


The common lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, is a flower of the mint family, Lamiaceae, and is widely used in the production of honey, tea, potpourri and aromatherapy oils. To learn more about the propagation, planting, maintenance, trouble shooting, and harvesting of Lavender, come into our Lavender category and ask questions about all of that, as well as its regions, growing and light requirements and much, much more.

500 Questions

Do skylights help plants grow?

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Yes, skylights can help plants grow by providing natural sunlight, which plants need for photosynthesis. However, it is important to consider the specific light requirements of the plant species you are growing and ensure that they are receiving adequate sunlight through the skylights.

When venipuncture is performed using a lavender vacutainer tube the sample?

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When venipuncture is performed using a lavender vacutainer tube, the sample collected is typically used for hematology testing, such as complete blood count (CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and blood typing. The lavender top tube contains EDTA as an anticoagulant to preserve the blood sample for these types of tests.

Can I get high from smoking lavender?

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No, smoking lavender will not produce a high similar to marijuana or other psychoactive substances. While lavender has relaxation properties when used for aromatherapy, smoking it is not recommended due to potential negative effects on the lungs.

What is the reason that a lavender top tube should not be drawn prior to drawing electrolytes?

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The lavender top tube contains EDTA anticoagulant which can bind to calcium ions, affecting electrolyte results. Drawing a lavender tube before electrolytes can lead to falsely decreased calcium levels and potentially inaccurate electrolyte results. It is recommended to draw the lavender tube after the electrolyte tube to prevent any interference.

Why is the lavender tube filled first before the red tube when using syringe method?

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Lavender tubes are typically filled first when using the syringe method because they contain an anticoagulant that helps prevent blood from clotting, ensuring a proper sample is obtained for testing. By drawing blood into the lavender tube first, the anticoagulant can mix with the blood efficiently. This order helps maintain sample integrity and accuracy of test results.

What does it mean when you smell lavender in your house?

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Smelling lavender in your house could be a sign of a natural source such as a candle, essential oil diffuser, or air freshener. Lavender is known for its calming and relaxing scent, so experiencing it in your home may help create a soothing atmosphere.

What accures if a lavender tube is collected before a light green shield tube?

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If a lavender tube is collected before a light green shield tube, there is a risk of cross-contamination where some additives or chemicals from the lavender tube may contaminate the sample in the light green tube. This could potentially affect the accuracy of the laboratory results for that sample. It is important to follow the correct order of draw to minimize the risk of contamination and ensure accurate test results.

What is the purpose of EDTA in lavender tubes?

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EDTA in lavender tubes is used as an anticoagulant to prevent blood from clotting by binding to calcium ions. This helps maintain the integrity of the blood sample for laboratory tests that require whole blood or plasma.

How many times do you invert the lavender top blood tube after the draw?

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The lavender top blood tube should be inverted gently and slowly 8-10 times to ensure proper mixing of the blood with the anticoagulant. Over-inverting may cause hemolysis.

Do you spin lavender top tube for centrifuge?

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Yes, lavender top tubes are often used for hematology testing and should be spun in a centrifuge following the manufacturer's instructions to separate the blood components effectively.

What minerals are used to make lavender special effects or colors?

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Lavender special effects and colors are created using a combination of minerals and pigments. Manganese can produce a purple hue, while other minerals like iron oxide, titanium dioxide, and ultramarine blue can also be used to achieve different shades of lavender. Mica, a silicate mineral, is often added to provide a shimmering effect to the color.

How many pounds of lavender does it take to make 1 liter of oil?

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It typically takes around 150-200 pounds of lavender flowers to produce 1 liter of lavender essential oil through the steam distillation process. This can vary depending on the specific type of lavender and the distillation method used.

Does lavender and silver go great together?

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Yes, lavender and silver can complement each other well. The soft, calming hue of lavender pairs nicely with the elegant and sophisticated look of silver, creating a harmonious color combination that is both soothing and attractive.

Does lavender oil spoil?

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Lavender oil does not spoil, but it can lose its potency over time if not stored properly. It is best to store lavender oil in a cool, dark place to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. If the oil starts to smell off or change color, it may have degraded and should be replaced.

Can you spin a lavender top tube?

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No, a lavender top tube cannot be physically spun due to its shape and design. It is typically used for storing blood samples or other biological specimens during medical procedures.

What test are performed on a lavender top tube?

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A lavender top tube typically contains an anticoagulant called EDTA and is used for tests that require whole blood or plasma, such as complete blood count (CBC) with differential, and blood bank crossmatching. It is often used for hematology studies.

How many shades of the color lavender are there?

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Lavender is a light purple color with variations in hue, but typically there is only one shade of lavender, which falls within the purple color range.

What is in a lavender topped tube?

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Edta k2

What is the color lavender is associated with?

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Lavender is typically associated with the color purple, specifically a light shade of purple with a gray undertone. Lavender is known for its calming and soothing properties, making it a popular choice in aromatherapy and relaxation products.

How did lavender get its name?

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Lavender gets its name from the Latin word "lavare," which means "to wash." The plant was used in ancient times for its aromatic and cleansing properties, particularly in baths. Lavender's name is a reflection of its historical use in bathing rituals.

What does the color lavender stand for?

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Asked by Oinksterpig

Lavender typically symbolizes grace, elegance, and calmness. It is often associated with femininity, sensitivity, and healing.

Does biuret's reagent turn lavender when heated?

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No, biuret's reagent typically turns violet or pink when heated, not lavender. This color change is a characteristic reaction with proteins in which the copper ions in the reagent complex with peptide bonds, forming a colored complex.

Why does Hermione hate ron more than lavender or why does she hate ron more than she hates lavender?

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Hermione's anger towards Ron stemmed from his insensitivity and lack of emotional maturity during their argument, whereas her feelings towards Lavender were more related to jealousy and frustration over Lavender's behavior towards Ron. Hermione's long-standing friendship with Ron also made his actions hurt more deeply than those of Lavender.

Does yellow and lavender work together?

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Yes, yellow and lavender can work well together in a color scheme. Yellow brings warmth and vibrancy, while lavender adds a calming and soft touch. When balanced correctly, these colors can create a cheerful and soothing combination. It's important to consider the shade and intensity of each color to ensure they complement each other harmoniously.

Why did Manila and lavender like one another?

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Manila and Lavender probably liked each other due to shared interests, similar personalities, and a strong emotional connection. Their compatibility may have been fueled by mutual respect, understanding, and the support they offered each other.