


Cumin is a spice made from the dried seeds of a flowering plant and is used to flavor many dishes. Cumin is available in whole or ground form.

500 Questions

What food group is cumin in?

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Cumin is frequently used in hummus and in lentils. It is also regularly used in soups, sauces, gravies, salad dressings, Mexican food, and a flavoring for lamb and meat loaf.

What do you call cumin seeds in Hindi?

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Cumin seeds are also known as 'Jeera' in Hindi.

What is cumin called in gujarati?

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in gujarati cinnamon is called as tuj

What is cumin known in Hindi?

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Cumin seeds are known as zeera (जीरा) in Hindi:

- black cumin is called kala zeera;

- brown cumin is called safed (white) zeera.

Jeera-- pronounced: 'G'-ra.

What is black cumin called in marathi?

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Jeere (Pronunced Jee-ray)

What seasoning can be substituted for cumin?

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Maybe coriandor?

Can substite caraway with cumin?

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What is the Kannada word for 'cumin'?

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In Kannada, we would say: ದಾಲ್ಚಿನ್ನಿ - Daalchini or ಲವಣ ಪಟ್ಟೆ - Lavana Patte or ಚಕ್ಕೆ - Chakke.

What can you substitute for whole cumin seeds?

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ground has half the strength of seeds. ground has half the strength of seeds.

Is cumin a vegetable?

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yes, cinnamon is a vegetable. some say its a spice. that is also correct. but cinnamon is really a vegetable smuthered into tiny bits.

How do you reduce taste of cumin in chili?

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Asked by VONNELL

Balance it out with ground Chile pepper, if you don't mind spicy, or ground nutmeg (a little goes a long way).

Where can you buy cumin plant?

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Mediterranean in origin, this member of the parsley (Umbelliferae) family yields a strongly flavored seed that is widely used as a spice, particularly in the Middle East, India and Malaysia.

What is meaning of cumin seed in Hindi?

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Tamil ..... ஜீரகம....zeerakam...

What is the purpose of cumin?

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It is the second most popular spice in the world after black pepper, used in Middle Eastern, American, African and Chinese cooking.

Cumin is considered a stimulant and an anti-gas agent in Chinese medicine.

Cumin is it the equalivant to corriander?

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If you are making a mexican dish cumin and coriander are often used for various dishes, and can some times be substituted for one another. Although they have almost the same aroma they taste quite different. Coriander leaf (cilantro) and coriander are the most similar in flavor and can be substituted for one another in most cases. Just use about 1/3 as much spice as you would leaf.

What are the medicinal uses of black cumin oil?

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Used predominatnly as a spice in candlemaking, liquor and scents.

Black Cumin has been used for thousands of years by various cultures and civilizations around the world as a natural healing aid and as a supplement to help maintain good health and well-being.

AnswerPlease see related link.

What brand name sells cumin?

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McCormick, Spice Islands...

What is jeera?

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Who is the biggest producer of cumin?

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What is cumin seed called in gujarati?

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JEERA, as in e.g. jeera chicken or dhana/jeera which is a coriander seed/cumin seed spice mixture used in a lot of gujarati/indian cooking mixes.

Is cumin seed used for preponing periods?

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Yes, it is a very useful source. However there are a plethora of side effects, such as pooing out of your mouth, sneezing sperm, urinating out of your ears, this is commonly known as 'tripling'.

What does spice cumin taste like?

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absolutly lovley a disstinctive taste.

I would also add that it can taste a little like body odor smells if it is too strong.

Can you take Tylenol when on Cumin?

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Ask your doctor or pharmacist.

What you call for ground cumin in Malayalam?

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its KUS-KUS not perumjeerakam

correction . kasakasa(tamil),kus kus ,kaskas(malayalam),khus khus (hindi)

cumin seed - jeerakam(malayaalam)

fennel- permjeerakam (malayalam)