


The Himalaya Range or Himalaya Mountains is a mountain range in Asia that separates the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. Together, the Himalayan mountain system is the highest in the planet and is home to the highest peaks in the world, the eight-thousanders including K2 and Mount Everest.

500 Questions

What natural process formed the Himalayas mountains?

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Uplift and subsequent erosion

How could small pieces of the Himalayas form new rock?

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Asked by KadiaMondesir

Over millions of years, the piled weight of eroded particles will squeeze the bits together on the sea floor. New rock will form

How do you protect Himalayas?

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We can protect Mount Everest by being careful of what we do and leave behind. The biggest thing we can do to protect the mountain is to bring down all the rubbish that climbers tend to leave due to being exhausted after climbing. Today there is less rubbish on the mountain side than say 20 years ago.

Name two passes of eastern Himalayas?

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Nathula and bomdila

What event caused the Himalaya mountain belt to form?

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the collision of India with the continental land of Asia while the the continents where still in formation

Why is it so windy atop the Himalayas?

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the windiest spot on earth is atop mount washtoint is new hampshire. a wind speed of 231 mile's per hour has been recorded threr.

What mountain range is mt. elbrus found in?

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Mt Elbrus is on the Russian side of the Caucasus mountain range and is the tallest mountain in Europe.

What problems does the Himalayas cause?

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What is the percentage of gas on top of Mt. Everest?

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At the summit of Mount Everest there is approximately 33% of the oxygen that is available at sea level.

When did Buddhism start in india?

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In the year 534 BCE, a young Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama (age 29) was deeply troubled about the fact that so many people suffer. So he left his wife and child and renounced his throne to find out the answer to why there was suffering. Now it should be noted when Buddhists speak of suffering this includes dissatisfaction (unhappiness) with the way things are. Siddhartha went to study with various gurus to try to find the answer to his question. Theses gurus had him do various types of yoga and meditation to try to help him with his quest. None of them seem to have an answer to his question though.

Siddhartha left these various gurus and joined in with a group of ascetics. Asceticism is a path in which you deprive the body in order to conquer and control the mind. He practiced asceticism fiercely, almost to the point of death. At that point he realized that giving in to pleasure, as he did when he was a prince, nor trying to punish the body, was the proper path to finding the answer. So he sat down and meditated under a pi-pal tree. During this meditation he discovered the root of all suffering and the path to how to overcome suffering and became enlightened.

After his enlightenment he meets up with his ascetic friends, who by now were critical of him for leaving the path of asceticism. But he explains to them what he had discovered and they were instantly converted. From there The Buddha taught for 45 years until his death at 85 converting many to his teachings and now Buddhism is the 4th largest religion in the world.

The man who discovered mount Everest as the highest peak of the himalaya was?

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In 1841 Andrew Waugh discovered and recorded the location of Mount Everest it was then called Peak XV

Do the Himalayas form part of the border of India?

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Yes. The Himalayas form most of India's border with China.

How do people adapt to living in the Himalayas?

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Off course thousands of people live in the Himalayas. None lives at peak Everest. But at some low altitude thousand of Nepali Sherppa live their for long years. The are born their and they die there. Same is with Bhutanese people.

None lives in K2 peak in Pakistan. But in the valleys thousands live.

So i can't accept answer: 'none lives in the Himalays

What is the difference between the vegetations of the eastern and western Himalayas?

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The eastern himalayas

1)Chinese and malayan flora present

2)flora is much thicker than that of the west

3)members of cycadaceae are present and orchids palms and bamboos are common

4)epiphytes and climbers are in great profusion.

The western Himalayas

1)European and Siberian flora are present

2)flora is much poorer than that of the east

3)cycadaceae is absent and orchids,palms and bamboos are fewer in number

4)epiphytes and climbers diminish to a considerable extent.

Why is it difficult to climb the Himalayas?

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The himalaya mountains are hard to cross mainly because of height. The height presented cold and diseases such as pneumonia . Most attempters and conquerers alike have suffered from injuries such as FROSBITE. I could go on and on!

Why are Himalayas a powerful natural barrier?

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because of the strategical location off the great Himalayas, it acts as a climatic divide........

How many countries do the Himalayas cover?

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Bhutan, Tibet, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan

How do you make a working model on formation of Himalayas?

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Project AThe standard school project model is usually made of paper mache. You need water, flour, used newspapers or similar sheets of paper, a large piece of cardboard for the base, poster paint and brushes. A picture of the Himalayas to use as a guide could be helpful.

Mix a paste of flour and water that is a thick liquid. You will be able to tell if it's too thick or too thin by the way it behaves when to begin to build your structure. You can add more water or more flour as needed.

Start by taking various size sheets of paper, dipping them in the paste mixture and crumpling them loosely into various size balls. These will be the core structure of the mountains. Arrange them on the cardboard base as the mountains will be arranged. Build on these structures with more crumpled paper until you're satisfied with the basic shape of the mountains. Then, tear the remaining paper into strips in varying widths. Dip them in the paste and lay them over the base structures, molding them as you go with the ridges and crags of the mountains. Keep doing this until you are satisfied that the mountains look like your vision.

Let the structure dry. Depending how wet it is, this may take a couple of days so plan ahead.

When it is sufficiently dry, paint the whole project; black, grey, white, and anything else that your artistic eye desires; dark brown or green for the foreground. Allow that to dry and you should be done.

Project BIf you are more artistic, you might try a diorama style. This is a faster and will be more stable when you are done. You will need a good supply of corrugated cardboard, a box cutter or strong scissors, glue (white glue is fine), poster paint and brushes (Or you could cut colored paper into the same shapes as the cardboard pieces and glue them to the pieces of cardboard instead of painting them. You would have to do this as you built your mountains instead of painting it when done.) Having a picture as a guide would be helpful.

Make a base and background by cutting one of the boxes down to about two-three inches tall and prop it upright. Then cut cardboard pieces into the shapes of the mountains, building layers that grow slightly smaller as you go; cut enough irregular pieces to show the ridges and crags, perhaps ending in the front with some small trees or bushes for the bottom of the foreground.

If you have not used colored paper as you went, all you have to do now is paint it.

How do people use the Himalayas?

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People in the foothills of the Himalayas (like other mountain ranges, for examp The Andes) live, raise their children, die.

In some mountains it is possible to plough (zoom ploughing of the terrain, step by step). Otherwise inhabitats rely on forest (for food, wood). Some look after domestic animals. Many goes for wild animal hunting or fish!

What mountain range does Mt Everest belong?

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Mount Everest the highest mountain in the world is part of the Himalayan mountain range. The Himalaya are among the youngest mountain ranges on the planet.

What monster lives in the Himalayas?

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What insects are native to the Himalayas?

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There are no insects that live in the Himalaya other than the ones that are native to that area.