What was the time period in which horse drawn carriages were used in England?
Technically horses & carriages have never ended. The Amish and Mennonites and still use them. And, you can still pay for a ride in them in Manhattan's Central Park. In the general culture there is no point where they suddenly ended, they just grew less and less commonly used after the mass production of cars. They pretty much faded away in the 1940's.
What is a Carriage drawn by two pair of horses driven by one person?
This depends on the type of carriage used. A three horse hitch is often called a unicorn hitch or a three up hitch. In Russia a carriage desined for three horses is a Troika.
What effect did automobile have on horse drawn carriages?
The horse-drawn carriage was still in use in the early 1950's, even though the automobile has been around since the turn of the century. I remember the ice wagon bringing ice for our icebox (non-electric refrigerator) each day in a horse-drawn wagon in 1953. I live in an area of Missouri heavily populated by Mennonite familys, so I see horse-drawn wagons nearly every day in my home town.
The first commercially successful steam locomotive which lost a race to a horse drawn train in 1830?
Tom Thumb
Did they have horse drawn carriages in medieval times?
Horse drawn vehicles have been thought to have been present all throughout human history, sometimes refered to as Carriages. The same is true of "Kings." Both have a history long predating the 1500's.
What is the name of a Russian carriage drawn by 3 horses side by side?
A Russian horse carriage with three horses harnessed abreast is called a Troika. The two outside horses are bent slightly to the outside and must canter to keep up with the center horse which is harnessed straight in and trots.
What is a light two wheeled one-horse carriage?
A cart.
Answer 2:
A two wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse could be a cart or a sulky.
A two-wheeled vehicle, beginning with a "c", that is pulled by a horse could be a chariot.
There are several:
What is a carriage with a folding top called?
A horse-drawn carriage with a folding top could be a landau.
What is a light horse drawn cart on runners that is used to carry people over snow and ice?
* sled * sleigh is probably the one
* sledge * toboggan skibob
What is the name of a horse drawn carriage operator?
The proper, traditional term is a "Coachman", which applies to the driver of any kind of horse drawn carriage.
When was the horse drawn chariots invented?
The Horse Drawn Chariot was invented in the year 1,700 B.C.E.
How many people use horse drawn carriages now?
A 20-mule team, which was actually 18 mules and 2 horses in the lead, could pull 10 tons of coal or borax ore.