


Drug Cleansing

Drug cleansing involves ridding the body of a particular drug or toxin, over a short period of time, using specific medications, natural remedies and other methods. Often times, drug cleansing is the first stage involved in rehabilitation of a drug addiction.

500 Questions

What can you take to get methadone out of your system?

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You should detox from methadone in a medical detox facility. Methadone detox is the worst of all the opiates -- much worse than heroin -- lasts about twice to three times as long, and can be fatal in some cases. Suboxone is often used clinically for methadone detox, along with supporting medications as needed.

What will clean meth out of you system to pass a drug test?

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A good detox program and time.

Like most drugs (except for marijuana), crystal meth takes only a few days to leave your system. Like, 3 or 4 days. Maybe a week if you're an extremely heavy, long-term user. A detox product shouldn't be necessary, since you really ought to be able to stop using meth for just a few days. If you can't stop using meth for just a few days, then you might want to start searching for drug rehab clinics instead of jobs.

What is the best supplement to use to flush your system of drugs?

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if you will take any drug for 1 to 2 weeks your system will get cleared. I am saying this because when we do studies for any drug then volunteer taking the drug to be tested must be free from other drugs and for that we keep our volunteer drug free for 1-2 week

Can pectin clean or mask THC?

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Ok, bro, it doesnt. All i can say is just dont go and smoke alot. Maybey enough to get a good buzz wont even show up. As much as a joint will, but not like 4 or 5 good hits. Trust me ive passed my tests multiple times like that.

Will drinking a lot of water flush marijuana out of your system?

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It does but the best way to clean anything out is to sweat it out.

How long does Klonopin stay in your system for a drug test?

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Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine. Almost all of the generic names of benzodiazepines end in -pam. Clonazepam has a long half-life. When you are trying to figure out how long something will stay in your system: find the half-life in hours of the substance and multiply by 5. This will give you a number of hours, you then divide by 24 to give you how many days the drug is detectable. Half-life is an approximation and no more than that because everyone's body is different.

Can water clean Xanax out of your system?

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It may help, but won't flush it out, if that's what you mean. Drugs taken are absorbed into our bloodstream, too. The kidneys are the filtering system for the blood - it will take days, weeks or months, for all of this to totally leave your system.

How much water do you have to drink to get pot out of your system by tomorrow?

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Unless your skin and bones Your most likely F****D don't waist your time. Marijuana stores in your fat cells and it takes a good amount of time to clean out.. an average guy gonna take least3 weeks to clean out sum marijuana. if you been smokeing alot.. but really all depends on alot of things... if your looking for a job u should not be doing drugs ne way so whats it matter. Me personally when i use to smoke i would give myself a good 3 weeks to clean out drinking tons of water and cranberry juice. but good luck if you wanna try and smoke a day or 2 b4 ur test and clean out. hehe

Inaccurate Answer.

Kidneys release the cannabinoid byproduct into the urine. If you begin drinking a lot of water hours before the test, the kidneys quit releasing the toxin and focus on eliminating the water which means that you will, basically, be peeing only water.

Important - take a high dose of B2 to help keep the urine colored or your sample will be clear and look diluted.

Very Important - You'll need to drink about a gallon and a half starting about four - five hours before the test. If you feel any symptoms of water intoxication, you must stop or you could die.

You smoked one half a joint two week ago are you clean for your urine test?

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Testing positive has a lot of different factors.What is your past 30 days smoking history, eating habits, activity levels, weight,height? Also Cannabis detection period by Urine Test - single use (2-3 days) and habitual use (up to 12 weeks).Check yourself with a home drug test.

Does redbull clean your system?

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Look I'm in drug court an I love opiates!! So wat I have found to work is like 4-8 250 mg naicin pills and 3-4 cans of red bull and half gallon of water.. I kno it sounds like a lot but if u can't quit an lookin at a prison sentance like me it works! I do percs, opanas everyday and passed a ton of tests. But u also can't b doin a ton of pills.. I do 1-2 30s a day an pass with ease...

What can you take to cleans opiates out your system to take a drug test?

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Like most drinking a lot of water and sweating will help.

You will be swabbed tested on Friday and you just smoked 2 days ago?

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Sadly, you will fail. For a swab test, theres really nothing you can do to cover it up.

Do omni clean pcp out ya system?

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It stores in fat, so possibly, but not likely.

How do you cleanse your system of methadone?

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Well it is very difficult to clean methadone out of your system quickly because it is a deep tissue chemical opiate. Depending on how much methadone you have taken and the duration it will take at least 1-2 weeks for lower doses and durations, but as long as 1-2 months for high doses and durations and the effects of methadone mentally and physically can lasst years. But the quickest way to rid your body of methadone(and most other chemicals) is to just drink alot of water and urinate frequently. There are many body detoxifying remedies at your local GNC but, trustme, it is not a pleasant thing to detoxify your body. Even if you use these remedies there is no guarantee that the methadone will be out of your system in under a week, but that is your best bet.

Does azo cranberry clean weed out of your system?

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To an extent.. Cranberry juice is a natural cleansor although I would advise taking niacin too if youre trying to pass a drug test.

Drink things containing niacin and drink a lot of water. cranberry juice works but if you drink too much of it, it could shut down your kidneys so drink large amounts of water and exercise..

drugs bind to adipose or fat cells so exercise and drink water and you'll pass no problem depending on how fast your metabolism is

How long would it take for 2 hits of marijuana to get out your system if you've been clean for 49 days?

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You could take that one hit a couple hours before your drug test and come out clean. One hit is not enough to detect in a urine test. Good luck!

Does omni cleanser work on narcotics?

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There are no magic potions that let you do drugs and still pass a drug test. The so-called "personal stories" are from people who are paid to advertise the laxatives that are called "drug cleansers." If you want a good poop, go ahead and spend the money - otherwise, don't bother.

Does running help rid THC?

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Possibly; THC is fat-soluble, so burning fat can increase the rate at which the body eliminates the detectable compounds. (Despite a common misconception, burning fat that contains these compounds doesn't make the exerciser "high a second time around.")

However, this is greatly influenced by a lot of factors. Some people can smoke marijuana on a daily basis for many months, exercise and drink lots of water for 2 or 3 days, and then pass a urinalysis drug test. Others will fail the test several weeks after cessation, regardless of exercise. Many "detox" products advertised online only hope to dilute your urine; modern urinalysis drug tests can detect highly diluted urine.

So, the tried-and-true method for eliminating marijuana compounds from your body is to simply wait it out with time, exercise frequently, and drink lots of water. On that note, exercising frequently and drinking plenty of water isn't bad advice, regardless of drug use.

Can twenty eight niacin pills clean your system of THC in 2 weeks?

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after a single use, THC stays in your system for about 1-6 days. that many pills of anything seems really unhealthy

Can the kola nut clean your system of THC?

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Yes absolutely it will clean you out in about 3 days but you have to drink about 2 gallons of water a day for the best results

Will caffeine based drinks clean your system for drug test?

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hell no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

How many dime bags do you get out of a half oz of weed?

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Seeing as there are roughly 453 grams in a pound, and dime bags are usually measure as eighths of an ounce, you could probably assume to divide a pound into 125+/- dime bags.

Flushing Adderall out of your system?

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Time is the only way to sober you up when it comes to that. Wait a good 48-72 hours.

Vitamin C or any type of acidic beverage will also weaken the effects of adderall, so drink some orange juice!