

Stealth Aircraft

Stealth aircrafts, also known as stealth bombers or stealth planes, are a type of aircraft that utilizes stealth technology in order to to avoid detection. Some of the best known U.S stealth aircrafts include the F-117 Nighthawk, the B-2 Spirit, the F-22 Raptor, and the F-35 Lightning II. Stealth aircrafts are mostly used in military campaigns and intelligence gathering.

79 Questions

How much faster is the B-2 stealth bomber than sound?

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The B-2 stealth bomber can fly at speeds up to about 630 miles per hour, which is roughly 0.84 times the speed of sound (767 mph at sea level).

What was the f-117 nighthawk used for?

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The F-117 is used as a strike aircraft, delivering ground ordnance on targets. The F-117 is a stealth aircraft which means it is nearly invisible to standard radar. This allows it to penetrate radar and attack targets in the dark before it can be detected and intercepted.

How far can the the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber fly?

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  • unrefueled one way, 6897.2 miles (6000 nautical miles)
  • with aerial refueling, unlimited

How stealth aircraft hide them from opponent?

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Asked by Sujeetsinghking

A radar system sends out a wave. When part of this wave hits something, it bounces back to the radar receiver, the radar can then work out the size, location, and also the velocity of the object.

A stealth plane is specially made to scatter radar waves across its angular surface. The radar might not be able to detect it, or estimate that the object is far smaller than any military vehicle and therefore not sound any kind of alarm.

What type of motor does a spitfire have?

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Asked by Wiki User

A British Rolls-Royce Merlin engine which is a liquid-cooled V-12 piston aero engine of 27-litres.

What are the Stealth aircraft used by US air force?

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Asked by Wiki User

Currently, the B2 Spirit and the F22 Raptor.

The F117 Nighthawk has been retired, as has the 'reduced RCS' SR-71 Blackbird.

The F35 isn't scheduled to be delivered until 2016.