

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle franchise began as a cartoon series in the 1980s. It involves four turtles, all named for famous artists, fighting bad guys. They have a rat for a sensai, and an obsession with pizza.

500 Questions

Where can I watch teenage mutant ninja turtles online?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you mean the lost episodes of the current cartoon series, they're all on youtube. This is the link to episode 1 of the lost season (season 5):

The poster always puts them up as 2 parts, so after part 1 ends, you have to click the correct 'part 2' video link. The best way to search for each ep on youtube is by typing the season and ep number in the search box. For instance, to find ep 1 of the lost season, you'd type this: TMNT S05E01.

Have fun watching!

In which website can you watch cartoons?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lots of places. So please be more specific. Youtube, dailymotion, blip and veoh are great sites where you can find lots of good stuff, but the quality is usually bad.

There are some god cartoons over at, and These are free. Or you can check out which is only available for paying tv subscribers within the US.

If you are looking for 90s cartoons and especially 90s cartoon network / hanna barbera cartoons, you should check out This website is free and worldwide.

When did Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles become famous?

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Asked by Wiki User

well they still are with teenagers but the main time they were popular was late 80s early/mid 90s

What teenage mutant ninja turtle has nun-chucks?

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That would be Michelangelo: the orange one.

Are ninja turtles real or fake?

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Yes, you can see them in most zoo's.

Who is the bad guy girl in teenage mutant ninja turtles?

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Shredder is their arch-enemy who struggles to gain power over the world.

Are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles gay?

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Yes, but before that they belong to the CTW or childrens television workshop previously under the childrens television show Batibot. They have a brother called Pong Pagong (Pong the Turtle) which is a little screw loose so he is not included in the original teenage mutant ninja turtles series.

What is a good website to see pictures of all the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys and their accessories?

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Asked by Wiki User

To find the full range of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys, one can look in Toys"R"Us or specialty stores for action figures. Also, one can find many websites online that sell a large range of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys.

Where can you buy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures?

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Asked by Jessieruthmclaughlin

well, i found met michelangelo, and he gave me one.

Where can you find a Parts list for fellowes S701CM paper shredder?

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Asked by Wiki User

I can definitely save some time by telling you Fellowes is no help. I've already called and they said I needed to recycle it. In other words, it's a throwaway model as far as they're concerned. "No parts Available."

Witch teenage mutant ninja turtle wears purple?

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Asked by Wiki User

Donatello wears the Purple Band Michaelangelo wears the Orange Band Leonardo wears the Blue Band Rapheal wears the Red Band

When were the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles named?

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Asked by Wiki User

Renaissance artists

Raphael was named after Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino

Michelangelo was named afterMichelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Donatello was named after Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi

Leonardo was named after Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci

How much are your original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles worth?

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Asked by Wiki User

They are $20.05. I looked it up on e-bay.

How are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles related to the Renaissance?

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The turtles share the names of famous Renaissance artists .

What are all the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles name color and weapons?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leonardo = Blue

Raphael = Red

Michelangelo = Orange

Donatello = Purple

AND..... their weapons are

Leonardo= katanas(swords)

Raphael= sais

Michelangelo= nunchakus

Donatello = bo staff

How did the teenage mutant ninja turtles become the teenage mutant ninja turtles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Michelangelo, Leonardo, Rafael, Donatello

are all artists. (Leonardo da vinci, y'know... and junk)

What year did Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles come out?

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Asked by Wiki User

They were not made by a person. They were sucking penis behind a waffle house, meanwhile, their mom was counting the money she had just made from selling her sons.The good thing is she made $3.50! She was walking across the street, not paying attention, when a armored truck hit her. when her sons got there, she was holding something in her shivering hand. It was a capsule with a green substance. She said to them "These a**holes hit me, steal this sh**." Those were the last words they heard from their mom. When they got to a safe area, with all the stupidity in the air, they decided to open it. when the did however, they turned in to regular little turtles. The movie that recently came out was shot from the perspective of a very small turtle. NYK!


What is CTL escape mutant?

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These virus have changed their recognition sequence either via mutation or antigenic drift and are able to escape cytotoxic T lymphocytes of the immune response

What are the most popular pajamas for 12 year old boys?

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There are a variety of styles and types of pajamas that are popular for 12 year old boys. Some of the most popular pajamas for boys are based on popular characters, movies or games like The Avengers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Lego video games.