


Horse Breeding

Breeding horses is the root of the horse industry, be it racing, show jumping, or just for the purpose of seeing the miracle of birth from the mare[s] that you own. Knowing how to breed horses and foal out mares, among other things that are involved in the topic of horse reproduction is important and can be asked and answered here.

500 Questions

How soon will a mare come in heat after having a colt?

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They are generally bred back 10 days after foaling

How long does a foal nurse from its mother?

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The length of time that a pony foal will nurse depends on the living situation of the pony mare. If the mare lives on a busy breeding farm the foal will likely only be able to nurse up until the fourth to sixth month of age as it will be manually weaned by a human. If the mare is allowed to keep the foal at her side without human interference in the weaning process the foal could nurse up until it is a year old before the mare would naturally wean it off her.

When is a good time to breed a mare after foaling?

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Well, I really think that you should wait around 9-12 months before breeding that mare again. Breeding is very stressful and it should NOT be close together. So, just wait 9-12 because that is also giving the foal time to get weaned off the mare's milk.

How long will it be before you to know when a horse is pregnant?

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A veterinarian can ultrasound a mare at 14 days post ovulation and be able to determine if a mare is
pregnant. An experienced veterinarian can palpate a mare that has not returned to heat post breeding (at 25 plus days) and be able to feel the conceptus. A laboratory based blood test can be done for around 100 dollars and there are also home based urine tests that can detect a pregnancy in a mare that is approximately 40-120 days in foal and another if the mare from a 120 days in foal. The urine based tests were developed in New Zealand.

When is a does a mare go into heat?

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A mare will usually enter estrus (heat) for the first time at around age 1. Mares are seasonally poly-estrus, which means they come into heat (or season) in the spring and cycle approximately every 21 days until the fall.

When do horses have foals?

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There's no real time when a horse is too old, but usually a mare will stop conceiving or will abort the foal if she can't carry it for some reason. Most mares stop breeding in their early 20s.

Can horses give birth?

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It can be done but it's rare. Horses don't do well coming out of anasthesia so it is not something that should be taken lightly. Another factor is horses are not usually in a hospital for their delievery. If emergency surgery was needed there would most likely not be enough time. And you don't want to move a mare in full labor. Because horses are prey animals their labor and delivery is very short. It doesn't leave a lot of room for error.

What is the worst breed of horse?

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The most dangerous dogs are those that are not properly cared for, trained, socialized, housed, and fed. Breed makes little difference.

Another answer

The most dangerous dog to other people that are not in its direct family is the Fila Brasileiro. They were and still are raised to love and adore the owners and family but to hate and attack everyone else.

I would have to say the pitbull because they can do the most damage I know they are less aggressive then little dogs but if they bite you your pretty much screwed

Another answer

Simply put, there are many many breeds that have a powerful bite and many breeds bread to be guard dogs or attack dogs. But the basis of a dog's demeanor is not established by it's history but rather it's up-bringing. If a dog is raised undisciplined and untrained or even abused and not properly socialized with other dogs and people it will obviously be an aggressive and dangerous dog. But ANY breed can be properly trained and socialized to be loving and nurturing.

Also to say the pit bull has the strongest bite is plain ignorant. A bite force is based on power of the jaws. LOGIC and COMMON SENSE will point out that the bigger the head, the stronger the jaw, the stronger the bite. But also to point out, each jaw structure was designed for a purpose. The German Shepard has a Scissor bite, meant to cut easily through meat. The Pit Bull's jaw was designed to act as a vice and hold on tightly to large bulls while the butcher would kill the cow for meat. Furthermore, there is no possible way to fully determine the strongest and most destructive bite simply because you can't tell a dog to bite as hard as it can. A dog will bite however it chooses to bite.

So to answer this question, possibly the most dangerous dog would be the Striped Hyena. A Hyena is the most dangerous because it has the strongest bite recorded, a bite intended to break through the bones of an elephant. Also they are the most dangerous because they hunt in coordinated packs.

Modern dogs living in society are aggressive due to poor upbringing. Hyenas are purely wild and only have wild upbringing where if they don't kill, they will be killed. Unlike wolves, the hyena will organize an attack from the perfect angle to drive their prey into a corner where they all will kill it. Wolves, though efficient, allow their prey an opening by spreading out.

I am a wild-life researcher for the San Diego Wild Animal Park in Escondido, CA. If anyone wants to question my credibility, come pay me a visit and I'll show you exactly what I work with on a day-to-day basis.

It is impossible to know the likelihood that any dog of a particular breed will attack, because it is not possible to know the number of dogs of a particular breed that there are. If you don't know the total population of a breed, you can not calculate the percentage of those dogs that have attacked. Existing dog bite statistics are highly misleading, because they do not take into account the popularity of a breed. If a breed is more popular, it will likely make up a larger percentage of total dog bites. But that does not say anything for that particular breed's likelihood to bite.

Can I jump a 3-4 monts pregnant horse?

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they actually shouldn't be jumped until 5 years old, that's when their joints develop, you CAN jump them at 3, but they may develop arthritis, that is what happened to my mare.

How do you get a pure bred horse on howrse?

