



A persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods and services.

1,474 Questions

What would 30000 1974 dollars be worth in 2010 dollars?

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Adjusting for inflation, $30,000 in 1974 would be worth approximately $149,467 in 2010 dollars.

Domestic global reasons for rise in inflation how it impact common people?

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The rise in inflation can be due to factors such as increased demand, supply chain disruptions, and rising production costs domestically and globally. This can lead to higher prices for goods and services, reducing the purchasing power of common people. As a result, people may find it more expensive to afford basic necessities, leading to a decrease in their standard of living and savings.

Factors responsible for inflation?

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Inflation can be caused by factors such as excess demand, cost-push inflation from rising production costs, excessive money supply growth, and external shocks such as oil price increases. These factors can lead to an increase in overall prices of goods and services in the economy.

What is deflation?

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the decline of prices due to insufficient money supply

Effect of inflation on pakistan?

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Inflation in Pakistan leads to a decrease in the purchasing power of individuals as prices rise, hurting those on fixed incomes and low-wage workers the most. It can also lead to economic instability, reduced foreign investment, and increased poverty levels as the cost of goods and services become unaffordable for many. The government often responds by implementing policies to control inflation and stabilize the economy.

Why is the dollar today worth about 45 cents?

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The value of a currency can fluctuate due to factors such as inflation, interest rates, and economic stability. In the case of the dollar being worth approximately 45 cents today, it could be due to inflation eroding its purchasing power over time. Additionally, changes in global economic conditions and monetary policy can also impact the value of a currency relative to others.

What is an example of a dominant culture and its subculture?

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An example of a dominant culture could be American culture, while a subculture within it could be hip-hop culture. The dominant culture values individualism, consumerism, and the pursuit of the "American Dream," while hip-hop culture emphasizes expressions of creativity through music, dance, art, and fashion that challenge mainstream norms.

How much would 30 guinea be worth in US dollars?

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In modern usage it would be £31.50

The guinea was a British gold coin struck from 1663 to 1813. Originally its value was set at £1 (20 shillings). The coins always had the same amount of gold so changes in the price of precious metals caused the coins to be revalued many times.

In 1717 the government stabilised their value at 21 shillings; a century later the denomination was discontinued. Some people, particularly in the upper classes, continued to price goods in guineas. Depending on one's perspective, prices expressed in guineas were seen as symbolising high-class "specialness" or snooty snobbery!

When the UK switched to decimal currency in 1971 the shilling was replaced by the 5p coin, so 1 guinea is now 21 x 5p = £1.05

What was the cause of inflation in the new nation and how could it been prevented?

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To ease this hardship, some states began printing large amounts of paper money. The result was inflation. This money had or no real value, because states did not have gold or silver reserves to back it up. They could have prevented it by if the Revolutionary war had not started they wouldn't have had inflation.

What is pakistan's current inflation rate?

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The inflation rate in Pakistan was last reported at 12 percent in August of 2011. From 2003 until 2010, the average inflation rate in Pakistan was 10.15 percent reaching an historical high of 25.33 percent in August of 2008 and a record low of 1.41 percent in July of 2003. Inflation rate refers to a general rise in prices measured against a standard level of purchasing power. The most well known measures of Inflation are the CPI which measures consumer prices, and the GDP deflator, which measures inflation in the whole of the domestic economy. This page includes: Pakistan Inflation Rate chart, historical data and news.

What is the value of an 1816 silver dollar?

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The value of any coin this old will vary widely depending on the exact condition of the coin. How much of the original design details still exist? Has it been cleaned or damaged? Is it genuine? Assuming it is real, and very worn, its value will be about $700 If in better condition, it will be worth thousands of dollars, but you will need a professional first-hand appraisal to determine exact grade and value. Try checking to see if there are any upcoming coin shows in your area, where you can take the coin for a free appraisal. To second the need for a first-hand examination: there are many counterfeit dollar coins, mostly made in Asia. Some of them are really obvious (impossible dates or designs) but others are so good that they can fool all but the most expert appraisers.

How much was 1800 pound in 1988 worth today?

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If you go here

it tells you what the pound was worth in 1810 to 1988 which was about 33 dollars

then if you go to its an inflation calculator you find out that 33 dollars is roughly 60 dollars today.

so if you times that by 500

it is worth

about 30000.

Who would benefit from inflation and who from deflation?

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Inflation, or the general rise of price levels in an economy, has many deleterious effects. It leaves the economy as a whole poorer relative to pre-inflation levels of wealth (individual and societal). Inflation reduces the value of each unit of currency and thus leaves the holder of that currency with lower purchasing power. Generally speaking, those who benefit from higher inflation are debtors and those who suffer from it- creditors. If one has substantial debt, each dollar one has to repay would be worth less than when it was borrowed. In this way, one pays back less in real terms than one had borrowed. Those who may benefit from higher inflation are people with significant debt. Typically those most hard-hit are white-collar workers, teachers, pensioners, doctors, those on fixed incomes and those working for cash wages. These categories of people tend to have their wealth in savings, retirement funds and are, thus "creditors", whose future income will not be adjusted up as inflation rises. These people's incomes lag behind the speed of inflation making them poorer in irregular fits. Inflation, caused by a complex set of economic variables, is not a singular type of economic problem, however. It is typically compounded and exacerbated by other variables and there isn't a single way to address and stimulate its reduction. For example, it is assumed that in the short run inflation and unemployment are inversely correlated (the higher inflation, the lower unemployment; the higher unemployment, the lower inflation). However, the current economic situation in the US displays both a rise in unemployment and indications of progressively rising inflation expressed in rising commodities prices, reduced value of the dollar and the rise of gold as a safe haven for wealth. The different types of inflation are best discussed elsewhere. Deflation is the opposite of inflation- where there is a sustained general fall of prices of wages, goods and services. This is undesirable because it may lead to bankruptcies and it is usually caused by a sustained fall in aggregate demand. The winners/losers in this scenario reverse roles compared to the inflationary scenario (very simply speaking). Disinflation should not be confused with inflation. Disinflation is a reduction of inflation overtime.

How does inflation effect on stocks?

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If the returns on your investment is less than the inflation rate then effectively the value of your money is going down.

Lets say you invest Rs. 10000/- which returns you 6% per annum which means at the end of the year it would be worth 10600/

Assuming the national inflation rate is 8% then whatever was worth 10000 rupees last year is worth 10800 this year which means your money has effectively gone down in value by Rs. 200

What did Gerald Ford do to try to stop inflation?

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President Nixon stepped down from the Office of the Presidency in the wake of impending impeachments. He was going to be impeached for his actions during the campaign that made him the President of the United States.

What was 1 million dollars in 1920 be worth today?

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Are you watching "Big Jake" too? I thought that ransom for the grandson was absurd. It made me think of Dr. Evil.

What is the inflation rate in North Korea?

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There currently is no information on this, the CIA world factbook does not have it and they are the top in this particular field. They are really closed when it comes to what information leaves North Korea.

What is considered one cause inflation?

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Producers raise prices to meet increased costs, which causes costs to consumers to rise.

How does inflation affect purchasing power?

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People will not want to Spend money. They will buy items which they need rather than get items or products which are not important. They will focus on getting products they need rather than buy items they dont need because prices are increasing they dont have money to spend on other things.

What three things might the government do to correct inflation?

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its not isolate the country from international trade.

What could you buy for 1 dollar in 1950?

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you could go to the show, plus buy a bag of popcorn a drink, and
a candy bar.