

International Space Station

The International Space Station (or ISS) is a Space Station jointly being constructed by NASA and the Russian Space Agency, along with Canada, Japan, Brazil, and the ESA, in an effort to send astronauts into space for long durations and conduct experiments in space. Construction began in 1998 and is scheduled to be completed in 2011. Our International Space Station category is for questions related to the International Space Station and its operations.

500 Questions

Is International Space Station in the troposphere?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes the international space station is in the tropsphere

How many humans can the ISS carry?

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Asked by Wiki User

1o people per month.

What is one use of a space station?

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Asked by TrinityNelsongp9418

One use of a space station is that space station's builds rockets and launch then to go to the moon. Another use is that they build mars rover's which can anylaze planets and maybe universes that we can't visit because we can't handle the temperture of certain planets or too far away that we won't make because DEATH.

Why are their no sounds in outer space?

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Asked by Iamaprincess

Sound is carried by vibrations of some material; normally vibrations in the atmosphere. Sounds can also be carried by vibrations in the ground or in the water. If you've ever seen old western movies, you might have noticed the scout putting his ear to the ground to "hear" far-off hoofsteps. Or if you've ever been at the ocean, you might have noticed that when you put your head under water, you can hear the sounds of fish, or ships, very clearly.

There is no atmosphere in space, so there is no medium that can carry sound. However, if you were outside of a spaceship and you touched your space helmet to the hull of the ship, you'd be able to hear sounds within the ship; perhaps even the voices of people talking inside the ship.


Answer 2

Sound waves need material medium to travel. In space there is nothing. Hence there is no sound. But it is wrong to say there is nothing as there is an ocean of particles in outer space. So the sounds that are produced is too low for any person to hear. Scientists have been able to capture these sounds and amplified it so that anyone can hear it.

What type of distances would be applied between an earth covered magazine with 100000 lb. of high explosives and the station administration building?

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Asked by Wiki User

Which of the following type of distances would be applied between an earth covered magazine with 100,000 lb. of high explosives and the station administration building?

Does the international space station have kinetic energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes to both, relative to Earth, because work was done to lift it in Earth's gravitational field and to impart speed to it.