

Lipstick and Lipgloss

Lipstick is a pigmentation, usually mixed with waxes or oils, applied to the lips for cosmetic reasons. Although in modern times it is traditionally worn by women, some men also use lipstick for a variety of reasons. This is very common in entertainment professions.

500 Questions

Where does the red coulour lipstick come from?

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Colours in cosmetics are usually plant-derived. So, I'm assuming the colours come from flowers.

Are lipsticks safe?

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Asked by ColleenCaron

any brand name like revlon or maybelline is the best (and cheapest) bet. make sure you buy it from target or a department store because dollar stores sell knock offs lots of times which can contain lead.

Do girls kiss boys with lipstick?

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I believe that girls wear lipgloss because it sends subconcious signals that they are wet 'down there' because of the sheen to the lipgloss, as well as the colour change of the lips. This is very subconcious though and not many people realise WHY they wear lipgloss/stick.

What color of lipstick does COCO wear?

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he waers shades of pink, light pink, sometimes red but mostly i've seen her waearing differnt shades of pink

Has Neutrogena Corp stopped making Lip Life blue tone B lipstick?

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The last time I saw it for sale was in the late 1980's... possibly the early 1990's. (This was in Texas.)

I loved that lipstick! I've never found a red lipstick that lasted as well as that one.

I met a woman a few years ago who'd worked for Neutrogena for almost 30 years and she confirmed that yes, LipLife was discontinued many years ago.

Try the Revlon Matte line. The texture is very similar to the LipLife and it lasts well on the lips without turning color.

I don't remember if the blue tone B was the red or not, but the Revlon Matte shade called Really Red is the best substitute I've found for the LipLife Red I adored. (And I have tried MANY!!)

Good luck.

Which tones in lipstick are emphasized when lipsticks change color?

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Asked by FatBabe

a more deeper red. Not acomplete blood red, but a solid, shiny red.

Are Estee Lauder lipsticks made in China?

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Estee Lauder lipsticks are actually sold in china. As you see china is always a good place to shop.

How do you remove lip stick stains and grease from clothes?

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Grease stains and lip stick stains resist water, so the first step is to rub them with detergent and wash them in hot water. The grease stain should be gone, but the lipstick stain might still be discolored. Pretreat this stain like you would for a dye stain and send it through the washer again.

Name two components of blood?

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There is a cellular component, this would include red 'cells', white cells, and platelets. There is also a matrix portion, known as serum, this is different from plasma, where plasma is a part of serum.

Where did max factor invent lipgloss?

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they didnt create lipgloss first

Can you get sick from eating lipgloss?

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It is not the "cheap lip gloss" perse that makes your lips "break-out". It probably concerns more the ingredients used to make the lip gloss; one of which if not a couple is making you have an allergic reaction. If you do not wish to spend a lot of money on lipgloss. Got to the store and compare quite a few of the cheap lip gloss but of different brands, compare those ingredients with the one that made you brake out initially, and avoid those with the same ingredients; it might improve your situation. If this does not help and you stil break out then you might be better off sticking with brand lip-glosses. Hope this helps! =]

What colors lipstick does wet n' wild make?

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Think Pink Brown Crown Blue Milkshake (Cool Shade) Red Wine Peach Apricot Pepsi Purple Visit here:

What is lipstick made out of in the olden days?

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They start with wax.

To this wax they add products to moisturize your lips. In the really old days they used a product called "spermaceti," which is a fat sperm whales store in a chamber in their heads. Since you can't harvest sperm whales anymore, they use jojoba, shea butter, lanolin or other things.

Then they add color. Today it's mostly synthetic color, but in they also use a red called carmine, which is made by boiling bugs called cochineal.

Finally, they mold it into the shape of a lipstick then put it in a lipstick tube for use.

Is using expired lipgloss dangerous and can it hurt you?

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A lot of women these days use lip-gloss on a regular basis. According to a German examination by scientists, the daily use of lip-gloss can be harmful to women's health. This has been published in a German consumers-magazine Ökotest. This consumers-magazine examined 24 popular brands of lip-gloss that women can by at drugstores and perfume shops. The results of that examination concluded that only 4 out of 24 brands of lip-gloss appeared to be harmless for women's health. The magazine delivers a huge list of poisonous substances that were found in lip-glosses of the 20 remaining other brands. Poisonous substances such as: CI 11680, CI 11920, CI15800, CI 16230. Researchers even found paraffin's and silicones in the poisonous lip-glosses. Completely unknown substances for consumers, but according to German scientists they can seriously affect and harm liver, kidneys and nodes if they arrive in a human body and remain there too long. These substances can even cause skin reactions and asthma. Problem with lip-gloss is that even if it is put on the lips and not inside the mouth, it will move inside the mouth and as a result of this, it will arrive inside the body while drinking or consuming food. The synthetic color substance Tartrazin (E102) for instance, has been allowed to be contained by cosmetics, because it cannot harm the skin. So there isn't a external risk to skin and body, but there are still discussions going on about the internal risks of skin and body.

What organic solvent that dissolves lipstick and wax?

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I have found that Baby Oil and other products like this are really amazing for removing every kind of makeup, including lipstick.

What weird ingredient is found in most lipstick?

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iron oxide and an oil?

Does lipstick has ingriendents from the pig?

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Yes, The Pigs Fat. That's Also How They Make Soap Bars ;)

What percentage of women wear lipstick daily?

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Asked by Wiki User

i would say 85% do.

Can you take your make up in hand luggage?

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Yes but for security reasons it is best that you put items of make-up in your checked bag or suitcase, not your hand luggage. Certain items of makeup like solid stuff can pass through security. However I recommend that you put liquid makeup in your checked bag and check with the airline's website about makeup and liquid stuff in general. If you have any queries please contact the airline by phone or inquire on their website. But I would def say that you need to check with the airline about makeup and see what they say and what is allowed anyway.

Is lipstick considered a liquid on a plane?

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Only liquids like foundation, mascara liquid eye liner, lip gloss ect. that needs to be in a clear plastic bag but powders are fine.

What is lipsticks main ingridients?

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Lipstick contains a variety of waxes, oils, pigments, and emollients. The wax gives lipstick its shape and ease of application.

How do you make lipgloss?

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If you're using lip gloss with a wand, just uncap it and apply a couple dabs of lip gloss to your bottom lip. Open your mouth slightly and rub a teeny bit on the very bottom inner part of your lips. Then, rub your two lips together and smooth it in everywhere so it's nice and even. If you're using a squeezy tube, either squeeze a dollop on your finger and rub it on your lips or squeeze some directly on your lips. The rub your lips together, like a wand gloss. If it's chapstick, just rub it on and blend together with your lips. Make sure not to apply too much, though.