


Hyperbole and Superlative

Includes questions related to the use of exaggeration for emphasis or to express a superlative degree.

2,645 Questions

Is a shirt as blue as the sky a hyperbole?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, describing a shirt as "blue as the sky" is a hyperbole because it exaggerates the blueness of the shirt to emphasize a point. The sky is often used as a symbol of vivid blue color, so comparing a shirt to it in terms of color intensity is an exaggeration.

What are some examples of animal hyperboles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here is one about a dog-

His bark breaks the sound barrier,

his nose is colder than the artic.

when he waves his tail it causes hurricanes, his jumping causes falling rocks.

He eats mountains of dog food, and drinks rivers dry.

Though he breaks the bank,

He is the apple of my eye.

What is a hyperbole for an old dog?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dog is so old, he played with wooly mammoths as a puppy.

What is the superlative and comparative word for cloudy?

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The superlative is cloudiest; the comparative is cloudier.

What is the comparative and superlative degree of gently?

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-LY adverbs make their comparative/superlative with more/most (more gently, most gently).

Is blinding light a hyperbole?

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Yes, describing something as "blinding light" is often considered a hyperbole because it exaggerates the intensity of the light to emphasize its brightness.

What is the hyperbole on a large pile of snow?

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Asked by Wiki User

A hyperbole would be saying something like "There's enough snow here to reach the sky!" to exaggerate the size of the snow pile in a dramatic or humorous way.

What is the superlative for sunny?

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The superlative for "sunny" is "sunniest".

What are some historical allusions in October sky?

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Asked by Wiki User

"October Sky" contains several historical allusions, such as the references to the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union, including the launch of Sputnik. There are also nods to the Cold War tensions and the impact of the Korean War on the characters' lives. Additionally, the film showcases the cultural context of the 1950s in America, including societal expectations and technological advancements.

What are some hyperboles for a panda?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. "That panda is as big as a house!"
  2. "The panda eats like there's no tomorrow!"
  3. "The panda's cuteness is out of this world!"
  4. "The panda sleeps more than a sloth!"

What is hyperbole for sun?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sun was so bright it burned a hole in the ground.

What are the applications of comparative genomics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Comparative genomics is used in various areas such as evolutionary biology, understanding genetic diseases, drug discovery, and bioinformatics. By comparing the genomes of different species, researchers can identify genetic variations, gene functions, and evolutionary relationships, leading to insights into biological processes and the development of new treatments or therapies.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word natural?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because natural is an imported polysyllabic adjective, the Frenchified comparative and superlative forms more natural and most natural are usual in formal writing. None the less, the native constructions in -er and -est, giving naturaler and nuturalest, while very unusual, are not incorrect in speech.

What is the comparative and superlative of natural?

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Asked by Wiki User

Comparative: more natural Superlative: most natural

What is a hyperbole in a sound of thunder?

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Asked by Paul Mccoy

His bodu screamed silence in return.

What is the comparative and superlative adjectives for heavy?

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Comparative: heavier Superlative: heaviest

What is the comparative and superlative to the word light?

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Comparative: lighter Superlative: lightest

What is the comparative and superlative degree of energetically?

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Comparative: more energetically Superlative: most energetically

What is the comparative and superlative degree of heavy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Comparative: heavier Superlative: heaviest

Is electric current flows like water in a river bed a alliteration metaphor simile or hyperbole?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is a simile because it compares the flow of electric current to the flow of water in a river bed using "like."

The pizza was hotter than the Sahara Desert in the summer?

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This is a creative way to describe a very hot pizza! It effectively communicates the extreme heat of the pizza using a vivid comparison to the scorching temperatures of the Sahara Desert during the summer.

What superlative degree of heavy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The superlative degree of heavy is "heaviest."

What is the comparative degree of light?

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Asked by Wiki User

The comparative degree of "light" is "lighter."