

Primary and Elementary School

Elementary school (also called primary school) refers to education institutions established for children age five through ages ten to 12, depending upon the school. Questions relating to elementary or primary schools can be found here.

500 Questions

What to do at a sleepover when you are bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try playing games like charades or truth or dare, watch a movie or TV show, have a dance party, create DIY crafts, or have a scavenger hunt around the house. Alternatively, you could try baking or cooking together, doing each other's make-up or nails, or sharing funny stories or memories.

What to do when your bored and sick?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you're bored and sick, it's important to prioritize rest and recovery. You can try watching movies or TV shows, reading a book, listening to music or podcasts, or even doing a simple puzzle or playing a game on your phone. Remember to stay hydrated and follow any treatment recommendations from your healthcare provider.

What do you do on the computer when your bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

Browse youtube

Sign up for a photo sharing site like Flickr, upload, share, comment and favourite photos

Answer peoples wiki answers questions lol :P

Many people need help in finding a good answer to this question. Perhaps one day there will be a "bored" button on the computer that will instantly debordify you based upon your interests and needs.

What yo do when your bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

When bored, I like to read a book, go for a walk, or try out a new hobby or activity. It's a great opportunity to explore something new or relax and unwind.

Stuff to do when your bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Try a new hobby or craft that interests you.
  2. Go for a walk or exercise to get some fresh air and clear your mind.
  3. Watch a movie or listen to music to relax and unwind.
  4. Get creative in the kitchen and try cooking or baking a new recipe.

What do teens do when they are bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teens often engage in activities such as hanging out with friends, watching movies, playing video games, scrolling through social media, listening to music, or trying out new hobbies or interests when they are bored.

What to do when your bored with your friend?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try exploring new activities together, like going for a hike, trying out a new restaurant, or playing a new sport. It's also fun to have a movie or game night, or even just have a good chat and catch up on each other's lives. If all else fails, sometimes just spending time together in comfortable silence can be enjoyable too.

What can you do if you are real bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you're feeling bored, try picking up a new hobby, going for a walk or exercise, calling a friend, reading a book, watching a movie or trying out a new recipe. Engaging in activities that interest you can help combat boredom.

How do you know when your bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

he wont take interest in what you are saying. and then things will get awkward..and then you just gotta find some guy who is interesting and outgoing and then you will not have this problem.

What can bored boys do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bored boys can engage in activities such as sports, arts and crafts, reading a book, playing a musical instrument, or learning a new skill online. They can also spend time outdoors in nature, volunteer in the community, or connect with friends and family. Finding something that interests them and challenges their creativity can help alleviate boredom.

What do you do when you are alone and bored?

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Asked by DancinAngel

Most people on this question would come up with something rude.

But I'm not going to say anything like that.

there is a lot of things to do when you're bored - listen to music and sing along, dance to the music, sing AND dance to the music, draw, play on a games console, watch a film or TV, play an instrument (if you have any), if you like a sport - practice it in your garden (if you have a garden).

Or you could take the immature route and do silly things that are sure to make you giggle such as:

. Watch a film whilst it is on mute, and do a silly commentary of it.

. Listen to music that you don't like and pretend to be the stereotype of people who listen to that music, (example - listen to a rapper and pretend to be a gangster, listen to heavy metal and pretend to be a mosher, etc.)

I'm sure that's enough for you

What bores you?

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Asked by Wiki User

WikiAnswers... haha jk :D:D:D

This is the strangest thing I've ever heard but... whenever my brain gets bored, I start to get very, very nervous, and I start to shake uncontrollably. Like my knee or my back, hands, etc.

Also TV bores me a lot. And politics.

true that i hate politics but go Barak Obama see I make things fun

You are bored?

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I'm here to help you with anything you need! Feel free to ask me questions or start a conversation to pass the time.

How can i do boring homework without getting bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way to stay engaged with boring homework is to break it up into smaller tasks and set specific goals for each one. Create a study schedule with short breaks in between to keep your mind fresh. Reward yourself after completing each task to stay motivated and focused.

What to do when your bored and your 8?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you're bored at 8 years old, you can try drawing, coloring, playing with toys, reading a book, playing outside, or doing a puzzle or a craft activity. You could also ask a family member to play a game with you or see if there's a fun project you can do together.

What to do when you're bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you're bored, you can try picking up a new hobby, going for a walk or run, reading a book, organizing something in your space, trying out a new recipe, watching a movie or show, or calling or messaging a friend to catch up.

What do you do to not get bored on a bus?

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Asked by Wiki User

To avoid getting bored on a bus, you can listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks, read a book or magazine, play games on your phone or tablet, or simply enjoy the scenery outside. You can also strike up a conversation with a fellow passenger or use the time for reflection and relaxation.

What do you do when your bored in a library?

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Asked by Wiki User

Try writing ur own book read fairy tales read a...........ROMANCE read a new series ( try Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyers -they r good) read a comedy book a joke book explore the WOrld! get absorbed volunteer to help get updated by the librarian ull find something u like

Is it true that only boring people get bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not necessarily. Even interesting and creative people can feel bored at times, as it is a common human experience. Boredom can occur for many reasons, such as lack of stimulation, disinterest, or feeling burnt out.

