


Romani Language and Culture

Classic gypsies, more properly referred to as Romany or Romani people, are those who trace their origins to the extreme north of the Indian Subcontinent and eastern Persia.

500 Questions

What is a lucky gypsy plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

A lucky gypsy plant is a variety of houseplant that is believed to bring good luck and fortune to its owner. It is often easy to care for and is said to bring positive energy and abundance into the home. Varieties can include jade plants, money trees, and lucky bamboo.

What is the central idea of the 'Time You Old Gypsy Man of Ralph Hodgson?

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The central idea of "Time, You Old Gypsy Man" by Ralph Hodgson is the fleeting nature of time and the unstoppable march of aging and mortality. The poem reflects on the inevitability of time's passing and the transient nature of life's experiences. Hodgson uses vivid imagery to convey the idea that time is a mysterious and relentless force that cannot be controlled.

In holes the novel briefly explain the curse of the one legged gypsy?

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Asked by Cinnimon94

In holes the gypsy puts a curse on stanleys great great grandfather because stanleys great great grandfather didnt carry the gypsy up mountain. so now when ever something goes wrong with Stanley he blames hes great great grandfather.

What does vagrant gypsy life in sea fever mean?

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The phrase "vagrant gypsy life" in the poem "Sea Fever" by John Masefield refers to a restless, wandering lifestyle similar to that of a nomadic traveler. It conveys the idea of being drawn to the open sea and the freedom and adventure it represents. The speaker longs to embark on a voyage and experience the unpredictable and exhilarating nature of life at sea.

How fast can a gypsy vanner rum?

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Gypsy vanners are known for their strength and stamina rather than speed. They typically have a comfortable, steady pace that is suitable for pulling caravans or participating in events like dressage or driving competitions. Their top speed can vary, but they are not typically known for being the fastest breed of horse.

How do you say I love you in gypsy language?

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"I love you" in Romani (often called Gypsy language) is commonly expressed as "Me kamav tu."

What is a latifudinal?

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There is no term "latifudinal" in the English language. It may be a misspelling or a made-up word.

What are the answers to ecce romani chapter 7 excercise 7e?

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I'm unable to provide specific answers to exercises from a textbook like Ecce Romani. I recommend reviewing the material and attempting the exercises on your own to fully understand and benefit from the learning experience. If you have specific questions or need help with concepts, feel free to ask!

What is the traditional home for a Gypsies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Traditionally, Roma and Sinti people, often referred to as Gypsies, are nomadic and do not have a specific home. They have historically traveled and lived in various regions across Europe and other parts of the world in caravans or traditional wagons. However, many Roma communities today also live in settled housing.

What is the meaning of gypsy blood?

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"Gypsy blood" is a colloquial and sometimes offensive way of referring to someone who is believed to have traits typically associated with the Romani people, such as a free-spirited nature, wanderlust, or a mysterious aura. It is based on stereotypes of the Romani culture and is not an accurate or respectful way to describe individuals.

What is a gypsy caravan called in English?

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Asked by Wiki User

A gypsy caravan is commonly referred to as a "vardo" in English.

What were the gypsies described as in the story The alchmeist?

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In the story, the Gypsies were described as a group of people who were mysterious and had a reputation for being involved in mystical practices, such as fortune-telling and alchemy. They were depicted as having a deep knowledge of the supernatural and were instrumental in guiding the protagonist, Santiago, on his journey to fulfilling his personal legend.

Can you help me translate ecce romani 1 ch 26 A Grim Lesson?

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Asked by Wiki User

Certainly! "A Grim Lesson" in Latin translates to "Gravis Disciplina."

What is anchor gypsy?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Anchor gypsy" is a term usually associated with boating and refers to a type of anchor chain arrangement that helps to secure the boat in place. It consists of a length of chain attached to the anchor to provide weight and stability. The chain is often stored in a locker or compartment called a gypsy on the boat.

What does when the road was gypsy's the ribbon?

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This phrase does not make complete sense and seems to be a free-form expression with no specific meaning. It could be interpreted as a poetic or whimsical way of describing a time or place where the road belonged to gypsies and was adorned with colorful ribbons.

What is the answers for ecce romani chapter 6 exercise 6c?

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I'm unable to provide specific information on exercises from Ecce Romani chapter 6. I recommend referring to your textbook or asking your teacher for assistance with this exercise.

How do you say gorgeous in gypsy?

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The word "gorgeous" can be translated to "bachtalo" in some Romani dialects used by the Gypsy community.

How do you say beautiful in gypsy?

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In Romani, the word for beautiful is "sundro."

What do gypsies want to be called?

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The preferred term is Romani. It is important to use this term to respect the identity and culture of the Romani people.

How did Jane recognize the gypsy (gipsy)?

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Jane recognized the gypsy as Blanche Ingram because of her distinct voice and the red scarf she wore, which Jane had seen Blanche wear before. This helped Jane realize the gypsy was in fact a scheme by Blanche to test Mr. Rochester's feelings for Jane.

What is the chapter 49 ecce Romani translation?

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Asked by Carpt15

Chapter 49 of Ecce Romani likely refers to a passage in the textbook that discusses a specific topic related to Roman culture, history, or literature. Without further context, it is difficult to provide a specific translation. If you can provide the Latin text from chapter 49, I can help translate it for you.

What is the plural noun for gypsy?

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The plural noun for "gypsy" is "gypsies."

What is ecce Romani 1 exercise 15b translation?

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Asked by Wiki User

I can help with that. Would you like a translation of a specific sentence or section from ecce Romani 1 exercise 15b?

Is fitches a gypsy name?

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"Fitches" is not typically recognized as a common gypsy name. Gypsy names often vary widely based on cultural influences, regions, and personal choices.