


There are over 20 species of cockatoos. Many varieties are native to Australia, but there are also breeds native to the Philippines, New Guinea, Asia, as well as other areas.

500 Questions

When does a cockatoo moult?

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Acockatiel molts when it becomes six months of age, and does not lose its feathers all in the same day but it takes time. then you can sex the bird after it molts.

What do cockatoos eat in the wild?

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they can eat a veriaty ofdifferent foods but thy especialy like apples an Pears

Can you breed galhas with a white cockatoo?

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Yes a Cockatoo can breed with any other kind of Cockatoo. But not another species of bird, for example a cockatoo CANNOT breed with an Amazon or a macaw. Birds are not like dogs or cats.

What does it mean when a flock of black cockatoos is hanging around your house?

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The most likely eplanation is that they have found a new food source at or nearby your house.

When rain is coming, cockatoos of all varieties tend to be on the move a bit more, sometimes acting wild and hanging upside down from branches and wires, being noisier than usual.

What is a yellow crest cockatoo called?

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A flock'a'tiels.

A group of cockatiels is simply known as a flock.

What do you call an Australian cockatoo?

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It depends on what is meant by "biggest", and whether this refers to height or weight.

The emu is Australia's tallest bird, averaging 1.6 to 2 metres in height. Its nearest rival is the Southern Cassowary which averages 1.5 to 2 metres. Next to the emu, it looks distinctly shorter and stockier.

The Southern Cassowary, however, tends to be heavier. Emus range between 30 and 45kg in weight, whilst the Southern Cassowary averages 38 - 48kg.

How many eggs can a cockatoo lay at once?

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Usually around 5 or 4

What is the bird cockatoos niche?

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The cockatiel is native to Australia. Its niche is semi-arid areas and grassland over much of the continent, especially the eastern states, as long as there is a permanent water source.

How much does a cockatoo cost?

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Ok, There are different prices in many stores.... it usually costs about 70-90 dollars... nut remember..... you have to buy food, cages, some toys maybe too for the cockatiels. So... you are lookibng at a price of about 100-300 dollars

How many kinds of parrots are there in the world?

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as many as i want cause if i say then that's how many there are

How big do a cockatoo get?

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Cockatiels reach adult size at about 8 weeks of age. Males are typically 12-13 inches long (30-33cm) and weigh 2 5/8 to 3 2/3 ounces (80 - 102 grams) Females are the same in lenght but typically weigh a little less than males.

Where to buy a cheap cockatoo?

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This depends on the country. In Australia, for example, cockatiels are commonly sold in pet stores and produce stores. There are many backyard breeders also, many of whom advertise in the newspaper section under "pets".

How old can a cockatoo get'?

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if you have anything you want to know about umberella cockatoos or any animal go to and sign up for that website and u can start making animals pages to ittll be fun give it a try.

What is the lifespan of a cockatoo?

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Its 40-60 years

What is the average height of cockatoo?

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Sulphur-crested cockatoos are large birds, measuring 45 to 50 centimeters in length. Their average weight is 800 grams.

How do you stop your umbrella cockatoo from picking his feathers?

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It depends...if your bird does it from time to time he is malting, naturally losing feathers, if your bird does it all the time you need to ask a vet. because he could be sick.

What can't cockatoos eat?

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The safest way to feed a cockatoo, or any pet, is to buy prepared food from a supermarket (after checking on the quality of the brand) or from a reliable pet supplier. Discourage people from feeding snacks to your pet, as it isn't possible to be certain of the effects foods humans might consume could have upon various animals.

It goes without saying that you should be as vigilant with your pet as you would be with a small child, ensuring harmful substances such as medication, cigarette butts, alcohol, and so on, are not left within their reach.

Chocolate, coffee and milk may all prove toxic to a bird, as they can to cats, dogs and other pets. Avocados are particularly toxic to many animals, including cockatoos.

Bear in mind, too, that you shouldn't allow animals - including cockatoos - to 'kiss' people on the lips. This is for their protection: human saliva is not good for animals in general and birds in particular.

If you are putting out feed for wild cockatoos, use a container such as a hanging tray, well out of the reach of cats and dogs, and keep it clean by flushing with water daily. If you are living in a climate which supports wild cockatoos it will be warm enough to quickly dry the tray, which you can then use to hold good-quality wild bird seed (from pet shops and supermarkets; look particularly for striped sunflower seed, rather than the black variety).

Only put out sufficient food for a snack for a few birds, say one family, and do so no more than twice daily; you don't want to encourage the birds to become dependent. Don't worry if other birds also use the food; this interaction is good (and entertaining for observers). Cockatoos happily coexist with other breeds and birds work well together in the wild, forming their own interspecies alarm system to warn of danger.

It goes without saying that for any animals you feed, wild or domestic, it is extremely important that fresh clean water be made available at all times.

Is a parrot cockatoo an amphibian?

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An amphibian is like a frog, or a toad. A bird would be considered as fowl. (Winged bird.)
No. Frogs, toads and salamanders are amphibians. These are cold blooded creatures, while birds are warm blooded.

Is a cockatoo extinct?

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A cuckoo is indeed a real bird. The different styles of cuckoo are different sizes, but the bird is classified as a medium-sized bird.

Cuckoos live in every continent except for antarctica.

Are cockatoos mammals?

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No. Cockatoos are birds, and members of the parrot family, characterised by a crest. The crest raises when the birds are excited, alarmed or frightened. Cockatoos are native to Australia, some islands of the South Pacific including Papua New Guinea, and some of the Indonesian islands.

What is the weight of a baby cockatoo?

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The average weight of a cockatiel is 93 grams.