


A lighthouse is a structure used to house a light source that acts as an aid to navigation for those at sea. It can also use a sound source for warning. They are also used to warn of dangerous coastlines, reefs, and other hazards, while indicating safe entries to harbors. Most remaining lighthouses are automatic rather than being manned. Questions should relate directly to all aspects regarding lighthouses, including their use and history.

500 Questions

Which country is the highest lighthouse in the world known as lalanterna?

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North Carolina - the Cape Hatteras lighthouse

What was the purpose for pharos of Alexandria?

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It helped the sailors/ships find their way to the port, as it was a lighthouse.

What is 2 facts about oak island lighthouse?

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The first 40ft of it is Grey the middle which is 50ft is White and the top 52ft is Black, the final 11ft is glass and aluminum. The colours are not painted, it was mixed in the concrete at the time of building. It is 169ft above water and can be seen for 16 miles, it flashes every 10 seconds, lastly but importantly, it is the most powerful beacon in the world

Who was the first ever lighthouse keeper?

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Wood, most likely, followed by oils before electrification.

From Wikipedia:

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, also known as the Pharos of Alexandria (in Ancient Greek, ὁ Φάρος Ἀλεξανδρινóς), was a tower built between 280 and 247 BC on the island of Pharos at Alexandria, Egypt. Its purpose was to guide sailors into the harbour at night time.

Constructed from large blocks of light-coloured stone, the tower was made up of three stages: a lower square section with a central core, a middle octagonal section, and, at the top, a circular section. At its apex was positioned a mirror which reflected sunlight during the day; a fire was lit at night.

With a height variously estimated at somewhere in-between 393 and 450 ft (120 and 140 m), it was for many centuries among the tallest man made structures on Earth. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. ...

What body of water is Ocracoke lighthouse on?

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To the East is the North Atlantic Ocean, to the West is the Pamlico Sound, both can state to be the nearest water to the lighthouse.

What are the top ten states to have the most lighthouses?

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As you might expect, the oldest lighthouses are in the oldest states. Since the U.S. was settled from east to west, it's the states on the Atlantic seaboard that have the oldest lighthouses.

The oldest lighthouse in the U.S. is in Boston, MA, constructed in 1716 and renovated in 1783. The oldest one that is still in original condition (never renovated) is in New Jersey. Both are still in operation.

How many lighthouses does Maine have?

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The Answer is: 63

some working some are not.

What is the tallest lighthouse in the east coast?

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Cape Hatteras Lighthouse near Buxton North Carolina

What happened to the lighthouse of Alexandria?

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Ah earthquakes in 1303 and another in 1323 are believed to have contributed to the collapse of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, or Pharos.

What would happen if there was no light house along the Konkan Coast?

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what happen if there is no light house

How do old lighthouses work?

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Lighthouses use beams of light projected through a special lens called a Fresnel lens. Invented by a Frenchman in the early 1800s, the Fresnel lens concentrates beams of light through a prismatic lens which captures and concentrates them, so the light can be seen for many kilometres out at sea. The lens design uses a system of concentric glass rings to concentrate the light. This design is still used today in car headlights and traffic lights. Modern lighthouses have a system of rotating lenses, and newer lighthouses conserve energy by flashing the light on and off.

Who was Bodie Islands first lighthouse keeper?

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  • Popular folklore says that the island got its name because of the many bodies that were found around it, washed up from shipwrecks
  • The inside plaque reads "Body Island" - no one is certain on the spelling change
  • Bodie Lighthouse stands 156 feet tall
  • The height of each stripe is 22 feet
  • It has 214 stairs to the lantern
  • The beacon is visible up to 19 miles
  • It currently has One 1000 watt lightbulb activated by photocell
  • The land for Bodie Lighthouse cost $150 in 1846
  • The total cost of construction was $140,000
  • The first keeper of Bodie Island Lighthouse was paid an annual salary of $400.
  • The tower still houses a 1st-order Fresnel len1s

Is Cape Hatteras Lighthouse still in operation?

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No, the Cape Hatteras lighthouse is not the oldest lighthouse anywhere, not in the state, not in the world, not in the country. The Cape Hatteras lighthouse is, though, the tallest lighthouse in the United States. Actually, it is the tallest lighthouse in North America. It is one of the tallest brick lighthouses in the world, at 193 feet tall. If it is the oldest anything, it is the oldest lighthouse in the town of Buxton, being the only lighthouse in the town of Buxton.

How does a lighthouse help a ship?

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Because without a guiding light, the ship can't see the shore and it will crash.

What year was the Cape Lookout Lighthouse built?

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Cape Lookout Lighthouse was created in 1857.

Where was the first lighthouse invented?

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The first lighthouses could be said to be those of ancient times when fires were set along waters' edges to warn boats about rocky and dangerous reefs and shorelines.

The Egyptians were actually the first group of people to build a lighthouse, complete with wick lamps for light. Between 285 and 247 BC, the Egyptians completed the tallest lighthouse ever built. It was 900 feet tall and lasted for over 1,500 years. This was known as the Pharos, or Lighthouse of Alexandria. Other early builders of lighthouses included the Phoenicians, Greeks, and the Romans.

The "modern" lighthouse lens was invented by Frenchman Augustin Fresnel in 1822. The Fresnel lens used prisms to enhance the power of the light, and was much thinner than previous lenses, allowing more light to be passed and enhancing visibility of lighthouses over greater distances.

Who built the oak island lighthouse?

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The world's first known lighthouse, and the tallest, was built by the Egyptians somewhere around the year 279 or 283 BC. This was the famous Pharos, or lighthouse of Alexandria, which was situated on the eastern point of Pharos Island, off the Nile Delta.

How many people visit the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse a year?

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Over 2.3 million tourist visit Cape Hatteras each year. Cape Hatteras is located on Hatteras Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Why is the first lighthouse built with white stone?

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The first lighthouse was built with white stone because white stands out in the darkness and can be seen clearer than other colors, so as you know lighthouses are built for signaling ships into the harbor. the white stone is so the people on the ship can see the white as well as the bright light.

However some modern lighthouses are built with glowing panels built into the stone so that it can be seen at night.

How many countries has the name Alexandria?

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sixteen named after Alexander the great

Not sure about the rest, but my hometown Alexandria, Minnesota was not named for Alexander the Great. It was named for Alexander Kincade the first Post Master General of the area.

How many lighthouses does North Carolina have?

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There are at least ten lighthouses in North Carolina

Currituck Beach

Bodie Island

Roanoke Marshes Replica

Cape Hatteras


Bald Head (Cape Fear)

Oak Island

Cape Lookout

Roanoke River

Price's Creek

How far is the cape hatteras signal visible?

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how far is the signal visible in miles