward Lane's commentary/translation of The Thousand and One Nights also known as The Arabian Night's Entertainmentsand Lewis was inspired to use the name when he was in the Ottoman Empire(modern day Turkey) and was impressed with the Sultan's elite guards who were called Aslan due to their bravery and loyalty. The name Jadis on the other hand is incredibly difficult to find information on. One possible reason that Lewis used this name is that Jadis in the French language means 'days of old, yore, long ago'. This name could have been used because the British were familiar with the French and/or the meaning of Jadis refers to the witch's history, from the city of Charn in a whole different world from Narnia, as a person or ruler of old. Of course though this is just speculation.

What are the biblical allusions in Prince Caspian?

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Asked by DylanMilliren

In "Prince Caspian," there are biblical allusions such as the idea of a chosen one (similar to Jesus as the chosen one), themes of faith and courage, and sacrificial love (similar to Christ's sacrifice). Aslan's character, in particular, embodies characteristics often associated with Jesus in Christian teachings.

What do Aslan and susan and Lucy do after Aslan revives?

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They go to the white withches castle to revive all of the creatures that the white witch turned to stone using her stick thingy. They then went to the war

Are the Beavers in the pay of the white witch in the movie of the lion the witch and the wardrobe?

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No, the Beavers in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" are not in the pay of the White Witch. They are loyal to Aslan and assist the Pevensie children in their quest to defeat the White Witch.

What is is the weather like in Narnia?

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In the 2nd book (The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe) it is always winter. After that it has pretty mild weather.

Why does Nikabrik want to kill Prince Caspian?

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Nikabrik wants to kill Prince Caspian because he disagrees with the prince's plan to restore Narnia to its former glory by bringing back the old Narnian creatures. Nikabrik believes that the Telmarines have oppressed the Old Narnians for too long and sees Prince Caspian as a weak leader who is not willing to take drastic measures to secure Narnia's future.

What aslan makes for Edmund?

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Aslan makes a sacrifice for Edmund by offering himself in Edmund's place to the White Witch, fulfilling the deep magic that demands his life for Edmund's treachery. This act of selflessness and love ultimately leads to Aslan's resurrection and the defeat of the White Witch.

Why doesnt Lucy enjoy journey the lion and the witch and the wardrobe?

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Lucy doesn't enjoy Journey the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe because it's a different title and story than The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, which is a popular fantasy novel by C.S. Lewis. Lucy may not enjoy the book due to personal preferences or taste in literature.

What awakened Everyone from their sleep in the cave in Chronicles of Narnia the lion witch and the wardrobe?

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In the Chronicles of Narnia, everyone was awakened from their sleep in the cave by Susan blowing on a magical horn that she found in the treasure room. The horn was gifted to Susan by Father Christmas, and its sound was powerful enough to break the enchantment that kept them asleep.

What are all of the creatures on the witches side in the book the lion the witch and the wardrobe?

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In "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," the creatures on the White Witch's side include wolves, minotaurs, hags, ogres, and other evil beings. They are loyal to the White Witch and help her carry out her plans to keep Narnia in eternal winter.

How did aslan make the children feel?

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Aslan made the children feel safe, loved, and empowered. His presence brought them comfort and courage in their adventures, and he inspired them to be brave and make a difference in the world of Narnia.

What type of book is The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe from The Chronicles of Narnia?

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"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is a fantasy novel and the first book in "The Chronicles of Narnia" series by C.S. Lewis. It tells the story of four siblings who discover a magical land called Narnia.

What is a line of verbal irony from the lion the witch and the wardrobe?

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A line of verbal irony from "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" could be when the White Witch tells Edmund that he can have as much Turkish delight as he likes, knowing that she is actually manipulating him to betray his siblings.

How does Lucy restore Edmund amd save his life?

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Lucy restores Edmund by giving him a healing cordial made from magical herbs found in Narnia. This cordial helps to counteract the effects of the White Witch's spell and ultimately saves his life.

How does queen jadis end up in the wood?

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Queen Jadis, also known as the White Witch, enters the world of Narnia through the use of dark magic, dying worlds, and her ability to manipulate time and space. She was brought to Narnia by Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer when they inadvertently awakened her while exploring other worlds.

What happens in chapter 9 in the book Narnia?

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In Chapter 9 of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," Peter, Susan, and Lucy are reunited with Mr. Tumnus after he was turned into a statue by the White Witch. Aslan returns to Narnia and begins preparing for battle against the Witch's forces. The chapter sets the stage for the climactic showdown between good and evil.

How did Peter Susan and Lucy react to seeing the white witch?

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Peter, Susan, and Lucy were terrified when they first saw the White Witch. They were captivated by her beauty and power, but also sensed danger and evil emanating from her presence. The encounter made them cautious and uneasy around her.

What mistake does Edmund make with the White Witch?

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Edmund makes the mistake of trusting the White Witch and believing her promises of power and wealth in exchange for betraying his siblings. He fails to see her true nature and falls for her deceit, leading to consequences for himself and his family.

Why didn't uncle Andrew send himself Narnia?

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Uncle Andrew did not send himself to Narnia because he lacked the magic abilities required to access the world of Narnia. In "The Magician's Nephew" by C.S. Lewis, Uncle Andrew is a scheming and selfish character who uses others to achieve his goals rather than risking himself.

What does fraternizing means in Narnia?

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In Narnia, fraternizing means spending time or socializing with beings from a different realm or species, often in a friendly or informal manner. It typically involves interacting with creatures or individuals outside of one's usual social circle or group.

What promise does uncle Andrew break Narnia?

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Uncle Andrew breaks his promise to Digory and Polly not to harm anyone when he tricks them into bringing Queen Jadis to London, putting many people in danger.