


An artificial pacemaker is a medical device that regulates the heartbeat via electrical impulses that are delivered by electrodes, which contracts the muscles of the heart. Pacemakers are given to people who have a slow natural pacemaker or those who have a cardiac obstruction blocking natural electrical impulses.

470 Questions

What does it mean when you pacemaker is working 98 percent of the time?

I am not a physician but I can speak from personal experience as I do have a 100% pace maker implanted. Basically it means that the heart would not beat properly or sometimes not even at all on its own accord so the device must shock the heart to beat every single second. Pace makers used to have a set rhythm they would beat in but now the pacemakers can speed up or slow down depending on your activities for instance say if the patient were to exert themselves in any way the pacemaker would speed up as well which is much more natural for the heart and I imagine would probably prolong the patients life by years.

Did gerry and the pacemakers record the rose?

No, but Gerry Marsden OF Gerry and the Pacemakers recorded it in 1988.

A recovering pacemaker implant patient can expect what length of stay in the hospital?

After an implant without complications the patient can expect a hospital stay of one to five post-procedure days.

Can you describe the circuit diagram for a cardiac pacemaker?

very similar to the flash lamp in a disposable camera

with a microprocessor to monitor variance from normal rhythm and push the button

If a patient is seen for a rash on the heel of the foot by the same physician who implanted a pacemaker 20 days earlier, would you bill for the office service for the rash?

Yes, it is unrelated to the implant of the pacemaker and you should need to amend the E/M service code to add modifier -24(unrelated E/M service).

The pacemaker of the heart is located where?

The anatomical pacemaker is located in the right atrium

How does a microwave affect a pacemaker?

The radioactivity from it can affect it.

What is the pacemaker of the heart that begins the heartbeat?

The SA node begins the heartbeat and is sometimes referred to as the heart's pacemaker.

The AV node are where the electrical impulses are delayed for 0.1 second before spreading to both ventricles and causing them to contract.

What pre-testing will a patient being considered for a pacemaker undergo prior to surgery?

Patients being considered for pacemaker implantation will undergo a full battery of cardiac tests, including an electrocardiogram (ECG) or an electrophysiological study or both, to fully evaluate the bradycardia or tachycardia.

Does a pacemaker classify as a class 3 or 4 cardiac condition?

Class 1 No limitation

Class 2 Slight Limitation

Class 3 Marked limitation. Patient is comfortable only at rest. Rapid or irregular heart beat with mild exertion.

Class 4 Complete Limitation. Patient has rapid or irregular heart beat even at rest.

What kind of exercise is allowed with a pacemaker?

This may depend on the individual. Some may be more fragile than others. You should consult your doctor.

What can you do with a pacemaker?

We can speed up or maintain the fuction of pacemaker by providing good amout of carbon, magnecium ,and ather ions that regulates the electric impulses regulate by the nodes ,that actually initiates tha heart beat

Can i get a pacemaker without health insurance?

KEEP PRAYING FOR OBAMA PLAN... ha ha that what I have been told.

You will have to come up with $60,000 for the pacemaker, $12,000 hospital stay $18,000

and the rest goes the surgeon.

What is the pacemaker SA node?

This is the self-depolarising set of myocardial (heart) cells that do not really have a contractile function but serve to trigger the coordinated electrical wave of depolarisation that causes the muscle to squeeze and pump blood.

How is plutonium used in heart pacemakers?

Yes, the isotope plutonium 238 was used in the past as power source for pacemakers.

What is dd pacemaker?

Pacemakers all get an initial code that describe the device's functional abilities. The code consists of at least three letters, sometimes four or even five. There is no such thing as a DD pacemaker, but there is a DDD and a DDI pacemaker (also a DDDR, and DDIR). Since DDD is the most commonly implanted pacemaker in the U.S., it is likely that DDD was meant.

The first letter indicates where the pacemaker paces. It can pace in the upper chamber (atrium, in which the case the letter is A), the lower chamber (ventricle, in which case the letter is V), or both (in which case the letter is D for "dual").

The second letter indicates where the pacemaker senses. Sensing means "listen." Pacemakers are able to monitor the heart and detect or listen to the heart rhythm. Again, the letter codes here are A, V, D.

The third letter is a bit trickier in that it indicates what the pacemaker does if the heart beats on time. If the letter is I it means "inhibit." That means if your heart beats on its own, it inhibits the pacemaker or forces it to stay on standby. If the letter is T it means trigger, that is, if the heart beats on its own, the pacemaker will be triggered to pace. This is appropriate when the upper chamber beats and the pacemaker gets ready to cause the lower chamber to beat in appropriate response. The third option is D for dual, meaning the pacemaker will inhibit (for the ventricle) but trigger for the atrium.

If the fourth letter is an R, the pacemaker has a special sensor that allows it to increase its rate when you are physically active.

These codes are widely used by clinicians and are understood around the world. Pacemakers are coded on the box to the highest performance they can achieve. For instance, a DDD pacemaker can pace or sense both chambers of the heart but a doctor can program it in such a way that it paces and senses only one chamber of the heart. Nevertheless, on the pacemaker labeling, it will state the highest level of function of which the device is capable.

Can you give CPR to a person that has a pacemaker?

Pacemakers actually prevent strokes from happening.

However there have been cases of pacemakers malfunctioning, leading to heart attacks. But this is very rare.

See a doctor for professional advice if you are worried.

Do you perform a EKG on a person with a pacemaker?

Yes. The paced spikes are easily visualized. The EKG will still show up any irregularities or arrhythmias which may need to be tested for.

What should a pacemaker implant patient know about his surgeon prior to surgery?

How many pacemaker implants has the physician performed?What type of pacemaker will be implanted, univentricular or biventricular, and how many of the specific procedure has the physician performed?