

Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way, named for how its pale light is seen from Earth, is the galaxy that our solar system belongs to.

500 Questions

What measurements of the mass of the milky way indicate?

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That we need better theories and measurements. We cannot directly measure the mass of anything we can't put on a scale in a laboratory. What we can do is measure things like the light and other electromagnetic radiation coming at us from other objects in our direct line of sight, and apply theoretical computation and a few good guesses to get an approximation of what the mass of that object is. Taking into consideration that there are millions of objects in our milky way, and that more than half of them are not in our direct line of sight, these approximations change quite a bit when we apply different theories to what we have measured. Also, we are getting better tools to measure with, like better telescopes, detecting a wider range of electromagnetic radiation, putting some of these tools on sattelites so we get a better view, and developing more workable theories to help us explain the universe around us based on these measurements.

What is the hottest star in the Milky Way?

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When we talk about large stars, lets make sure we know what we mean. Do you mean the brightest, largest in circumference or largest in terms of mass (heaviest) ?? There are less massive starts, which outshines more massive cousins and as stars go through their life cycle, at times they can expand dramatically (larger circumference) just prior to dying.

The most massive star is generally thought to be the Pistol star near the center of our galaxy. This being said, we have not found all the stars in our galaxy yet, and larger (more massive) stars could still be found.

What is the oldest planet in the milky way?

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All the planets in the solar system are approximately the same age. Extrasolar planets are all approximately the same age as the star they orbit.

Population II (low metallicity) stars are the oldest stars, but they're unlikely to have planets.

Is the Milky Way expanding?

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No. The universe is expanding; galaxy clusters are getting farther apart. This expansion only works over distances of hundreds of millions of light years, not the much smaller distances within galaxies.

What is the scientific name for the Milky Way?

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The Milky Way is a faint white milky streak across the sky. The ancient astronomers called this streak the Milky Way. That is why our Galaxy is often called the Milky Way Galaxy.

Nobody is sure how the Milky Way got its strange name. The ancient Greeks had several stories about it. According to Cassell's Dictionary of Classical Mythology, Jenny March, 2001: the mythological explanation for the origin of this smear was that the goddess Hera was tricked into suckling the baby Heracles, son of her husband Zeus by the beautiful mortal Alcmene. But when she discovered who the baby was she tore her breast from his mouth, and her milk spurted across the sky. You understand, of course, that the gods lived in the sky.

There was also another legend that the Milky Way was created when Phaethon, son of Helios (the Sun-god) set the heavens on fire with his father's sun-chariot.


What star in the milkey way passes all five tests scientists require for it to be a candidate for extraterrestrial?

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The closest star to the sun is Proxima Centauri, but its brighter neighbor Alpha, double star, is so nearly the same distance that data about it are usually given. It is about 4 light years distance, or about 3.8x1016 m.

The milky way experiment?

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Probably, but at present we have no way to get out there. It may take tens of thousands of years to be able to get a camera out there, and then it would take another 10,000 years for the signal to get back to Earth.

Where is the Milky Way in the solar system?

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There are many asteroid formations in the Milky Way. Of those, three orbit our sun, Sol. The first, and most commonly known, asteroid formation in our system is the Asteroid Belt (sometimes called the Main Belt). It is located approximately 3 AU (448,793,612.1 kilometres) from the sun, and is comprised of mostly rocky asteroids in a belt formation. The second is the Kuiper Belt, a belt formation of icy asteroids and dwarf planets. The third is the Oort Cloud, a theorized cloud of asteroids orbiting far beyond the Kuiper Belt.

Are all stars in the Milky Way galaxy the same age?

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We don't know exactly, but scientists believe that red dwarf stars, which are very small and very slow-burning, may date from the early history of the universe about 15 billion years ago. The problem is that red dwarf stars are very small, and so very dim; and thus difficult to see from any real distance.

The Milky Way is one?

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The Milky way is a galaxy. A spiral galaxy, to be more precise.

The Milky way is a galaxy. A spiral galaxy, to be more precise.

The Milky way is a galaxy. A spiral galaxy, to be more precise.

The Milky way is a galaxy. A spiral galaxy, to be more precise.

Why does the sun circle the Milky Way?

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it is so we get hours,days,weeks,months,years and leap years

Well, no. That is what happens when the planet earth orbits the sun.

Our sun doesn't exactly orbit the Milky Way. Rather, it travels along with it along one edge.

When did Galileo discover the milky way?

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he discovered it on

What bodies are in the Milky Way?

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There are four major arms in the Milky Way

* 3 kpc and Perseus Arm * Norma and Cygnus Arm with a new extension. * Scutum Crux Arm * Carina and Sagittarius Arm There are also a number of smaller arm, or spurs.

* Orion Arm (Of which the Milky Way (Our Galaxy) is included) * New Outer Arm

See related link for pictorial representation.

How many Earths can fit in the Milky Way?

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There are eight planets in our Solar System.

As of May 2010, 455 planets have been found outside of our Solar System.