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You have a purebred horse and get it pregnant with a horse that is purebred. Then the baby will be purebred.

Or you can buy one in the sales.

Blue stars means that the horse is purebred.

How long after birth before a horse can stand?

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After birth, the sooner a foal gets on his feet and begins to nurse, the better. Some get up almost immediately, some take longer. Most vets say that if they are not up after an hour or so there may be a problem and if the vet is not already there it may be a good idea to call and get advise.

How many times does a horse mate in a day?

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Normal (approximately average) heart rate for an adult horse is 35bpm. In 24 hours that's 50,400 beats.

Is there anything a pregnant horse shouldn't eat?

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No there is nothing that a pregnant horse shouldn't eat that she wouldn't eat otherwise. During pregnancy it's wise to increase her protein with a higher percentage grain/sweet feed. Also good to up her hay to a 21% protein such as alfalfa or an alfalfa mix.

Are foals only born in the spring?

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Foals are normally born in the spring as it is warmer but sometimes a stallion gets out of it's pen or some kind of accident happens and they are born later i the year. My horse was born in the fall cuz the stallion got out and bred her dam.

At five months what size is the fetus of a horses foal?

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A foal, a midget horse, or if a male, a colt. In this case not a player from Indianapolis.

How many years can female horses breed?

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A generation of horses may range from as little as two to as many as 20 years.

Can you give a 7 month old foal cow milk?

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Although it can be given it does not contain the right nutrients for the foal and the foal will not do well on it at all.Goats milk would be a better alternative and foal milk replacer would be best. You can also hire a nurse mare if you can afford it.

What bedding should not be used for a pregnant mare?

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I pulled this from the website in the related links:

"Mares should foal on straw rather than bedding shavings. This is because the shavings can stick to the mare's vulva, and can be drawn in as the mare struggles to push the foal out. They can also adhere to the wet newborn foal and permit bacteria to enter the umbilicus more easily. Dry, clean straw is preferred, and the mare and foal can be switched to shavings a few days after birth."

When will you start showing?

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well showing of a baby bump varies lots between each pregnancy no matter our age, but i would say about 2 months you may look a bit bloated, but this could happen much later still, it also depends on your body size and shape, some people show from very early on and continue to get bigger, others don't show till later and all of a sudden their bump just keeps growing, theirs no exact way to tell how and when you will notice your baby bump.

What horse breeds are working horses?

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Most of the American stock horse breeds are used for cattle work, including the Quarter Horse, the Paint Horse, the Appaloosa, and various cross-breeds of them.

In theory, any breed can work cattle, but the stock horse breeds are known for their "cow sense." Andalusians are highly prized in some regions for their bravery and cow sense.

What age do female horses have their first heat cycle?

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There are differing opinions on this. If you are in the business of breeding horses they may breed a younger mare. I think the youngest age should not be before 6 or 7 years old. This gives enough time to let the horse mature and get her broke to ride before she becomes a mother.

Answer- wait until she is at least 3 years old so that she has the majority of her growth.

What is the ideal bedding to use in a foaling stall to prevent infections in the foal?

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well, the beding a horse would like to give birth on would be a warm blanket or somthing that makes them cozy and warm!
What I use is paper bedding (shredded newspaper) covered with grass hay.

Paper bedding is very absorbent, once it is wet it sticks together for easy removal and replacement and prevents rubber mats from becoming slick.

I use grass hay over the top because it is not a byproduct of another growth process (like straw) so the producer has made an effort to insure that it is clean, mold and dust free and has the added advantages that the mare can eat it before and after foaling and I don't need extra storage space.
straw- i think that's correct for howrse to!

if you go on howrse- pm me! im 22barbaro22!!!
Preparing your mare for foaling, and making sure your new foal is comfortable is essencial in his health. I have written an article on when my mare foaled, and how we prepared & cared for her, and our new foal. This is the link:
I did some research, and heard many things. Some people said shavings because they are very absorbent, and not dusty like straw. However, I also heard "Use hay. Shavings can and do harbor psuedomonas, sticks to wet foals, gets in eyes, and most importantly, can be dusty. So, if you end up with a batch of dusty shavings with psuedomonas, you could end up with some really nasty problems with your neonate. Stick with straw or hay."

Then some people preferred hay over straw, either because straw was less common and more expensive than hay where they lived.

In a magazine I once read, it said to lay sawdust down, and then straw on top of that. the straw gives a nice cushiness , and allows for any liquids to go through into the sawdust, which will absorb it.

I personally am going to let my horse foal outdoors, keeping it as natural as possible, because in my opinion, horses had it great. Everything went well, until humans came and messed everything up.

So, I suggest you read all these and decide which one makes the most sense to you. Sorry I couldn't give you a better answer, but there are many ways, and its a matter of opinion and availability to which you use.
Most people use wheat straw in the foaling stalls.
I just passed riding level six, and the answer is: straw. This is for howrse.
Straw, so that the mare will not be scratched and the straw won't stick to the new foal. If you're looking for this answer for Howrse, has some answers for the riding levels :)

Can horses and ponies drink milk?

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It can be drunk but i dont think you would want to though