


Ukraine is the largest contiguous country on the European continent with an area of 603,628 km km2. It borders the Russian Federation to the northeast and east, Belarus to the northwest, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest, Black Sea to the south and Sea of Azov to the southeast.

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How many states in Ukraine?

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There are 24 regions (or oblasts) and 2 municipalities in Ukraine.

What is Ukraine's boundary?

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Ukraine shares its borders with seven countries: Belarus to the north, Russia to the northeast and east, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, and Romania and Moldova to the southwest. The country also has a coastline along the Black Sea to the south.

Is Ukraine in the northwest hemisphere?

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Yes, Ukraine is located in the northern hemisphere in Eastern Europe. It is not in the northwest hemisphere.

What are a few facts about the country Ukraine?

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A few interesting facts about the country Ukraine are that it has one of the deepest metro stations in the world and has one of the top visited McDonald's locations in the world. Also, the Ukrainian national anthem consists of only 6 lines.

Where on earth is Crimea located?

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Crimea is a peninsula located on the northern coast of the Black Sea in Eastern Europe. It is a region that is at the center of a territorial dispute between Russia and Ukraine.

How many provinces does Ukraine have?

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Ukraine is divided into 24 provinces called oblasts.

What is the name of the country of Ukraine?

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If you mean capital city it is Kiev. Kiev is one o te oldest cities in Eastern Europe and was named capital city in 1934.

What are the countries that form the borders of the country whose capital is Kiev?

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Belarus to the north, Russia to the east, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary to the west, and Romania and Moldova to the south form the borders of Ukraine, whose capital is Kiev.

What are the environmental features in Ukraine?

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Some of the key environmental features in Ukraine include the Carpathian Mountains in the west, the Black Sea coastline in the south, various rivers like the Dnieper and the Dniester, and the fertile plains of the central regions. Ukraine also has diverse ecosystems, including forests, wetlands, and steppes, which support a variety of plant and animal species.

What is the name of the climate in Ukraine?

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The climate in Ukraine is a humid continental climate, characterized by hot summers and cold winters. It experiences significant seasonal temperature variations and precipitation levels throughout the year.

How large is Ukraine in square meters?

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Ukraine has a total area of approximately 603,500 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 603,500,000,000 square meters.

Is France bigger than Ukraine?

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Yes, France is bigger than Ukraine in terms of land area. France is approximately 551,695 square kilometers, while Ukraine is approximately 603,500 square kilometers.

What is Ukraine's landforms?

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Ukraine's landforms include plains, plateaus, and lowlands, with the majority of the country being flat or slightly rolling. The Carpathian Mountains in the west and the Crimean Mountains in the south provide some relief to the predominantly flat landscape. Ukraine also has the Dnieper River running through its central region.

Is Ukraine a landlocked country?

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No, Ukraine is not a landlocked country. It has a coastline along the Black Sea to the south and the Sea of Azov to the southeast.

What landforms are in Ukraine?

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Ukraine features diverse landforms, including the Carpathian Mountains in the west, the Crimean Mountains in the south, the Dnieper River that stretches across the country, and the Black Sea coast in the south. Other notable landforms include plateaus, valleys, and plains that cover the majority of the country's landscape.

What countries and the seas that form the borders of the country whose capital is Kiev?

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Ukraine is the country with the capital city of Kiev. It is bordered by Belarus to the north, Russia to the east, Moldova and Romania to the southwest, and Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary to the west. The Black Sea and the Sea of Azov lie to the south of Ukraine.

What is South of Ukraine?

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South of most of Ukraine is the Black Sea and after the Black Sea there is Turkey. Parts of Romania and Moldova are also south of western Ukraine.

How big is Ukraine compared to a US state?

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Ukraine is roughly the size of the state of Texas in the United States. It is the largest country entirely in Europe.

Does Ukraine have states or provinces?

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Short answer is no.

Ukraine is a unitary state. There is administrative division however: 24 larger regions called "oblast", each of them subdivided into smaller regions called "rayon".

One exception to this rule is Autonomous Republic of Crimea which used to be 25th oblast but was granted autonomy some time after Ukraine became independent.

How big is Ukraine in sq km?

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Ukraine has an area of 603,550 square kilometers, making it the largest country entirely in Europe.

Is Ukraine west of the ural mountains?

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No, Ukraine is located southwest of the Ural Mountains. The Ural Mountains run north to south, separating the European and Asian parts of Russia. Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe.

What size is Ukraine in square miles?

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Ukraine covers an area of approximately 233,000 square miles.

Why is ukraine called ukraine?

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The name "Ukraine" is derived from the Old East Slavic word "ukraina," meaning "borderland" or "territory on the edge." This reflects Ukraine's historical position as a frontier region between Eastern Europe and Russia.

What is the largest state in ukraine?

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The largest state in Ukraine is Kherson Oblast, located in the south of the country. It covers an area of 28,461 square kilometers and is known for its rich agricultural land and the Black Sea coast.

What are the 6 major land regions of Ukraine?

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The six major land regions of Ukraine are the Carpathians, the Crimean Peninsula, the Dnieper Upland, the Black Sea Lowland, the Azov Lowland, and the Volhynia-Podillia Upland. Each region has its own unique geography and contributes to the diverse landscapes of Ukraine.