


Limericks are an English form of poetry with an a-a-b-b-a rhyming scheme and a general rhythm of 77447 or 88558. Edward Lear once described Limericks as "Sometimes obscene but always containing humorous content."

323 Questions

Why is limerick called the treaty county?

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Asked by EileenBarryfb0356

Limerick is called the Treaty County because it was the site of the Treaty of Limerick which was signed on October 3 1691. This treaty marked the end of the Williamite War in Ireland and established a peace between the Catholic Jacobites and the Protestant Williamites. The treaty was significant in that it granted certain religious liberties to the Catholics and recognized the legitimacy of the Williamite regime in Ireland. In addition the treaty was an important step in the peaceful transfer of power between the two ruling parties. To this day Limerick is still known as the Treaty County in reference to this historic event.

What is a type of limerick?

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A poem with 5 lines with a rhyme scheme of A A B B A

Is a palindrome a type of limerick?

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No, a palindrome is not a type of limerick. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same forwards and backwards, while a limerick is a form of poetry with a specific rhyme and meter scheme.

Why did the McCourt family return back to Limerick when Frank was only four years old?

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The McCourt family returned to Limerick due to financial hardship and the death of Margaret McCourt, Frank's sister. Angela McCourt's family offered what little support they could, which influenced the decision to move back to Ireland.

What are some similarities and differences of haikus and limericks?

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Asked by Darkstars123

Both haikus and limericks are types of poems, but they differ in structure, tone, and cultural origins. Haikus are Japanese poems with a 5-7-5 syllable structure and typically focus on nature and the moment, while limericks are Irish poems with a specific AABBA rhyme scheme and often have humorous or bawdy themes.

Can you make a limerick serious?

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In a world of darkness and woe, Where one's spirit is burdened and low, Find strength deep within, Let healing begin, So your inner light may brightly glow.

Why is nora molly's husband peter famous in limerick?

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Nora's husband, Peter, is famous in Limerick for being a key figure in the local music scene. He is a talented musician and songwriter who has made significant contributions to the cultural landscape of the city. Peter's performances and music have garnered a strong following and recognition in the community.

Where is limerick located in?

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Limerick is located in Ireland, on the west coast of the country. It is the third largest city in Ireland and is situated on the River Shannon.

What is the limerick postcode?

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The Limerick postal code system is known as Eircode. Eircode helps to accurately locate addresses in Ireland and includes unique identifiers for every home and business.

In what ways does McCourt use his infancy in New York to foreshadow his experiences in Limerick?

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McCourt uses his difficult infancy in New York, marked by poverty and hardship, to foreshadow the similar challenges he will face in Limerick. The struggles he faces as a baby with his family in New York set the tone for the poverty, hunger, and instability that will follow him to Ireland. Through these early experiences, McCourt lays the groundwork for his eventual resilience and ability to survive in the face of adversity.

What is Edward Lear famous for?

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Edward Lear is famous for his literary works, particularly his nonsense poetry and limericks. He is also known for his landscape paintings and illustrations of birds and animals. Lear's most famous work is "The Owl and the Pussycat."

What does limerick mean?

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A limerick is a type of humorous or nonsense poem consisting of five lines. It has a distinctive rhythm and rhyme scheme (AABBA), often containing puns and wordplay. Limericks are typically light-hearted and whimsical in nature.

What is the type of poem called that has 4 verses with 4 lines in each verse?

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A poem with 4 verses, each containing 4 lines, is typically referred to as a quatrain. These quatrains can have different rhyme schemes, such as AABB or ABAB.

What does a beat mean in a limerick?

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A beat in a limerick refers to the rhythm or meter of the poem. Limericks typically have five lines and follow a specific beat pattern: anapestic trimeter, which consists of three metrical feet per line with two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable. This beat gives limericks their characteristic lively and humorous tone.

Is joe Williams from rathkeal limerick a seventh son?

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In folklore, being a seventh son is believed to give one special powers or abilities. It is unclear if Joe Williams from Rathkeal, Limerick is a seventh son without further information or confirmation from him or his family.

What is 88558 in a limerick?

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Asked by Wiki User

There once was a number, 88558, It didn't fit into this limerick's fate, It stood tall and proud, In digits unbowed, A numerical hero whose value won't deflate.

Who was known as 'The Father of Limericks'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Edward Lear is known as 'The Father of Limericks' for his popularization of the five-line humorous poem. Lear's book "A Book of Nonsense" published in 1846, contained numerous limericks that helped establish the form's popularity.

What is the format of a limerlick?

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A limerick is a five-line poem with a distinct rhyme scheme (AABBA) and a specific meter. The first, second, and fifth lines have a similar but shorter meter and rhyme, while the third and fourth lines have a different but longer meter and also rhyme with each other. Limericks often contain humorous or silly content.

What is the poem limerick queen?

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"Limerick Queen" is a type of poem written in limerick form, which consists of five lines with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA). These poems are often humorous or whimsical in nature, with the last line usually containing a twist or punchline.

What is a line for a poem in a limerick that goes with who invented a new type of tank?

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A brilliant inventor named Frank, Created a tank with a powerful rank, With armor so thick, And a cannon to kick, His creation stood out as a prank.

What is the purpose or a limerick?

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The purpose of a limerick is to entertain and amuse the reader or listener. It typically consists of five lines with a distinctive rhyme scheme and humorous or nonsensical content. Limericks often feature witty wordplay and can be playful or cheeky in tone.

Can you show some limericks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Certainly! Here is an example of a limerick for you:

There once was a man from Peru Who dreamt he was eating his shoe He woke with a fright In the middle of the night And found that his dream had come true

What is a dromkeen limerick?

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A dromkeen limerick is a type of humorous five-line poem popularized by Australian writer Edward Lear that follows a specific rhyme scheme of AABBA. The term "dromkeen" refers to the Dromkeen National Centre for Picture Book Art in Australia, known for promoting children's literature and creativity.

What a limerick is usually about?

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A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines that often focuses on a specific person or character, often with a witty or nonsensical punchline. Common themes include funny situations, quirky individuals, or humorous observations.

Did Edward Lear invent the limerick?

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Edward Lear did not invent the limerick, but he is credited with popularizing the form. Limericks have been around for centuries, originating in Ireland. Lear's famous book "A Book of Nonsense" helped to bring limericks into mainstream literature in the 19th century.