How boring are computers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Computers can be as entertaining or as mundane as the user makes them. They have the capability to perform a variety of tasks, from gaming to programming to organizing information. Ultimately, their level of excitement depends on how they are utilized.

What do you do if you are bored hungry and tired?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you're feeling bored, hungry, and tired, it's important to address each issue individually. To combat boredom, try engaging in a new activity or hobby. To address hunger, have a nutritious snack or meal. And for tiredness, consider taking a short power nap or getting some fresh air to boost your energy levels. Balancing these needs can help improve your overall well-being.

Why do people feel bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

A major cause of boredom is lack of variety. Human beings appear to have a need for changes of stimulation. Imagine yourself confined to a small room with no windows, no telephone, no television set, no books to read, no interesting pictures on the wall, and no visitors. You probably would soon find yourself unbearably bored. As Robert S. Woodworth, a leading motivational theorist in the 1920s and 1930s, put it, "The eyes want to see and the ears want to hear." Various experiments in sensory isolation have demonstrated that if volunteer subjects are deprived of changes of stimulation, they will begin to have mild hallucinations. They may see spinning, glowing patterns or hear odd sounds. Although a bored person may not be physically confined to a small room or systematically deprived of changes of stimulation, there are parallels. A young homemaker with three children and no car of her own commented, "I feel like I'm going stir crazy. Some days I'm so tired of it all I could scream." A woman who worked on an assembly line said, "When I go to work, I feel like I'm going to prison." If you perceive your life as greatly deficient in change of stimulation, if there is too much sameness, you are bound to be bored. In some cases, unlike those cited above, boredom is associated with affluence. Galvin C. has no meaningful vocation, and he hires most personal services. He and his wife live well from the income of a large trust fund. He has time on his hands. He tries to cope with boredom by turning to popular entertainments such as luxury cruises and vacations at gambling resorts. Basically he is simply bored with life and knows it. It is important to note that an interesting, varied environment is a matter of perception. Melanie thinks of a trip to an antique store as exciting and interesting. Paula, Melanie's sister, thinks of the same activity as boring. In contrast, Paula finds it stimulating and exciting to shop for clothes and look at the latest colours and styles. Melanie might as well be looking at gray uniforms. She takes no interest and is bored when she accompanies Paula. A great deal of experimental evidence suggests that human beings have an inborn curiosity drive. This is true not only of human beings, but also of animals. Rats will actively explore areas of a maze that contain walls with vertical stripes and avoid areas that display gray walls without patterns. Apparently, as the rats run by the vertical stripes, they experience changes of visual stimulation. Infant's eye will spend more time gazing at a black-and-white checkerboard with nine squares than at a more simple one with only four squares. As the infant's eye scans the checkerboard, each shift from black to white or from white to black is a specific change of stimulation. The curiosity drive seeks as its goal changes of stimulation in the same way that the hunger drive seeks food. If the curiosity drive is not met adequately, boredom is the result. Of course, in adult human beings, the curiosity drive is selective. This is because they have interests. Travel to faraway places will not satisfy the curiosity drive of an individual who finds it boring to leaf through the pages of an issue of National Geographic. An astrophysicist might be curious about the latest past data supporting the theory that there are black holes in space. The same information might bore someone else. However, both persons have a curiosity drive. And both persons need the kinds of changes of stimulation that will satisfy them.

A personal factor that may cause boredom is high intelligence. The psychoanalyst Eric Fromm said that the human being is the only creature that can be bored. This is not strictly speaking correct. On of the principal problems with the care of some animals in zoos is that they become bored. This is particularly true of relatively intelligent animals such as apes and bears. However, snakes and crocodiles do not appear to have a problem with boredom. Very bright individuals often take most of the information out of a stimulus before others do, and they are ready to move on when others are still interested. Informally, they get "saturated" with objects or other persons quickly and become bored with them. A final factor in boredom is the "too much too soon" phenomenon. An individual is treated in youth like a prince or a princess. He or she has "had it all" or "seen it all". The good things of life are not earned but obtained with little or no effort. Boredom may set in at an early age. Diana Barrymore, daughter of the famous actor John Barrymore, wrote an autobiagraphy with the very title Too Much, Too Soon in which she describes a self-destructive life style arising in part from boredom. The motion picture actor Errol Flynn in his autobiography My Wicked, Wicked Ways portrays his life in a similar manner.

How do you not get bore on the computer?

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Asked by Wiki User

To avoid getting bored on the computer, try setting specific goals or tasks to complete, taking breaks to stretch or move around, engaging in different activities like watching videos or reading articles, and connecting with others through online communities or social media. It can also help to switch up your routine or try out new software or games to keep things interesting.

What is a good website to go to when you are bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some popular websites to visit when you're bored include Reddit, Buzzfeed, or Bored Panda. These sites offer a variety of content from news articles to entertaining lists and quizzes to keep you entertained.

How do humans get bored?

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Asked by Wiki User

People can get bored when they are not mentally or physically stimulated. This can happen when they are in unstimulating environments, performing repetitive tasks, or lacking engagement with their surroundings. Boredom can also occur when there is a mismatch between a person's interests and their current situation.