

Sammy Davis Jr.

Sammy Davis Jr. was the quintessential vaudevillian performer. The son of vaudevillians, Sammy was a dancer, a singer, an actor and comedian. He took the stage at only three, and throughout his career was highly popular. His association with the Rat Pack kept him in the spotlight throughout the middle 20th century.

461 Questions

What is album title for Sammy Davis Jr song Night Song?

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He first recorded it on the original cast album for the Broadway show "Golden Boy" It also can be found on serveral of his greatest hit collections.

Who did Sammy Davis Jr. imitate on his record 'Because of You'?

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Some of the people imitated by Sammy Davis Jr in Because of You were (I think): Peter Lorre James Stewart Jerry Lewis Nat King Cole Paul Robeson Frankie Laine

and many others that I don´t know. Do you know more?

On the first side of the original disc he sings "Because of You" as other contemporary pop singers might have.My guess as to the other singers is as follows: 1. Nat King Cole 2.Billy Eckstein 3.Mel Torme ( in his "Velvet Fog" era) 4.The tenor from The Ink Spots 5.Billy Daniels 6.Vaughan Munro 7. Frankie Laine.All the above takes 2-39 . There is a gap of about 1-2 secs. before the start of the second side of the original disc, where he sings the same song as some famous actors might have. Again, my guess as to the actors is as follows. 1.James Cagney 2.Jimmy Stewart 3.Cary Grant 4.Lionel Barrymore 5.Edward J. Robinson 6.Sammy Davis 7.Jerry Lewis 8.Dean Martin 9.Jerry Lewis

If you go to YouTube there's a video of SDJr. performing the song and identifying each impersonation. The list is (almost) exactly the same as on the recording I have on CD but I transcribed it here: 1. Nat Cole 2. Tony Bennett 3. Vaughan Munro 4. Billy Eckstine 5. James Cagney 6. Jimmy Stewart 7. Cary Grant 8. Jerry Lewis (as of Oct. 5 2008)


With all respect to the person who posted the above, here is a list of the singers and actors that Sammy Davis, Jr. impersonated on his 1954 Decca single, "Because Of You (Parts 1 & 2)":

Side 1 - Singers (in order):

1. Nat "King" Cole

2. Tony Bennett

3. Mel Torme

4. Bill Kenny (from The Ink Spots)

5. Billy Eckstine

6. Vaughn Monroe

7. Frankie Laine

Side 2 - Actors (in order):

1. James Cagney

2. Jimmy Stewart

3. Cary Grant

4. Lionel Barrymore

5. Edward G. Robinson

6. Sammy Davis, Jr. (singing straight)

7. Jerry Lewis

8. Dean Martin

9. Jerry Lewis

The YouTube clip mentioned above was taken from Sammy's performance of the song on "The Colgate Summer Comedy Hour" which originally aired August 8, 1954. In this performance, he impersonates Cole, Bennett, Monroe, Eckstine, Cagney, Stewart, an ersatz Humphrey Bogart, Grant, and Lewis.

Where can i purchase Sammy Davis jr singing music of the night from phantom of the opera I don't care DVD or CD?

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I have not found it on a dvd or cd. But you can buy a VHS tape .

Frank,Liza & Sammy - The Ultimate Event (VHS Tape),can be found on various aution sites. This is the best version of "Music Of The Night" i have heard. There was a video of sammy preforming the song during a teleton . But to me without the orchestra,the song is not the same . Expect to pay between $5 & $20 for the tape.(Used)

Why didn't Sammy Davis jr appear on the dean martin variety show?

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There are photos of Sammy Davis Jr. on the Dean Martin

show dressed as Santa Clause..

Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin look to be having such a wonderful time. These two really always seemed to love being around one another. They were definitely great pallies.

It would be so cool to open the door to find Sammy as Santa Claus standing there. I wonder what sort of gifts he would be bringing. What would you like Sammy Claus to bring you?

I didn`t know that Sammy Davis Jr had appeared on the Dean Martin show until I

saw these photos.

Did Sammy Davis Jr. perform gun spinning?

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Yes. Sammy Davis Jr. was a very competent gun spinner. He has performed this act on television.

What is the song title and name of boy band who recorded hit song few years ago with lyrics going to California going to live the life living on tequila night after night?

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I found the answer to my own question. Incredible! I used Google search as a last resort, after searching for the song by probable title California. I entered the lyrics on the Enter line and Google found it right away from a couple of music search websites. Song California, by Wave.

What war was Sammy Davis Jr in?

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Sammy was drafted at age 18 during World War 2.

Autobiography of Sammy Davis Jr?

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Yes, I Can; and Why Me?; among others.

Was Sammy Davis jr hafe cuba?

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No, he was half Puerto Rican.

Who did Sammy Davis jr play in porgy and bess?

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Sportin' Live. The Pimp / Drugs Dealer.

This was in the 1959 movie.

How many movies did Sammy Davis Jr appear in?

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* Rufus Jones for President (1933) * Seasoned Greetings (1933) * Sweet and Low (1947) * Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956) * Anna Lucasta (1959) * Porgy and Bess (1959) * Ocean's Eleven (1960) * Pepe (1960) * Sergeants 3 (1962) * The Threepenny Opera (1962) * Convicts 4 (1962) * Johnny Cool (1963) * Robin and the 7 Hoods (1964) * Nightmare in the Sun (1965) * The Second Best Secret Agent in the Whole Wide World(1965)(title song) * A Man Called Adam (1966) * Salt and Pepper (1968) * The Fall (1969) * Sweet Charity(1969) * One More Time (1970) * Elvis: That's the Way It Is (1970) * Diamonds Are Forever (1971) * Save the Children (1973) * Gone with the West (1975) * Sammy Stops the World (1978) * The Cannonball Run (1981) * Heidi's Song (1982) * Cracking Up (1983) * Broadway Danny Rose (1984) * Cannonball Run II (1984) * That's Dancing! (1985) * Knights of the City (1986) * The Perils of P.K. (1986) * Moon Over Parador(1988) * Tap (1989) * The Kid Who Loved Christmas(1990, last role)

Who recorded have you seen suzette in the 1950's was is Sammy Davis jnr?

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It was Billy May..

did Sammy Davis record suzette later in the early 1950's