

Vampire Knight

This category is for questions about the manga series "Vampire Knight" [] by Matsuri Hino.

500 Questions

Does yuki ever end up staying with zero in vampire knight?

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Yes, in the manga series "Vampire Knight," Yuki eventually ends up choosing to be with Zero, forming a lasting bond between them.

When will the Vampire Knight DS game be in the US and will it be in English?

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It won't be probably translated into English. In Japan there are countless DS Games after anime series. The US Game Developers are looking for games that can bring many buyers, this game would bring just the Vampire Knight fans to buy it.

Who are the characters of Vampire Knight?

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The main characters in Vampire Knight include Yuki Cross, Zero Kiryu, and Kaname Kuran. Yuki is a human who attends Cross Academy, a school with a day class and a night class consisting of vampires. Zero is a vampire hunter with a complex past, and Kaname is a pureblood vampire with a mysterious connection to Yuki.

Is episode 13 of Vampire Knight Guilty the final episode ever or for this season?

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For Vampire Knight Guilty, episode 13 is the final episode of the season. There is no continuation of the series beyond this point.

Is vampire knight a book series?

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Yes, "Vampire Knight" is a manga series written by Matsuri Hino. It was serialized in the shoujo manga magazine LaLa from 2005 to 2013 and later compiled into volumes for publication.

When did episode 13 of Vampire Knight Guilty come out?

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Today is December 24, 2008 and the 13th episode hasn't come out yeat. It is the last episode of the series and it comes out Monday December 29, 2008 1 a.m. If you go on youtube it will come on the internet (not english) around 2:00.

What Greek gods live on Mt Olympus?

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Some of the major Greek gods who were believed to live on Mount Olympus include Zeus (king of the gods), Hera (queen of the gods), Poseidon (god of the sea), Athena (goddess of wisdom and warfare), and Apollo (god of the sun and music), among others.

Why is Yuuki's hair longer when is becomes a vampire in Vampire Knight Guilty?

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Yuuki's parents "hid" her vampire side inside of her, so she became human and lost all memories of being a vampire. As she grew up she cut her hair, because she has longer hair as a little girl. When Kaname awakens the vampire inside her, Yuuki takes on her original apperance as before.

Where can you watch vampire knight guilty episode 10?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vampire Knight Guilty episode 10 can be watched on streaming platforms like Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, or Crunchyroll. Alternatively, you can also check if it is available for purchase or rental on platforms like iTunes or Google Play Movies.

Who will Yuki cross choose zero or kaname?

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In the anime "Vampire Knight," Yuki ultimately chooses Kaname Kuran over Zero Kiryu as her romantic partner. Kaname is revealed to be her ancestor and true love, while Zero respects their relationship and supports their decision.

How does vampire knight end?

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The manga "Vampire Knight" ends with Yuki choosing Kaname as her partner, and they have a daughter together. Yuki's daughter grows up to be a vampire hunter, continuing the legacy of protecting both vampires and humans. The series closes with Yuki and Kaname's daughter visiting Yuki's and Zero's grave together.

Is vampire knight good?

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That is subjective and depends on individual tastes. Some viewers enjoy the supernatural elements and romance in "Vampire Knight," while others may find the plot predictable or the characters lacking depth. It's best to watch a few episodes to see if it aligns with your preferences.

What is vampire knight zero's last name?

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Zero Kiryu's last name is Kiryu.

Who does yuiki stay with in vampire knight?

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Yuuki Kuran in "Vampire Knight" stays with her adopted brother Kaname Kuran, who is also her love interest in the series. They were raised together in the Kuran family household after Yuuki lost her memories as a young girl.

What is going to happen next in vampire knight guilty episode 8?

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In episode 8 of Vampire Knight Guilty, Yuki will continue to struggle with her feelings for Zero and Kaname as tensions among the vampires escalate. The mysteries surrounding the vampires' past and their connections to each other will start to unravel, leading to shocking revelations and confrontations that will change the course of the story.

Which one is better Death Note or Vampire Knight?

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It ultimately depends on personal preference as both series cater to different audiences. Death Note is a psychological thriller centered around a battle of wits between a high school student and a detective, while Vampire Knight is a supernatural romance revolving around a love triangle between a human girl and two vampire brothers. If you enjoy suspense and intricate plots, Death Note may be more appealing, whereas if you prefer supernatural elements and romance, Vampire Knight could be a better choice.

Does Yuki love Zero in Vampire Knight?

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Yes, Yuki does love Zero in Vampire Knight. Their relationship evolves throughout the series, from childhood friends to romantic interests, as they navigate conflicts and emotions within their vampire hunter and vampire dynamics.

What is the plot for vampire knight?

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"Vampire Knight" follows a high school girl named Yuki Cross who serves as a guardian for the Day Class at Cross Academy, a school that also houses a Night Class of vampires. As Yuki navigates the complex relationships between humans and vampires, she uncovers dark secrets about her own past and the mysterious vampire brothers Kaname and Zero. The series delves into themes of love, loyalty, and the struggle between light and darkness.

