


In the Greek Mythologies, Medusa was a monster described to having a hideous face with living venomous snakes in place of hair. She's the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto and the mother of Pegasus and Chrysaor. She was beheaded by the hero Perseus who used her head as a weapon afterwards until he gave it to the goddess Athena in place of her shield.

500 Questions

Did Medusa eat?

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Since she was a mortal, probably the same things they ate. :)

Medusa's head doesn't disintegrate along with the rest of her Why not?

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because her head can not disintegrate like the rest of her for it can be used to help in war by turning people to stone and even when Medusa is dead even looking at her can still turn you to stone.

Did Medusa have any pets?

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No: none that were mentioned in Greek Myth.

How long did Medusa live?

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In order to offer a date of her demise, she would have had to exist, and she didn't. The story of Medusa is one that is told to offer as allegory to the concept of man overcoming adversity, fear and the wilderness. The monsters the founder-king heroes slayed were all indicative of darkness and powers of nature. Medusa, for example, represented the dangers of the sea (since she was connected to Poseidon).

Who are the 2 sisters of Medusa?

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Stheno and Euryale were the immortal Gorgons and sisters to Medusa.

What color are Medusa's eyes?

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There are many variations on the Medusa legend. As a monster, she is most often described as having either dark/black, yellow or bloodshot eyes. Before she was cursed, she is widely considered a stunning beauty who caught the attention of many a would-be suitor. Then, she had beautiful, golden hair and equally beautiful, light eyes.

green or unknowned or blue

What nature did Medusa have?

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What is Medusa the mythical creature birthday?

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she was born when Apollo was born but not atten

What did Perseus need to kill Medusa?

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used a reflection to cut off her head.

What is Medusa realm?

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What did Medusa smell like?

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like snakes

What special powers did Medusa have?

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the legend say.. anyone who looks medusa in the eyes turn to stone..

How does Medusa look like?

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Medusa was originally a beautiful virgin priest of the goddess Athena.

After being raped by Poseidon, god of the ocean, Medusa was accused of disgracing the temple of Athena; therefore, Athena turned Medusa into a monster with the following traits:

- An over all representation of a corpse (In other words: She was hideous)

- The hair of poisonous snakes to instil terror into those who gazed apon her

- Looks that kill... Anyone who matched their gaze to her would turn to stone. This isolated Medusa from any social activity.

it depends on with verson of the myth

What is Medusa's island?

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It is said that Medusa lived on a hidden island with her two sisters, Stheno and Eurayle.

What did Medusa wear?

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Since she lived during Greek times, I'm assuming that she wore what the same robes that other Greek women were wearing at the time. In the legends it says she had snake like hair too...... Supplementary answer On the other hand, since Medusa was a monster and not an ordinary woman, she may have been wearing any kind of outfit.

What did Medusa hate?

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A mirror

What is the diffence between polyp and Medusa?

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polyp---sea anenome, medusa---jellyfish


In plain English a polyp is a cylinder with tentacles at the top. The Hydra looks like a tin can with slender arms coming from the top of its body. This body form does not move and the animals are trappers.

The medusa is an umbrella shaped structure with tentacles hanging down from it. The jellyfish is an example. These animals move. During the reproductive stages of the jellyfish there is a time when they take on the polyp form. Then they bud off and become medusa.


How many legs does a gorgon have?

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Medusa does not have a specific number of snakes in her hair.

Who tried to kill Medusa?

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The Greek hero Perseus killed Medusa.

He took his reflecting mirror and shined it to Medusa. Then, she cut off her head and she threw it into a nearby pond.

What was Medusa love interest?

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Medusa fell in love with Poseidon (she was still in human form) They decided to meet in Athena's temple and Athena found them in her temple. Athena turned Medusa and her two other sisters into the Gorgons.

There are two different myths about Medusa.

In the first myth, Medusa was a very beautiful woman who lived in the far north. She had never seen the sun, but wished to desperately. Athena denied her request to come south, though, and so Medusa accused her of being jealous of her beauty. Athena was so enraged that she cursed Medusa, removing her beauty and making her so ugly that people turned to stone when they looked at her.

In the second myth, Medusa was a priestess in Athena's temple. Her beauty was great and many men courted her. Eventually she caught the eyes of Poseidon and he attempted to "seduce" her. What he did, in fact, was rape her in Athena's temple. This was a terrible violation of a sacred place and, when Athena found out, she turned Medusa into the form we've come to recognize: half woman, half snake (or dragon) with serpents for hair and a look that turns men to stone.

So, you see, Medusa did not love anyone. Except, perhaps, herself, if you go by the first myth.

What coulour snakes did Medusa have on her head?

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they add to her ugliness which causes people that look at her to turn to stone.

How does medusa protect herself from her enemies?

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Athena, a goddess did this to her. When Medusa was a very beautiful girl, she asked to visit the south. Athena did not let her. So then Medusa therantened her that she would dare say she was jealous of her beauty. Then Athens got mad and cursed with ugliness. She was so ugly whoever looks her in the eye will turn to stone.

What are the flaws of medusa?

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Turning people to stone