

US Government Shutdown 2013

The US Government Shutdown of 2013 lasted from October 1 through October 17th. It resulted in the furlough of 800,000 government employees.

330 Questions

Can you kill someone during a government shutdown?

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I would hope you would not want to kill someone, during a shutdown or at any other time. If you are asking whether law enforcement is working even during a shutdown, the answer is yes, they are; so if a murder did occur, the perpetrator would be arrested.

Are essential employees paid during government shutdown?

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During a government shutdown, essential employees are typically required to work without pay until the shutdown is resolved and they receive retroactive pay. Some essential employees may be granted temporary pay or be advanced their salary during a shutdown, but this can vary depending on the specific circumstances and funding availability. It is important to check with the employing agency or organization for detailed information.

What is the democrats view on the government shutdown?

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The Democratic Party generally opposes government shutdowns and views them as harmful and unnecessary. Democrats believe that shutting down the government creates economic and financial instability and undermines the functioning of important government services. They advocate for finding bipartisan solutions and avoiding shutdowns by working towards compromise and negotiation.

Government shutdown effect teachers?

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A government shutdown can have several effects on teachers. Firstly, it can disrupt the funding for education programs and initiatives, potentially resulting in reduced resources and support for teachers in the classroom. Additionally, teachers employed by the government may face furloughs or salary delays, causing financial instability and potential disruption to their personal lives. Finally, a government shutdown can contribute to overall uncertainty and stress among teachers, affecting their morale and job satisfaction.

How long has the government shutdown lasted?

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It lasted a total of 16 days, before it was finally ended on the 16th of October, late in the evening.

How did the government shutdown end?

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Unfortunately for those people who were out of work, it took sixteen days for a solution to be agreed upon. By most accounts, the final compromise was crafted by several women senators, including two Republican moderates (Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and Susan Collins of Maine), as well as some moderate men from both parties.

Led by majority leader Harry Reid and minority leader Mitch McConnell, the group of senators finally worked out a compromise and it got enough votes to pass. The house then was able to also pass it (even though a large number of Republicans still voted against it); by that point, polling was showing that the public was turning against the Republicans, and it was imperative that a compromise be reached to re-open the government. Thus, the majority in the House ruled in favor of the senate bill and the shutdown finally ended late on October 16, 2013.

What is going on now with the government shut down?

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Most government offices and functions will close. Services from federal courts to federal parks to passport processing will close. Employees will essentially be put on furlough and not paid until services reopen.

However, government shut down was avoided last night. (April 8, 2011.)
It means that all gov run buildings will close, such as the Smithsonian in D.C, and basically, no one in the government is getting paid

What will lead directly to a government shutdown?

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Yes, it did. It shut down in 1995, under congressional Republicans, for 27 days total. In 2013, it shut down again, also under congressional Republicans, and that one lasted for 16 days. We do not know if and when the next one will occur, nor which party's actions will lead to such an occurrence.

Who will receive money if there is a government shutdown?

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Members of Congress continue to get paid in the event of a government shutdown. This is because under Constitutional law, their pay cannot be altered except in the case of a direct law stating so.

Why did the government shutdown in Fall of 2013 how was the situation resolved?

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If you are referring to the US Government shutdown, there are a number of explanations, depending on which side of the political aisle you listen to. Republicans say the reason is congress (and especially Democrats) overspent on the budget and needed to cut back on some services in order to stabilize the budget; when Democrats refused to cut back on food stamps and other "entitlements," there was no choice but to shut down the government, since Democrats would not compromise. Republicans also say the President's Health Care Law needed to be repealed and many were angry that Mr. Obama refused to do that.

On the other hand, Democrats believe the shutdown was caused by stubbornness and political theater by a small group of Tea Party Republicans who dislike government and wanted to find an excuse to shut it down. Democrats say they tried repeatedly to get budget negotiations going, but the Tea Party leaders refused to talk unless Obamacare was repealed. Democrats also believe these Republicans were determined to stop President Obama from having any success, and they were willing to shut down the government to make their point. (It should also be noted that most pollsters, and many members of congress who consider themselves moderates, believe the shutdown was both harmful and unnecessary; but the Tea Party Republicans insist it served a very useful purpose.)

What does the recent news about US Government Shutdown mean?

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The U.S. government shutdowns occur when the U.S. President and one (or both) of the chambers of Congress are controlled by different political parties, and are unable to resolve disagreements over budget allocations. Congress passes spending bills that fund the government. So if it doesn't pass, the government grinds to a halt.

During a shutdown, the government stops providing all services, with the exception of essential services.

