


Collective Nouns

A collective noun is the word used to label a group of nouns as a whole. For instance, a group of fish is collectively called a school.

3,244 Questions

If sailors are to crew teachers are to?

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If sailors are to the crew, then the teachers are to "the students".

What is a collective noun of bedroom?

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There is no specific collective noun for bedrooms as a group, however the collective noun for rooms will work: a suite of bedrooms.

What is the collective noun of energy called?

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that's why I'm asking

What is collective noun for potatoes?

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The collective noun is a sack of potatoes.

What group or family is Mercury in?

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Mercury is in the group of elements known as transition metals and belongs to the family of elements called the alkali metals. Mercury is a unique metal due to its liquid state at room temperature.

What is the tallest palm tree?

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The Ceroxylon quindiuense, also known as the Quindio wax palm, is the world's tallest palm tree, reaching heights of up to 200 feet (60 meters). This palm species is native to the Andean mountains in Colombia and is the national tree of Colombia.

What is the collective nouns for diamonds?

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The collective nouns for diamonds are a cluster or diamonds or an arrangement of diamonds.

What is the collective noun of scuba divers?

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The collective noun is a bubble of scuba divers.

When did Soldier Soldier end?

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Soldier Soldier ended in 1997 after running for seven series.

What are the collective noun of sailors and singers?

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The collective nouns are a crew of sailors and a choir of singers.

What is a collective noun for a group of friends?

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There is no standard collective noun for a group of friends. The noun 'group' is a collective noun in the term 'a group of friends'.

What is the collective noun for news?

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There is no standard collective noun for the noun 'news'.

A collective noun is a noun used to group people or things in a descriptive or fanciful way. A collective noun is an informal part of language. Any noun that suits the situation can function as a collective noun, for example, "a heap of news" or "an outpouring of news".

What Is a group of trees called?

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A group of trees is called a grove or a stand.

Birds gathered in the grove of trees.

Weeping willow trees are usually solitary and do not grow in stands or groves.

Is the word 'poultry' a collective noun?

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Poultry is for domestic fowl collectively, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and so on

List of collective nouns of places?

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Collective nouns for places are:

  • a chain of islands
  • a union of states
  • a confederation of states
  • an alliance of countries
  • a range of mountains
  • a block of flats
  • a network of roads

How many collective nouns does this sentence contain the study group was interested in the behavior of the aduience during a boring speech?

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There are no collective nouns in the sentence. A collective noun is determined by its use. A collective noun is a word used to group other nouns in a descriptive way.

The nouns 'group' and 'audience' are often used as collective nouns, but in this sentence they are not. The nouns 'group' and 'audience' are not describing anyone.

What is the collective noun for hippos?

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The collective nouns are a bloat of hippos, a crash of hippos, or a herd of hippos.

What are collective nouns for asteroids?

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There is no specific collective noun for 'comet', most likely because comets are rarely found in groups. However, it is possible to have a cluster or comets, a series of comets, or (as is theorized) a cloud of comets.

What is collective noun for bench?

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The noun bench is used as a collective noun for:

  • a bench of bishops
  • a bench of aldermen
  • a bench of judges
  • a bench of magistrates

What is the collective noun of anteaters?

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There is not specific collective noun for anteaters, most likely because anteaters are solitary animals. However, if you need a word for a group of anteaters, a noun suitable for the context is used, for example a pair of anteaters, a family of anteaters, etc.