

Hair Dye

Hair dye is the process of adding color to hair. This can be done with natural dyes, such as Henna, or by manufactured chemical mixes.

500 Questions

How do you get hair dye off the face?

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try hair spray it worked 4 my friend

there is stuff at monarch buy some before you dye your hair

Try sudsing up a washcloth with Dawn with Bleach. It wont hurt your skin and works great. Next time you dye, try lining your hair line and ear rims with petrolleum jelly(Vaseline), it'll help prevent you from getting hair dye all over your forehead and ears.

What is the best OTC hair dye for grey hair?

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Good hair dye for grey hair would probably be a dark brown, or maybe black. Even though I don't really recommend dying hair at all. Black can conceal age alot, and it looks so perfect with that mascara black color you put on them lashes. OMG, if you dye your hair something like light brown, I think it would look so messed up, if mixed with a dark grey. The best thing I would say to dye your grey hair is black, because it can seal, and erase all of the grey, and look really shiny if combed well and straight.(Not that I like straight, curly or wavy looks great too in black.) Dark brown would be a good alternative if you have a light hue of grey, and easily mix and conceal too. It looks also great with mascara and straight, curly or wavy hair. If you try to get blond hair by dying grey hair, I wish you good luck because I dont know what would happen if you tryed that. Red or purple lipstick/ gloss or something of that color frame would look good with a liitle blush, powder, maybe skin toner, and brown/black hair. I really am not the best makeup girl there is, but I observe and share my opinions and the best thing I can do is with looks, I must say. So if you ever need help on anything like fashion, I say look at the people around you and they will give you the answer. Thanks for reading. Oh yeah, and Im good with Pokemon games too, or things of that nature as well as cheating with Action Replay. So If you need any more advice just type in for WikiAnswers "Help by VironHa" and I can give you a full 411 of what I know of cheats and hacking. If you need help on fashion, just type in "Help by FasLook" and Ill give you a full 411 on what I think of mascara and hair, and other things that are special. Again thanks for reading.

Is it illegal for a minor to buy hair dye from Sally's Beauty Supply?

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Yes! Just check at a local Super Grocery Store like Target, or Cub Foods!!

Is there a hair dye that will not break hair off?

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  • Hair dyes have caused bad reactions among some people like redness, itchy or irritated skin, burning, hair loss and -- with an extreme allergic reaction -- facial swelling and labored breathing.

The cream dye mixture makes the hair shaft swell to accept the color and process further. Certain ingredients that do this are metallic lead and bismuth citrate --- and in proscribed doses that are approved as safe. Our hair has keratin and it's the sulfur within that oxidizes with the chemicals, causing a color change.

The three types of hair color --- permanent, semi-permanent and temporary --- all have chemicals in varying levels. The permanent colors are obviously meant to last longer and, according to the Food and Drug Administration, they are broken up into two categories: oxidation dye or progressive dyes.

The oxidation type becomes a dye after a chemical reaction with hair. The progressive type are dyes themselves but need additives to get to the desired shade; some of the chemicals used to do that are ammonia, soap and detergent, a conditioner and hydrogen peroxide. What you generally see in the box are a developer and an ammonia-based dye that are mixed together to form a cream.

Getting semi perment hair dye out you hate it its to dark?

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you could bleach your hair or just wait till it fades

Edit:How about this? Mix olive oil, cinnamon and honey, apply to your hair and leave on for a few hours. Use warm water to rinse hair well, apply conditioner and let soak for a further 20 minutes. Shampoo and condition as normal. All three ingredients have a mild peroxide value and will not destroy your hair like bleach will.

If you don't feel like doing that, get an anti dandruff shampoo- they always fade hair dyes.

Edit: also hairdressers can strip the color out of your hair. But if you don't want to pay to go, dye actually gets out other dye. Works every time.

What kind of hair dye does Hayley Williams use?

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she uses "manic panic" hair dye.

Does hair dye harm animals?

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Yes it harms animals. It is chemicals soaking into their skin/body/bloodstream.

Their metabolism and digestive systems are completely different from humans and very often more fragile; i.e. cats and dogs live very short lives and 95% of human food/drink is toxic and very dangerous for them.

How do you hair dye your puppy?

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only a professional groomer should attempt to dye a dog with vegetable dye, you must NEVER use human hair dye products.

It is never recommended that you should dye a dog's hair in the first place, and very few groomers will do this, however, there is always some unethical person out there who will do it for a fee.

Does hair dye take marijuana out of your hair?

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No....THC is stored in fat cells in your body, the more fat you are the longer it stays....anywhere from 2-6 weeks depending on body type.....BB

Will hair dye work on un bleached hair?

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Yes it will. Hair dye is made to be applied directly to your hair. This also depends on your hair color, for instance your hair is dark brown to black and you want to add some red, you will need to prelightened your hair if you want the red to stand out.

Hair dye chemical formula?

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Chemicals found in hair dye varies depending on the type of dye, is it a temporary dye, semi permanent or permanent. for example a semi permanent dye may contain peroxide and ammonia but these are generally safe and passes through strict FDA regulations.

Hair dye substitutes?

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food coloring with conditioner make sure the conditioner is white. but doing so also makes your hair thinker and a bit hard to brush, when i used food coloring it come out as soon as i washed it and it did make my hair thick and just hard to put up but it might work so just try it anyway plus it doesn't harm your hair :)

Is hair dye harmful to your health?

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only if you drink it........

have you been drinking it latly?cuz i think u hav been drinking it while you were asking this question.........hahahahahahahahahahaha!

How do you get red hair dye out of your hair?

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Dye it another color or let it cOne out by its self or right after getting it it come out the Wong color wash it out fast with a strong shampoo

Can i put the conditoner in the hair dye mix?

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Yes. It makes the color lighter though. The more you put in, the lighter the color. Hair dye is pretty much made up with conditioner

Where can you buy hair dye that lasts a month?

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If you've got a Sally Beauty Supply near you, go there.

If you're looking for really vibrant punky color, you want Manic Panic.

How long does semi perminate hair dye last?

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Most non-permanent hair dyes will generally begin to fade after 4-6 weeks, assuming you wash your hair everyday. The color may still stain your hair, especially if it is a lot darker than your original color, however it will be very faded and lose most of it's luster after 6 weeks. Some temporary dyes will completely or almost completely fade after about 3 months.

Does hair dye affect the environment?

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yes because the toxic fumes from the hair and the smoke coming from the factories do it to the air!

Where do you get permanent hair dye?

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depends on if you want to dye it a fun color or a natural color. to dye your hair a fun color you can use kool-aid. and they make non-permanent hair dye! just read the labels or ask a worker at Sally's beauty supply store! hope this helped! :)

What is the difference between long-lasting and semi-permanent hair dye?

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long lasting die will stay in your hair for a while and will kill your hair if you keep using it but if you use semi permanent hair die it means it wont stay in for the whole time it will only last for a little time like a year or so and wont kill your hair

How do you remove hair dye off of a mirror?

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Wipe it off

Can hair dye permanently kill your hair?

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your hair is already dead!! befor you do or apply anything to it!! dyeing it can damage the cudicle of the hair witch makes it less soft and more capable of breaking off and falling out ..bleach is the worst you can apply to the hair oce the cudicle is completly destoryed your hair will have no soft texture, flow of bounce anymore! so you think its dead but its just mutilated! ;)