

Extreme Sports

Dangerous or high risk sports such as mountain climbing, surfing, and BMX racing. The X Games was created as a venue for competition in such sports.

500 Questions

Which is a better Paintball gun maker the Smart Parts Ion Xe or the Smart Parts Epiphany?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would recommend the SLG because with the smart parts ion u have too upgrade it a lot to make it a great gun, with the slg itz fine right out of the box it comes with a better board an asa already on the gun and a clamping feedneck.

Is the spider sonix paintball gun an electric gun?

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Asked by Wiki User

In general, Spyder's "walmart" series are not that well built. They tend to be worse at performance and durability than even their "clone" counterparts. A much better alternatives are the Azodin blitz and Smart Parts Vibe, which cost slightly more, but will perform much better.

Is there any rock climbing around Sitka Alaska?

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Asked by Skiflake

No there isn't. The rock is layered and isn't well-suited for climbing. There is plenty of mountaineering in the backcountry, and some of that may include some rock climbing, but it is very difficult and dangerous. There are no established rock climbing routes.

Is extreme sports like regular sports?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, but regular sports such as football or soccer, have alot of rules and more agressiveness. Extreme sports like skateboarding, do not have limits and no offside penalties, but regular are pretty basic.

What are the laws in Kentucky for paintball markers?

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Asked by Wiki User

By law, 18 to buy, under 18 you can be supervised by an adult to use them. But it is illegal for someone under 18 to take the marker off the premises without an adult. :)

What caliber is a paintball?

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Asked by Wiki User

Very much so. Paintball guns come in .43 .50 and .68 caliber, none of which can be used in place of the other. .50 and .43 caliber has been shown many times to be inferior to the common .68 caliber however. The size/mass/volume/and ballistic coefficient of the .43/50 cal are not able to match the performance that the .68cal is able to produce currently.

Also within the .68 caliber range there are differently manufactured paintballs averaging about .685 but usually range +/- .015.

This paint bore, and its matching to the barrel bore is the most important factor in accuracy: If a ball is smaller than the insides of a barrel (barrel bore) the ball may bounce around inside the barrel as it travels. This will cause in-accuracy. However a ball that is bigger than the barrel bore may break inside the barrel from the friction. It is common belief that finding the proper fit between paint and barrel (paint to barrel match) makes for the best effect.

Do you need a license for a paintball site?

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Asked by Wiki User

hi my dad and i are looking to buy a few pinball guns. i live in western australia pinjarra and we live on a 5 acre block. we have done some research but all of the sights are not applicable for where we live. what licensing do we need for maybe 4 pinball guns and how much will it cost??. please help because i really want to get some paintball guns

Are nitrogen paintball tanks refillable?

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Asked by Jimjim1717

High pressure air, and all air for that matter, is about 78 percent nitrogen, so it is nicknamed a "nitrogen tank" . So a HPA tank is supposed to be filled with "nitrogen" which is really just air.

Is there a law that limits the noise emitted from a paintball field in Pennsylvania?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your local zoning ordinance may have limitations on noises that are defined as creating a public nuisance. Even without an ordinance, you cannot operate any business that creates a public nuisance if there are people nearby who want to stop it. It is a question of whether the abutters want to sue or have the town/county take action by itself.

How long does a battery on an electric paintball gun last?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends completely on the Paintball gun and how fast you fire it, if you keep it on between games, and the battery voltage and type. I would estimate a 9v in a tippman may last two straight days or so without firing.

What plane is currently used for parachuting?

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Asked by Wiki User

airborne units deploy by parachute. during WW2 ther were four main airborne units in the U.S. 101st airborne division, 82d airborne division, 11th airborne division and 17th airborne division. there were other smaller airborne units. at present time (I think) only one airborne division is still on jump status, the 82d airborne division. during WW2 airborne units operated in Europe and the Pacific.....there were a number of combat jumps initiated by those airborne elements during WW2, Korea and, I believe, Viet nam and Grenada

What equipment is used when rock climbing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bouldering: Climbing Shoes, Chalk bag, Comfortable clothes (e.g. knee-covering pants, sports shirt)

Top Roping: Same as above, Climbing Harness, Belay device.

Lead Climbing: Same as above answers, Rope.

How do you save paintballs that have gotten wet?

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Asked by Wiki User

you mean what happens if water gets on them? well its usually bad, they will absorb the water and swell up, once they swell they are no good, the shell becomes soft and will not break and they will most likely not fit inside the marker

Is the vibe a good paintball gun?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on what your definition of "good" is. The vibe was designed to bring the performance of an electropneumatic down to the price and simplicity level of entry markers. It's a simple and dependable gun that performs very well. It's not as upgradeable as a BT or rough and tough as a tippmann but for entry level speed ball or rec ball its great.

Why people are drwan to particular types of extreme sports?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most people enjoy the rush that it gives them and the trill of watching someone put there self's at risk of dange

How do you use a paintball fill station?

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Asked by Wiki User

I assume you mean an HPA fill station.

You connect the fill hose to the fill nipple of your tank by pulling the collar on the fitting at the end of the hose away from the tank, while pushing the fitting towards the tank.

There will be some sort of lever, button, or knob you will push to open the valve to fill your tank. Once the pressure gauge on your tank reaches the "FULL" mark (either 3000 or 4500psi, depending on your tank), you release the button/lever/knobzperiodz

When is the 2011 sumer x games?

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The Staples Centre, Los Angeles California

Can you put a grip on a spyder victor paintball gun?

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Asked by Wiki User

You cannot replace the trigger buy itself but you can buy a new trigger with new trigger frame like in the related links:

Who invented the sport paintball?

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Asked by Wiki User

George A Skogg invented a soft gelatin capsule containing a washable marking fluid. He worked for the company Nelson Paint Company. According to the website Paintball Mountain, paintball evolved from the paint pellet. An idea and implementation by Charels Nelson, co-founder of the Nelson Paint Company on behalf of the forestry industry to mark hard to reach tress with paint.

The first gun to be used in paintball was the Splatmaster invented by Robert G Shepherd who was working for the Nelson Paint Company

What is the age limit for buying paintball guns in the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the UK their is no minimum legal age.

However sites will probably have a minimum age of something around 8.

Some sites, such as Ambush Adventures, hold 'Young guns' days, days for under 18's only. Their is also no minimum age to have a two tone airsoft gun.

Do all paintball guns run on CO2?

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Asked by Wiki User

All paintball guns require propellant, but some use HPA or high pressure air, instead. HPA tanks are more expensive and holds less shots, but are significantly more consistent (accurate) and easier and cheaper to refill. You can also tell how much you have left on a HPA tank.

Where in new zealand would you go bungy jumping?

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Asked by Wiki User

i think you can go rock climbing pretty much anywhere. You can go on a normal mountin that you have found or you could be on holiday were there are rocks. Even if you go to a rock climbing gym or club you can go there and get good at it and make It a living.

What is the form you sign when bungee jumping?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most bungee places require jumpers to sign release forms and waivers before they are allowed to jump. You should also check that the site is certified and safe before plummeting to the earth.

What are the skills for skydiving?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need to be able to speak and understand the language in which the course will be taught. You need to be in reasonable physical condition and be able to learn through experience and practice.

When is paintball season?

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Asked by Wiki User

Its a personal opinion, but in the winter, you wear more clothes, and gas does not expand as rapidly, so paintballs hurt less. In the summer you wear less, and gas expands more rapidly, so it hurts more, but are generally faster games.