


A member of the percussion family of instruments, drums come in many forms, from conga drums to timpani. Questions about drums, drum players, and drum music belong here.

500 Questions

Where can I go to get drum lessons?

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The cost of drum lessons will vary based on the teacher and where you live, but I found this website that offers very inexpensive lessons. Have a look:

Good luck.

How old are bongo drums?

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Their are different size of bongo drums, but you will find the most common sizes to be six inches and seven inches drum, and seven inches to eight and half inches drum. They also make smaller drums for children that are usually five inches and six inches.

What do you need to mic your drum set?

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It depends on where you are, and what size building you are playing in. if you are in a small-medium hall, then most kits will be able to carry their sound over the rest of the music without needing amplifications at all, apart from maybe a mic underneath the hi-hat to pick up them and the snare. For large gigs, stadiums and the such, or recording, most people use: 1 capacitor mic above the ride 1 capacitor above the crash 1 capacitor above by the high hats 1 unidirectional mic by the snare, 1 by high tom, 1 by low tom, 1 by floor tom, and 1 by bass drum. This covers 8 tracks right there - and normally in recording practices you actually use 2 tracks per instrument, say track 1 cranked over to full left channel and track 2 cranked over to full right channel. This is what produces the true stereo effect.

What percussion instruments is not part of a standard drum set or drum kit?

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It would be easier to answer what instruments are a part of a standard drum kit as there are hundreds and maybe thousands of percussion instruments. A standard drum kit consists of a Bass drum, snare drum, toms, ride cymbal, crash cymbal, and high-hat. Other percussion instruments not part of a standard drumset are timpani, bells, cowbell, congas, bongos, tambourine, roto-toms, and the list goes on and on.

Where does the Dhol originate?

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the dhol come from south african and pakistan and bangladesh use it. It is very good for folks music

When were drums first used for communication?

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yes they did they used them to help spread news round the tribe/village. they played a happy song if good news and a sad song if bad news/

Is drums percussion string or wind?

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Not really, it depends what type of music your are performing, for example in Jazz Music the double bass instrument is the instrument which substitutes the percussion and drums in the rhythm section of the music.

What is the side of a drum called?

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There are many 2-sided drums. My favorites include:

  • talking drum
  • bass drum
  • dhol
  • thavil

Type of drum accompanying a fife?

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the fife usually accompanies the drum.

What were the timpani drum used for?

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The timpani is more popularly known as the kettledrum, and is a percussion instrument used to play loud bass notes in orchestral performances. It is also used by experimental percussion artists.

How do you play 'Happy birthday to you' on drums?

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Play to the beat of the music. Bum-di-bum-bum-bum-bum.....

What country did steel drums originate?

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Contrary to popular belief, the Steel Drums did not come from Jamaica. Instead it came from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

How much do snare drums weigh?

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It depends of what materials the drums are constructed. For example, if the drums are made of hollowed-out logs, such as the "jungle drums" used for communication in Africa, a five-piece set may weigh hundreds of pounds.

What does CMC mean in CMC Percussion drums?

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I am trying to do some research on the CMC trap kit I bought 10 years ago. The drumset held up fairly well considering how many shows my band played around the Northwest. Trying to figure out more about it, I think I have found a small piece of the puzzle. Capital Music Center (CMC) is a place that instructs music including percussion. I am not 100 percent sure , but this might be a kit that a student gets after enrolling in a program?

I plan on rebuilding this kit, starting with laminate from Rockin Wraps in Seattle. I cant let this kit go, I have had it for to long.

Who invented the bass drum?

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The bass drum was invented around the 1930's

by Gabriella Pittui in timmins Ontario Canada!!

It's commonly believed the concept of a 'bass drum' was invented by New Orleans drummer Baby Dodds after he moved to California in 1921.

Can you name me all types of drums?

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there are many.

djembe, kutirinding, tran bat, fulla djembe, tama, dun ba and more.

What is olbon drum of igorot?

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olbon drums of igorot

Pictures of samba drums?

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The names of the most common samba drums are:

Surdo, caixa, repinique, tamborim, chocalho, ganza, cuica, agogo, pandeiro.

If you want to find out more about them (and to see pics) then follow the link below.

When was the African drum was invented?

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Well I think that African slit drums traveled globally in prehistory..because they have them in melanesia, smller one's in polynesia and they did have them in central it's a question of which way did they travel..they predominantly have them in west Africa but I've heard that the sudanese have them too....interesting, I got taught how to play some melanesian and polynesian rythms, but am of African ancestry, so I'm always asking myself the same question!!

Was there a special name for the donno drum?

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The donno drum is a drum from south Africa it is a wooden hourglass-shaped, two-headed drum covered with goatskin. The twin heads are laced together by thongs of gut or leather. To play it you hold it under one arm and strick it with a curved slick made of wood.

How do drums sound in space?

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Most likely gravity believe it or not, the sound waves travel differently :)

Who was the most famous drummer of the 20th century?

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Ringo Starr (The Beatles), Keith Moon (The Who), Ginger Baker (Cream), Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix Experience), Brian Bennett (The Shadows), Gene Krupa (various jazz bands).

How do you play the frame drum?

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Assuming the Kundu drum spoken of, is the Papua New Guinean one, the way you play it is to hold its handle in your non-dominant hand - left hand if you're right-handed, right hand if you're left-handed - and hit the drum skin with your bare hand.

You can get a variety of tones, depending on where you hit it, whether or not the drum skin has been prepared, and how hard you are hitting it.

Where are Congo drums from?

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Is the drums easy to play?

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Drums are actually very hard to play. You do FOUR THINGS simultaneously..

i dont know the exact answer to this, but ive been playing drums for almost 4 years. The thing about drums is that, unlike most instruments, you only need one hand to make one note. Guitar you would need your strumming hand, and the hand on the neck of the guitar. Trumpet you only have to use one hand, but you have to change pitch with your lips. On drums, all the notes are litterally in front of you, and you only have 2 arms to move onto a set of drums, compared to 10 fingers and an array of lip movements. i hope that helped.

Most people think they are easy to play because at the root of the instrument it's just keeping a beat, kind of like tapping your toe to a song. Look up basic rock beat on youtube to see the easiest thing to play. It's learning how to have your 4 extremities do different things at the same time, totally out of your bodies natural rythym, that is hard. The better you get at that, the more you can CREATE a groove, rather than just keep a beat.