

The Devil (Satan)

The Devil or Satan is a common figure in many religions as the source and perpetrator of evil doings.

725 Questions

Why did Stalin not just get a life?

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Stalin was a ruthless dictator who sought to consolidate power and control over the Soviet Union. His regime was characterized by suppression of dissent, political purges, and mass executions. His thirst for power and ideology drove him to commit atrocities in pursuit of his vision of a communist state.

Why do God and Satan hate each other?

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In both religious traditions, the conflict between God and Satan is symbolic of the struggle between good and evil, righteousness and sin, and obedience and rebellion. It's important to remember that these narratives are elements of religious mythology and serve to convey moral and theological lessons rather than portraying literal interpersonal hatred between divine beings. you can download "The One bible App" on your phone to know more about the bible.

What does better the devil you know than the devil you don't know mean?

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Be happy with the person you are with. If you risk everything to get someone better you might end up worse off.

Was Satan a man or woman?

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Satan is a god. Not God almighty, but a god of evil and sin. The serpent was Satans man, without a mate. Which is why he mated with the woman to produce offspring of his own. His seed mixed with Adam's seed to take on human life form, which is why Adam named his wife Eve. The mother of all living.

Where does Satan rule?

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no. god does. any idiot who wouldn't relize that that is dumb

Well, Satan can rule YOUR world if you let him. But don't. If you do you will not be in faith. Everyone on the internet says he does but he can only rule YOUR world. But let God rule your world.

When was My Devil in Your Eyes created?

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My Devil in Your Eyes was created in 2010.

Which chapter and verse in the Bible states how many times the devil tempted Jesus?

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In the Gospels according to Sts. Matthew, Mark, & Luke. It takes place right after the Baptism Of Christ.

When was Forces of Satan Records created?

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Forces of Satan Records was created on 2006-06-06.

What was the origin of the Devil?

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The Scriptures indicate that the creature known as Satan did not always have that name. Rather, this descriptive name was given to him because of his taking a course of opposition and resistance to God. The name he had before this is not given.

Does before the devil knows you're dead means good greetings to a person?

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Irish blessing

May your glass be ever full.

May the roof over your head be always strong.

And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead

It means "I wish that upon your death, that God will have claimed you in heaven before Satan realizes you have died"

It is the night the devil comes out.?

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Asked by Sabastian242

3:00 so watch your back jackie was here

Deal with Satan?

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Already answered, although others can feel free to add. Rituals are for show. Since you are still asking you have nothing he wants, meaning your soul (unless you change) is not worth enough, is already his, and you are not presently useful in another way. You can change that to make it happen by having something to exchange of enough value, if you are willing to put the work into it, but it doesn't sound that way (jmho) and a lazy bum isn't useful to either side. Logically if you have to choose, since the other side has proven itself stronger for thousands of years and you obviously want something, you are going about it the wrong way and opening Pandora's box. If you tried the right way first and are still empty handed, it's not something you need or were meant to have, you are without it for a good reason which will become known to you when the next door opens. Be careful what you wish for

Why is the devil named Satan?

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."Satan" means "Resister," or opposer. The word "devil" means "slanderer" and thus refers to someone who tells malicious lies about others Actually they are belonging to one powerful spirit creature. Both the Bible and world events show that he is a real person and Satan is diametrically opposed to God. God did not create a wicked creature in opposition to himself. Rather, one of the angelic "sons of God" developed a selfish desire to seize for himself the worship rightfully belonging to The Almighty God . (Job 38:7; James 1:14, 15) This desire led him to embark on a course of rebellion against God. The Bible explains the process of self-corruption this way: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn, sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death."—James 1:14, 15. This is apparently what happened.
By rebelling, this spirit creature made himself Satan(meaning "resister") and Devil (meaning "slanderer"). How? might ask! The answer to that question relates to events in the garden of Eden, where this once perfect, righteous spirit creature , who made himself Satan (resister) and Devil (slanderer) began his career as world ruler. There this angelic spirit creature suggested that God was ruling in a bad way by withholding something good from the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. According to this angelic spirit creature if they ate the fruit forbidden by God, they would be liberated. Adam and Eve would be free and independent of God.
They would be like God himself!—Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:1-5. By lying in this way and seducing Eve and through her inducing Adam to break God’s law, this once angelic spirit creature now made himself Satan, brought the first human pair under his leadership and control. The Devil thus became their god, one in opposition to God Almighty. Instead of liberation, however, Adam and Eve experienced slavery to Satan, to sin, and to death.—Romans 6:16; Hebrews 2:14, 15. Therefore Satan (resister) resisted God's sovereignty . Only after he willingly took a course of opposition and resistance to God was he called Satan. He also being called "Devil" is due to him slandering God's name..of which he told the first recorded "LIE" in the bible at Genesis 3:4.

What was the appeal of Satan?

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Very discreetly and never under the name of "Satanism". Look up Temple of Set, there's one branch of Satanists. They acclaim themselves with great "intellect" and insight into things.


Then there's The Order of Nine Angels. They recruit based on how discreetly one can murder another person. Apparently, the founder switched to Islam, but from one with such strict beliefs, it is actually doubted what the founder's true activities are.

Although, it should be assumed that religions don't recruit people, rather people choose their religion. At least, that would be the preferred method of finding yourself in a religion.

Character who sold his soul to the devil?

