


Ulcers are sores found in the mucous membrane that often result in the loss of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. They are commonly caused by poor blood circulation, lack of mobility, and prolonged and too much pressure on the tissues.

500 Questions

Can peptic ulcer cause anemia?

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Asked by Wiki User

A peptic ulcer is damage to the lining of the stomach (the cells).

This damage causes bleeding and so your body loses blood. This is often slow and results in anaemia.

(It can sometimes occur much quickly in which case it can cause black, tarry stools or vomiting of blood).

What can be used for the leg ulcers that's weeping water?

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Asked by Wiki User

A doctor will be able to give treatment options for leg ulcers that are weeping water. Sometimes, a compression is needed or B12 vitamins.

What are sighns of peptic ulcers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stomach ulcers usually cause persistent and unexplainable abdominal pain and cramping. Additional symptoms may include acid reflux, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting.

What is an umbilical ulcer?

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Asked by Wiki User

This an ulcer on the lining of the uterus and is similar to any other ulcer.

Describe the stages of development of decubitus ulcer?

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Asked by Wiki User

stage one is an area of skin over a pressure site bony prominence on the body...when touched the skin does not Blanch . stage two is an area of skin over a pressure site, bony prominence on the body...that the top layer of skin is broken. stage three is same as a two but goes deeper into the dermis and fat. stage four is same as three but involves the muscle/tendons/bone. unstageable= wound can not be assesed due to exudate or overlying necrosis

What is the beginning sign of a pressure ulcer?

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Asked by Wiki User

rednes in the affected area

What are some possible causes of ulcers in the mouth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mouth Ulcers can also be triggered by a number of factors such as emotional pain or stress, fatigue, physical injury to the mouth (often by biting the cheek, or from dental work), and dietary deficiencies (most commonly a lack of vitamin B12, iron and folic acid).

It is also fairly common to develop canker sores during hormonal changes such as menstruation and pregnancy and to have them co-occur with another viral or bacterial infection. While most people just develop the mouth ulcers, others may experience additional symptoms such as fatigue, swollen glands, and in rarer cases, a fever might be present. The best way to treatment is to have lot of roughage and diet which is full of Vitamin b12, iron & folic acid. People who eat lot of chicken also get Ulcers in mouth, some time people who are earting raw beef/chicken get ulcers in the stomach which is very dangerous.

Why do you get ulcers on your tongue?

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teeth marks on tongue often indicate spleen deficiency.

How can you treat ulcers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, there is no immediate cure. They are most ofter caused by someone laying in bed for too long without moving around. They must be exposed to the air, probably a good over the counter antibiotic gel like Neosporin, a proper nonstick bandage, and time. You should treat them like any open wound.


Army Medic (9 Years)

How do you Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers on tongue?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here are a couple of things that may help:

- Rinse your mouth with warm salt water.

- Make a thick paste out of bakeing soda and water, then apply on the ulcer, and rinse when you cant take it any longer.

-Apply bakeing soda to the ulcer.

- Salt.

- Sleep.

Hopes this helps!

Is Coffee harmful for gastric ulcer?

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Asked by TaraDheeraj

If you already have an ulcer, then you should avoid any acidic liquids. Coffee included.

Can ulcer kill?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have tried this, and lo and behold, it does not work. It does succeed in causing much pain, though.

*Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water helps prevents mouth sores.*


I have tried this and I always do it, it hurts for the first 20 or so seconds. But it dries out the skin around the ulcer and causes blood to rise to skin. It hurts for a bit but it stimulates healing. I have recommended it to a doctor and he now swears by it.

No pain no gain... unless you want to deal with the pain when you eat for 2weeks.

How do you cope with a stomach ulcer?

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Asked by Wiki User

set up a doctors appointment

What body cavity is used on a stomach ulcer operation?

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Asked by Aahnible

Operations for stomach ulcers are not done so frequently. With the introduction of new drugs most ulcers can be cured and treated with antibiotics. Surgery for an abdominal ulcer is really a last resort, after all medication and lifestyle changes have failed to repair the ulcerations.

An ulcer can form in the lining of the stomach as well as in the duodenum, the upper portion of the small intestine which is most often the location of an ulcer. Nearly all of the ulcers in the gastric system are caused by a bacterial infection called H. Pylori. If surgery is required access is from the upper abdomen.

Although surgery is rarely performed to treat ulcers it is done in cases of ulcers that do not heal or complications such as a perforation or severe bleeding. Surgery for ulcers can involve cutting nerves to the stomach, removing part of the stomach and/or widening the opening of the stomach.

What is the difference between venous and arterial ulcers?

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A venous ulcer is superficial and painful. It is found on the lower leg or ankles. An arterial ulcer is usually on the foot but may be on the lower leg. It has a "punched out" look. The skin around it is very cool to the touch and often pale or shiny.

Is tea good for ulcers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not really, but it varies with the person. Traditionally it was thought that a lot of things were bad for ulcers: tea, coffee, smoking, spicy foods. Medical research has since found that ulcers are caused by bacterial infections and has rejected the view that certain foods must be avoided. In general, ulcer suffers can eat what they like. That being said, any food or beverage that upsets your stomach should be especially avoided if you have an ulcer. Caffeine can irritate some people's stomachs if drunk in large quantities. If drinking tea seems to aggravated ulcer pain, then stop drinking tea. You may not be making your ulcer worse, but you're not helping it either. (Some herbalists have argued that tea is actually good for ulcers, but while tea does have health benefits there is no evidence that it's good for ulcers.) If you drink to have a cup of tea every morning, it is not a bad idea to stop for a few days and see how/if your ulcer responds. If you notice no difference then you can go on drinking a moderate amount of tea. If you are drinking several cups a day, however, you probably should be cutting back in any event.

Can you have milk if you have ulcer?

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Its BAD For Ulcers.

The term bedsore is the common name for?

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They are often called "pressure sores" or "pressure ulcers," and their medical name is "decubitus ulcers."

Can decaffinated coffee irritate ulcers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not really. Peptic ulcers are erosions or breaks in the mucosal lining of the digestive tract. They can be caused by excessive mechanical irritation or infection. If you have an ulcer and you drink coffee, the coffee is acidic and can irritate the ulcer, but it doesn't necessarily cause the ulcer. Ulcers have been found to be caused by a toxin called urease released by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and is easily treatable with antibiotics. If left untreated, it can lead to stomach cancer.

What drugs are effective for treating ulcers?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

About 80% of peptic ulcers result from chronic irritation by the bacterium Heliobacter pylorii. These are usually treated with a combination of two or three antibiotics and other drugs. Most people recover rapidly.

Cabbage juice (in quantities equal to about one quart a day), was found to be useful in clinical trials. Most patients improve after several days.

There are other causes of peptic ulcers, including cancers. You should be treated by a gastroenterologist, who can advise you on the best treatment for your case.

What are pressure ulcer stages?

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Asked by Wiki User

Check out the link in the related links section. It provides a great answer. There is a lot to explain about the stages, and it is much easier to just visit this Web site to answer your question.

How do duodenal ulcers form?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ulcers are a tear in the lining of the tissues. Usually occurring in the stomach and small intestine, though they can occur in other tissues of the body. The most common cause of stomach ulcers is a bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori. It can be cured with anti-biotics and can be transmitted by eating foods that are contaminated with this bacteria. The bacteria weakens the lining of the stomach which is then further irritated by acids which occur naturally in the stomach causing the ulcer and the pain and burning associated with the ulcer.