


The pyramids were built thousands of years ago. They were built to honor their Pharaohs, Gods and Goddesses. These days, they are one of the greatest tourist attractions.

500 Questions

How did the Egyptian raise the stones onto the pyramid?

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Skilled stone cutters in Egypt made stones

Did the sumarians built pyramid shaped temples known as potters?

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No, the Sumerians did not build pyramid shaped temples known as "potters." Pyramids were constructed by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Mesoamericans, not the Sumerians. The Sumerians built ziggurats, which were stepped temples with a shrine or sanctuary on top.

Who used pyramids for burying kings?

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The Ancient Egyptians used pyramids for burying their kings, or pharaohs. These massive structures served as tombs for the pharaohs, containing their remains and treasures for the afterlife. The most famous of these pyramids is the Great Pyramid of Giza, built for Pharaoh Khufu.

Who did the physical labor of buliding the pyramids?

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The physical labor of building the pyramids was mostly carried out by skilled laborers and workers known as "fellahin" or "loyal followers." These individuals were recruited from the local population and worked under the supervision of overseers and officials. It is believed that they were highly organized and motivated to complete the monumental task.

How does Otzi lifetime compare to when the pyramids were?

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Otzi the Iceman lived around 3,300 BCE, while the pyramids of Egypt were built around 2,500 BCE. This means that Otzi lived before the pyramids were constructed.

Why the pyramids filled with treasure?

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Some pyramids of Pharaohs were filled with treasures because they believed they would need them on their journey in the afterlife. The treasures were meant to ensure them a happy afterlife after judgment.

What country is pyramids in?

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Egypt is the country most famously associated with pyramids, particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza. These ancient structures were built as tombs for pharaohs and are recognized worldwide as symbols of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Why is the entry of pyramids covered?

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Pyramids in Egypt were covered in polished white limestone to reflect the rays of the sun and shine brightly, symbolizing the Pharaoh's connection to the gods and the afterlife. This smooth casing also symbolized the perfection and eternal nature of the pharaoh's rule in the eyes of ancient Egyptians.

Why did many pyramids have fake passages and traps?

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Many pyramids were designed with fake passages and traps to confuse tomb raiders and protect the treasures within. By creating a complex layout with false entrances and dead ends, thieves would struggle to find the true chamber where the valuable artifacts were stored. This architectural strategy helped deter looters and preserve the contents of the pyramid for as long as possible.


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The Red Pyramid is located in Egypt, near the city of Cairo. It is one of the three main pyramids found at the Dahshur necropolis and is known for its distinctive red-colored limestone casing, which gives it its name.

What were the blocks used to construct the pyramids made out of?

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The blocks used to construct the pyramids were primarily made of limestone. The limestone blocks were quarried locally and then transported to the construction site using various methods such as sledges and ramps.

What was the purpose of concealed entrances and fake doors in the pyramids?

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Concealed entrances and fake doors in the pyramids were meant to confuse thieves and protect the pharaoh's burial chamber from being robbed. These features were part of the elaborate security measures implemented to safeguard the precious treasures and artifacts within the pyramids.

How many layers does Djesors the step pyramid have?

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Djeser's step pyramid in Egypt has six layers. Each layer is a step-like structure that makes up the pyramid's overall shape.

Why were the pyramids even more important than palaces?

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The pyramids were important in ancient Egypt for various reasons: they served as tombs for the pharaohs, symbolized the ruler's power and connection to the gods, and showcased the kingdom's wealth and resources. Palaces, on the other hand, were used for administrative and residential purposes but did not have the same religious or symbolic significance as the pyramids.

Why is Cairo significant?

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Cairo is significant because it is the capital and largest city of Egypt, functioning as the political, cultural, and economic hub of the country. It is also one of the oldest cities in the world, with a rich history dating back thousands of years, including ancient Egyptian, Islamic, and modern influences. Additionally, Cairo is home to iconic landmarks such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Egyptian Museum.

What was used to stick the bricks for pyramids together?

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Clay or a form of mortar made from a mixture of mud, sand, and water were used to stick the bricks together in building pyramids. The mortar acted as a binding agent to hold the bricks in place.

Are there any unique features about pyramids?

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Yes, pyramids are known for their distinctive triangular shape. They were built as monumental tombs for pharaohs in ancient Egypt. Pyramids are also often associated with advanced mathematical and engineering skills of ancient civilizations.

Was grain stored in the pyramids?

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Some researchers believe that grain was indeed stored in the pyramids, specifically in the pyramid complex at Giza. However, this theory is debated among historians and archaeologists, with others suggesting the pyramids were used for the burial of pharaohs. More research is needed to draw a definitive conclusion.

Is there a subterranean chamber in all pyramids?

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Not all pyramids have subterranean chambers. Some pyramids, like the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, do have subterranean chambers, while others, like the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, do not. The presence of subterranean chambers depends on the design and purpose of each pyramid.

Has grain been found in pyramids?

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No, no grains have been found inside the pyramids themselves. However, archaeological evidence shows that grains like wheat and barley were stored in granaries near the pyramids to feed the workers involved in their construction.

What is the largest pyramid in Teotihuacan?

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The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pyramid in Teotihuacan, an ancient Mesoamerican city located in Mexico. It is the third largest pyramid in the world, with a base measuring 730 feet on each side, and a height of around 216 feet. It is a significant structure in Teotihuacan, reflecting the city's importance and influence in the region.

Where is the largest pyramid situated?

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The largest pyramid in the world is the Great Pyramid of Cholula, located in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. Although it may not look like a traditional pyramid because it is covered in vegetation and has a church built on top of it, it is actually the largest by volume.

Why did many early American Civlization build pyramids?

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Many early American civilizations, such as the Maya, Aztec, and Inca, built pyramids as religious and ceremonial structures to honor their gods and rulers. Additionally, pyramids served as a way to symbolize power, hierarchy, and control over the surrounding landscape. The construction of pyramids also required a large labor force, which helped to organize and unify these early civilizations.

What do archeologists think the ledges in the step pyramids were for?

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Archaeologists believe that the ledges in step pyramids were used as ceremonial platforms for religious rituals, ceremonies, and offerings. They may have also served as a way to divide the pyramid into different levels of significance or to support buildings or structures for religious purposes.

When why and how were the pyramids built?

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Where: West of the Nile

Why: To glorify the name of the Pharaoh

How: Lots of slave labor