


HSC Maharashtra Board

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Maharashtra Board was created in 1966 to standardized secondary education in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The exams are held in March and results are announced in June.

500 Questions

Can you get ulcers from worrying about an exam?

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Asked by Wiki User

While stress and worry can exacerbate symptoms of ulcers, they are primarily caused by a bacteria called H. pylori, long-term use of NSAIDs, or excessive alcohol consumption. It is unlikely that worrying about an exam would directly cause an ulcer, but managing stress through healthy coping mechanisms can still be beneficial for overall health.

How you can i get the sample entrance previous exam paper?

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You can check with the school, college, or institution where you are applying to see if they provide samples or past entrance exam papers. Some institutions may have these available on their websites or at their admissions office. Additionally, you can search online forums or websites that specialize in exam preparation materials.

What do you study to be a dental assistant?

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To become a dental assistant, you can pursue a dental assisting program or take courses in a community college or technical school. The typical courses cover topics such as dental anatomy, radiography, infection control, chairside assisting, and dental office management. Some states may also require dental assistants to pass an exam or obtain certification.

Have any change in the sahithyacharya syllabus?

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There have been updates to the Sahityacharya syllabus over time to adapt to changes in the field of literature and new developments. It is recommended to check with the relevant educational institution or board for the most current information on the syllabus.

Why is national career assessment exam is for 3rd year?

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Asked by Wiki User

The national career assessment exam is typically for 3rd-year students because by that time they have completed a significant portion of their academic coursework and are closer to entering the job market or pursuing further studies. It helps them assess their skills, interests, and abilities to make informed decisions about their future career paths.

When do the dbhps exam results will come?

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Asked by Wiki User

Results for the dbhps exam are typically released within 2-3 months after the exam date. It is best to check the official dbhps website or contact the exam center for the most accurate information on result release dates.

Who is topper in rawalpindi board 9th class?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm afraid I do not have real-time information on specific exam results. It is best to check the official website or contact the Rawalpindi Board directly for the latest updates on the 9th class topper.

What does a school syllabus consist of?

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Asked by Wiki User

A school syllabus typically includes course objectives, a schedule of topics to be covered, required readings, assignments, grading criteria, and policies related to attendance and academic integrity. It serves as a roadmap for the course and provides students with an overview of what to expect throughout the term.

Should board examinations be abolished?

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Asked by Wiki User

Abolishing board examinations may not be the best solution as they serve as a standardized measure of students' knowledge and skills. However, reforms and improvements in the examination system could address issues such as stress and anxiety among students. It is important to find a balance that ensures fair assessment while also supporting students' well-being.

How do you write a counter view?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a counter view, first summarize the main argument or point of view you are countering. Then, provide evidence or reasons why you disagree with this perspective. Finally, offer your own perspective or alternative argument to support your position. It's important to address the opposing view respectfully and acknowledge valid points before presenting your own argument.

Why is is necessary to choose arts as subject for ias exam?

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Asked by Wiki User

Choosing arts as a subject for the UPSC Civil Services Examination can provide a well-rounded education that includes exposure to diverse perspectives, critical thinking skills, and an understanding of society and culture. This can be beneficial for a career in public administration where the ability to analyze complex issues, communicate effectively, and engage with a wide range of stakeholders is crucial. Arts subjects can also help develop empathy, creativity, and a deeper appreciation for social issues and human experiences.

What does date of last revision mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The "date of last revision" refers to the most recent date when a document, file, or piece of information was last updated or modified. It helps users identify when the content was last verified or edited for accuracy and relevance.

What are the evil effect of examination malpractices?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examination malpractices undermine the integrity of the education system by promoting dishonesty and unfair advantages. They can lead to a devaluation of qualifications and skills, as well as erode trust in educational institutions. Additionally, they can limit opportunities for honest, hardworking students to succeed and negatively impact their future prospects.

What is the hole azan meaning?

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The term "azan" refers to the Islamic call to prayer, traditionally recited by a muezzin from a mosque's minaret. It serves as a reminder for Muslims to come together for communal worship, reinforcing the unity of the Islamic community. The call includes phrases affirming the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad.

What is the characteristics of A Cultural Syllabus?

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A cultural syllabus typically includes topics such as history, language, literature, arts, and traditions specific to a particular culture. It provides a structured framework for learning and understanding the values, beliefs, and practices of that culture. Additionally, a cultural syllabus may also incorporate activities and experiences that allow for immersion and engagement with the cultural aspects being studied.

What do you understand by syllabus?

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A syllabus is a document that outlines the topics, learning objectives, assessments, and schedule for a course. It provides students with information about what will be covered in the course, expectations for assignments, grading criteria, and policies.

WHAT IS Oral Examination?

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An oral examination is a type of assessment where individuals are asked questions verbally instead of in written form. It typically involves a face-to-face conversation between an examiner and the person being evaluated, with the aim of assessing their knowledge, understanding, and communication skills on a particular topic. Oral examinations are commonly used in academic settings, job interviews, and professional certifications.

How do you get gulf sahodaya question papers of 2010?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try contacting the Gulf Sahodaya directly to see if they have archived question papers from 2010. Alternatively, you can reach out to schools that participated in the Sahodaya events in 2010 to see if they have copies of the question papers.

Do NDA offer masters in pychology?

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No, the National Defense Academy (NDA) in India does not offer a master's degree in psychology. NDA primarily focuses on providing military training and education to its cadets. For advanced studies in psychology, one would typically need to look at universities or institutions that offer graduate programs in psychology.

What are the effect of examination malpratice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examination malpractice leads to unfair advantages for some students, undermines the integrity of the education system, and reduces the credibility of academic qualifications. It can also result in demotivation among students who study hard and play by the rules, leading to a lack of trust in the education system.

What is harijan sevak sangh?

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Harijan Sevak Sangh is a non-profit organization founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1932 to work towards the betterment of Harijans, now known as Dalits, who were considered untouchables in the Indian caste system. The organization focuses on eradicating caste-based discrimination, promoting social equality, and providing educational and vocational training to empower marginalized communities.

Where can i get all the madhyama question papers?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find Madhyama question papers at local bookstores that specialize in educational materials or online portals that offer study materials for the Madhyama examination. Additionally, you can contact Madhyama exam authorities or educational institutions for past question papers.

Where can i find a Ptcb free practice exam?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find free practice exams for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) on websites like,, and These resources offer sample questions and practice tests to help you prepare for the exam.

Who are the passers of als exam at cebu danao city?

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I do not have access to the specific list of passers for the ALS exam in Cebu Danao City. You may contact the Department of Education or the ALS testing center in Cebu Danao City for this information.

What are the effects of students cheating on college exams?

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Cheating undermines the integrity of the academic system by devaluing the accomplishments of honest students. It can also hinder the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the cheating students. Furthermore, it can lead to disciplinary actions and damage the reputation of the institution.