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Faust, by the author Goethe sells his soul to the devil. Don't worry, you can't really sell your soul. Anyway, if you could, in today's economy, you would not get that much. One would be better off to do something positive with their soul such as helping less fortunates.

Is pastor chris oyakhilome a member of church of Satan?

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The Church of Satan's membership list is not made public, so unless Pastor Christ Onyakilome is public about his affiliation with the Church of Satan; he would be the only one who knows if he is or not.

Does Satan Have Children?

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According to the Muslim religion Satan born with the person and the person cannot get-rid from it until death even in grave. so according to Muslim(religion ) theory Satan have many sons , daughters and other relationships.

sorry i don't know about other religion if you got that pl z let me know


According to the Bible, angels [of whom Satan is one] are not "given in marriage." In other words, they cannot physically reproduce as man does:

"...'Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the Power of God. For in the resurrection they [resurrected humans when Christ returns] neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but ARE AS THE ANGELS of God in heaven.'" (Matt.22:29-30)

However... due to Adam and Eve's decision to "worship another god" other than their Creator [Jesus Christ; the WORD -- John 1:1-3]... they "chose," instead, to become the slaves or servants of their master, Satan [the god they chose to worship and obey] when they "disobeyed" God's Commandments [or "sinned" which is disobedience to God's Laws - I John 3:4].

Consequently, all of humanity became the "spiritual children of Satan":

"For as by one man's [Adam's] disobedience [sin] many were made sinners [Satan's slaves... his children], so by the obedience of One [Christ] shall many be made Righteous [redeemed back from Satan, purchased with Christ's shed blood]." (Rom.5:19)

"Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world [according to Satan's disobedient, 'sinful,' ways], according to the prince of the power of the air [Satan], the spirit that now worketh IN THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE." (Eph.2:2)

"...WALK IN LOVE, as CHRIST ALSO HATH LOVED US, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God... But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, LET IT NOT BE ONCE NAMED AMONG YOU, as becometh saints [God's redeemed servants]... for this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU WITH VAIN WORDS: for BECAUSE OF THESE THINGS COMETH THE WRATH OF GOD UPON THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE." (Eph.5:2-6)

Satan doesn't have a "son" -- he has the vast majority of all of the human race bound to him [created in the beginning in God's image, as His Children] as the "children of disobedience" [sinners]. He is mankind's present "wicked master" from whom Christ shall eventually redeem many: return them to "innocence"... offer them a "new birth" [a re-birth] and entry into His Father's Household; His coming Kingdom.

"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your Life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, WHO IS OUR LIFE, SHALL APPEAR, then SHALL YE ALSO APPEAR WITH HIM in GLORY.

Mortify therefor your members [the physical pulls and appetites of the flesh] which are upon the earth, fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: FOR WHICH THINGS' SAKE THE WRATH OF GOD COMETH ON THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE[God's wrath upon Satan's children]." (Colossians 3:2-6)

Who saw Satan fall as lighting from heaven?

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To hear some of the Fudamentalist Biblical scholars teach it, they allege Satan fell in Genesis, chapter one somewhere between verses one and two, but I know of no scripture which alludes to this subjective input. Jesus, in the Gospel of Luke 10:18 says, "And I saw Satan fall as lightning from heaven." Jesus gives no time frame as to the Fall. Of course we know in modern times that lightning does not fall. The Fall of Satan is likely a metaphor toward those who refuse to be subservient to the Church and its teachings.

When was The Devil Rides Out created?

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Outwitting the Devil was created in 1938.

When will the devil come to earth?

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The devil is already on Earth. He is not some man, as many people seem to think he is. He works behind the scenes, whispering lies, doubts and temptations into people's ears, the background influence. I liken him to a stereotypical used car salesman - talks smooth, giving enough lies and even more partial truths to make you do something that seems smart in the moment but in the end you realize is the worst decision you ever made.

The previous answer talks about the coming of the Anti-Christ, not the devil (I left the previous answer because it can be considered somewhat relevant).

It is said the devil will take the image of a man, not just any man; a man of power & persuation. A man who will try to unite all the worls thru false pretense & persuade world leaders to join in making him the sole controller of the worlds food supply. Non-followers will be killed, followers will burn in hell with him in eternal desecration.

Was Satan named as one of the arch angels?

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No he was a jinn not an angel. But he was very loyal to God he got to be highly ranked in heaven with the Arch Angels.

Is it possible to get devil powers?

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No, why would you want to he doesn't come back until Anti-Christ comes on earth

What is it called when you believe in the devil?

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The "Devil" is a creature defined in a lot of cultures, religions & beliefs.

Christians & Jews believe the devils is a fallen angel who was thrown out of heaven when he didn't obey God.

In Islam the devil deceived Adam & Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from the forbidden tree when the devil was cast out of heaven by Allah when Allah asked him to bow for Adam.

So when you believe in the devil, you can be Christian, Jewish, Muslim and much more... Older religions saw the devil as a demon too. Of course there are also different forms of satanism, in general these people worship the devil by rituals which depend on the kind of satanism.

Even the devil can cite scripture for his purpose?

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This is said by Antonio in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice.

Can the devil choke you?

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In ancient, more superstitious times, it was felt that the devil could possess people and perhaps take hold of their minds. In these more enlightened times, it is recognised that what was once thought of as Satanic mind control is a symptom of mental illness and sufferers are now treated more sympathetically.

The devil can not take hold of your mind; in fact the devil does not even exist.