Essential services include:

Typically, federal services that continue despite a shutdown include the

National Weather Service

Medical services at federal agencies



Air traffic control

Correctional facilities

A large number of civilian federal employees are furloughed. Military personnel and essential employees are not furloughed, but may not be paid as scheduled. Members of Congress continue to be paid.

The Office of Management and Budget is tasked with administering the shutdown. In 1995-1996, the government shut down for 27 days, costing the federal government $1.4 billion.

Will railroad retirement benefits be affected by government shutdown?

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Under a bill passed by congress and signed by the president, the military did receive their pay during the shutdown. And other federal employees are supposed to receive retroactive back-pay for the money they did not receive during the sixteen days the government was shut down.

What are the three main governing bodies of the US?

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Judicial legislative and executive are u in mr. Cultreras Judicial legislative and executive are u in mr. Cultreras

When did the recent US government shutdown begin?

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It occurred in November 1995, when Bill Clinton was president and it lasted 27 days total. It began as a battle over spending, between President Clinton and his adversary Republican Newt Gingrich, the leader of the House of Representatives. Clinton wanted to expand funding for Medicare and for education, but the Republicans objected. When no agreement or compromise could be reached, Gingrich decided to shut the government down to make his point. It proved to be a very unpopular decision and cost Republicans seats in the next election.

Is the president paid during the government shutdown?

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The president and all members of congress were paid during the shutdown, but their staff members were not. The military was exempt, since the president had signed an act that made sure the troops would continue to get paid.

How will a government shutdown affect Section 8 housing voucher payments to landlords?

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Theoretically the Landlord could have his pay withheld until the shutdown is over.

What is congress saying about the government shutdown?

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It depends on which side you asked. Moderate Republicans were not happy about the shutdown, but they felt that had to go along with it, since the most dominant faction in their party, the Tea Party Republicans, pushed for shutting down the government, and pressured moderates to go along with it. The extremes in the Republican party told Fox News and other friendly media that a shutdown would not be so bad, since they believe the government is too big and this was more of a "slim-down," closing agencies that were not all that important. Of course, when public opinion about national parks and war memorials turned negative, the Tea Party Republicans immediately blamed President Obama and said that the shutdown was his fault, when in fact it was they who had said they wanted it. The leaders of the Republican Party insisted the shutdown was about "Obamacare"-- they wanted it defunded or repealed, and when the president refused to do either one, they said he was being unreasonable. Led by Senator Ted Cruz, the Tea Party said they were standing up for the American public, which wanted them to stop Obamacare and curb government spending.

Democrats saw the issue very differently. They believed that Tea Party extremists had taken over and that moderate Republicans had been stifled. The Democrats believed the Tea Party was willing to do anything to stop the president from being successful, and they saw the Tea Party as petty, unfair and stubborn, willing to inflict pain (and a loss of income) on innocent government workers who had done nothing wrong yet were pawns in a political game. Further, since the President's health care law was in fact a law, it could not be immediately repealed. The Democrats were puzzled that the Tea Party was willing to shut down the government just to make their point. (And several moderate Republicans did express their dismay about the shutdown, which they did not see as a productive way to change Washington. In fact, it turned many in the public against the Republican Party.) In the end, when a compromise was reached at the last minute, the moderates were pleased that the shutdown had ended, while some in the Tea Party believed they had done the right thing and suggested they might do it again if they felt their demands about decreasing the deficit and curbing government spending were not being acted upon.

Is President Obama responsible for the government shutdown?

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No, he is not. Republicans say that he is, but that is political rhetoric (one side always blames the other side). The fact is the shutdown wasn't even the fault of most Republicans, although they went along with it. By most accounts (including Republican accounts), the shutdown was pushed by one faction of the party, the so-called Tea Party wing. Their members had very specific demands and they were willing to shut down the government if they did not get their way. Some Republicans who had lived through the 1995 shutdown (a disaster for the Republican party) did not think shutting down the government was a good strategy, but with the Tea Party the dominant faction, there was no turning back from it.

That said, Republicans believed the president was to blame because he refused to agree to eliminate the Affordable Care Act (or "Obamacare") the way they wanted him to. They also wanted deep cuts in spending, but the president said that he refused to enter any negotiations on the budget until the government was re-opened.

Has government shutdown happened before?

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Yes, it has. One recent example is in 1995, when Republicans in the House of Representatives shut down the government for a total of 27 days. Led by Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, they objected to President Clinton's spending priorities, and when no agreement could be reached, the Republicans shut down the government. It turned out badly for them-- the public soon became outraged and a number of Republicans were not re-elected in the next congress.