There are an estimated 200 -> 400 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

So there are likely to be billions of planets in the Milky Way Galaxy.
There are 8 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupitar Saturn Uranus Neptune (Pluto is a dwarf)

How was the Milky Way born?

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Asked by Nazarbaba6

The Milky Way was born when countless warm gas clouds come together under the pull of gravity. When the cloud collided, Stars were born. Nine billion years after its birth, the Milky Way settled down. there is a huge black at its centre, it is quite. The Galaxy now consists of billions of stars arranged in a beautiful spiral shape.

Can the Andromeda galaxy have more gravity than the milky way?

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They are both spiral galaxies, except the Milky Way is a barred spiral and the Andromeda is a typical spiral galaxy. The Andromeda has at least twice as many stars as the Milky Way, and it has more mass. The galaxies are going to merge in 4 billion years, and now they are about 2 million light years apart.

What is the weather like on the milky way?

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Like a long (milky colored) cloud in the sky - that moves with the stars and not the wind.

Where is the milky way found?

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There's only 1 universe the milky way is a galaxy

How big is the Milky Way in parsecs?

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According to newest observations, 258,000ly across, or 1.5167 quintillion miles. but 18 zeros are quintillion in the USA, remember that in some places like mine 18 zeros is a trillion.

Who invented the milky way bar?

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Because people thought the milky way needed something to represent it's creaminess.

Where is the milky way compared to earth?

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Interestingly, it doesn't matter whether you prefer the answer in kilometers,

in miles, or in inches. The exact figure is still zero. Earth is IN the Milky Way.

Who discovered milky way?

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It wasn't until telescopes that people realized that the band of light reaching across the sky, called the Milky Way since ancient times, was actually made of an immense number of stars. Astronomers still did not really understand what they were seeing until the 20th century, however.

Until the 1920s, astronomers thought that what we now know to be our Milky Way Galaxy to be the entire universe, and that our whole universe was a few thousand light years across. Other "spiral nebulae" had been observed, but they were thought to be new star systems forming nearby. After Hubble (the astronomer, not the telescope named for him) observed Cepheid variable stars in the Great Nebula in Andromeda, he realized that the Andromeda "Nebula" was immensley distant, and ennormous in size, and, by extension, the other "spiral nebulae" were also huge and incomprehensibly distant. He called them "island universes", and realized that we were also in one, and that the 'Milky Way' band of stars across the sky was our galaxy's disk, seen from inside. So, even though people have been calling the band of light across the sky the Milky Way for thousands of years, it wasn't until the 1920's that we understood what it was--our galaxy!

We can see only a small part of our galaxy in visible light. Since the 1960s, radio astronomers have mapped out the structure of the entire galaxy, and shown it to be a large spiral galaxy of about 100 billion stars; we are in one of the spiral arms about 8 kiloparsecs (25,000 light years) from the center of our galaxy, more or less halfway from the center to the edge.

I think Gallileo came across the milky way in the 1600's. The cloudy band we now call the Milky Way has been known since ancient times (it's referenced in various cultural mythologies, for example). However, it was only in the past few centuries that it was properly identified as a galaxy, specifically our own.

== == The Milky Way's true age hasn't been discovered. The only knowledge we have is of a meteorite which dates 4.7 billion years ago. And yes, Galileo discovered the odd colors of the Milky Way in the 1600's. If we could escape our galaxy, scientists believe it would look like M-31(The Great Galaxy of Andromeda)
I would hesitate to talk about a "discovery" of something that is in plain sight - that people have been seeing for ... well, for as long as there have been people. Like the Sun, or the Moon, or trees, or animals - or the Milky Way.

Where is our sun located at in the milky way?

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We - as in the Solar System, are located about 25,000 light years from the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy and about 25,000 light years from the edge.

The Sun and the rest of the Solar System are close to the inner rim of the galaxy's Orion Arm, in the Local Fluff inside the Local Bubble, and in the Gould Belt.

As a picture is better than words, see related link for an artists impression.

How far to Milky Way?

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diameter 100,00 light years

thikness 1,000 light year

Milky Way Galaxy

Infrared image of the core of the Milky Way GalaxyObservation dataTypeSBbc (barred spiral galaxy)Diameter100,000 light years[1]Thickness1,000 light years[1]Number of stars100-400 billion (1-4×1011) [2] [3] [4]Oldest known star13.2 billion years[5]Mass5.8 × 1011 M☉Sun's distance to galactic center26,000 ± 1,400 light-years[citation needed]Sun's galactic rotation period220 million years (negative rotation)[citation needed]Spiral pattern rotation period50 million years[6]Bar pattern rotation period15 to 18 million years[6]Speed relative to CMB rest frame552

a light year is how long it take for the light to reach its place example: 1,000 light years is how long it takes for the light to reach its place answer 1,000 years

What type of a galaxy is the milky way galaxy?

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The milky way is classified as a galaxy...

A barred spiral galaxy.