When will vampire knight episode 17 in YouTube wii come out?

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I am unable to provide specific release dates for episodes on YouTube. I recommend checking the official sources or channels for updates on the release of Vampire Knight episode 17.

What channel is Vampire Knight on?

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Vampire Knight is not currently airing on any specific channel as it is an older anime series. However, you can still watch it on streaming platforms such as Crunchyroll, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video.

When will episode 2 of vampire knight guilty be on you tube for all of us to watch?

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Asked by Wiki User

Look for it this Friday or Saturday at Vampire Knight heaven. They are subbing it now and hope to have it out by Friday. They have a high quality of the raw unsubbed episode there at the moment though, and if you read the manga it corresponds to, you get a pretty good idea of what they are saying (says she who had to watch it NOW lol)

What happens to zero in vampire knight?

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In the manga and anime series "Vampire Knight," Zero Kiryu becomes a vampire after being turned by his twin brother, Ichiru. Zero struggles with his identity as a vampire and his growing thirst for blood, but ultimately finds a balance between his human and vampire sides. In the end, Zero remains a vampire, but he continues to protect those he cares about.

How many volumes are there of vampire knight?

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There are a total of 19 volumes of the manga series "Vampire Knight" by Matsuri Hino.

Will yuki marry Kaname?

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Yes, he does turn Yuuki into a vampire because she was suffering from trying to remember her past and when that happened he knew it was time for her to awaken.

Yuuki was always a vampire but her mother turned her into human to protect her and died by doing so.

Yuuki is a powerful pureblood vampire who was born to marry Kaname as he is her brother.

What are the names of all the vampire knight characters?

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Yuki Cross - one of the main characters, adopted daughter of Headmaster Cross, has no memories before the age of five, real daughter of pure-blood vampires Juri and Haruka Kuran, part of the disciplinary committee/guardian of Cross academy.

Zero Kiryu - one of the main characters, is a vampire hunter, part of the disciplinary committee/guardian of Cross academy, was turned into a vampire by Shizuka Hio (vampire who killed his parents)

Kaname Kuran - one of the main characters, pure-blood vampire, president of the Night Class, is the ancient founder of the Kuran line was raised from the dead by Rido, was raised as Yuki's brother before she lost her memories

Headmaster Kaien Cross - Headmaster of Cross Academy, Yuki's adoptive father, used to be a vampire hunter until Juri saved his life

Toga Yagari - is the top ranked vampire hunter trained Zero, Ichiru, and Kaito, lost one of his eyes protecting Zero

Takuma Ichijo - Vice President of the Night Class, grandfather is Asato Ichijo, noble class vampire, respects Kaname deeply

Hanabusa Aido or "Idol" (as referred to by Day Class girls) - noble vampire with ice powers, cousin to Akatsuki Kain, very loyal to Kaname, often does things that Kaname disapproves of and Kaname punishnes him much to the other vampires' amusement

Akatsuki Kain or "Wild" (as referred to by Day Class girls but hasn't seemed to stick as much as Aido's has) - noble vampire with fire powers, cousin to Hanabusa Aido, also follows Kaname, usually gets into trouble with Aido even though never really responsible, has feelings for Ruka Souen

Ruka Souen - a noble vampire who is very loyal to Kaname, she has feelings for him and seems to dislike Yuki because of the attention she gets from Kaname

Senri Shiki - a noble vampire who is loyal to Kaname, can use his blood and manipulate it, has a part time model with Rima and has feelings for her, one of the youngest Night Class students

Rima Toya - a noble vampire who is loyal to Kaname, has electrical or lightning abilities, has a part time job as a model with Senri and has feelings for him

Sayori Wakaba or "Yori" - Yuki's friend from the day class

Seiren - Kaname's unofficial body guard, is part of the Night class and also does spy work for Kaname

Ichiru Kiryu - Zero's twin brother, wasn't killed by Shizuka but instead became her loyal servant, makes Zero drink his blood when he is about to die so Zero can become the stronger twin

Shizuka Hio - a pure-blood vampire, turned Zero into a vampire

Maria Kurenai - distant relative of Shizuka who allows Shizuka to control her body

Asato Ichijo - Takuma Ichijo's grandfather, member of vampire council, wanted his grandson to spy on Kaname

Sara Shirabuki - a pure-blood vampire who is interested in Kaname

Rido Kuran - pure-blood vampire who is Senri's father and Juri and Haruka's older brother, resurrected Kaname and killed Haruka, takes control of Shiki's body to go to Cross Academy and kill Yuki, is killed by Zero

Haruka Kuran - a pure blood vampire, Yuki's father, raised Kaname as his son, and is husband and brother to Juri, was killed by Rido and was trying to stop him from killing Yuki

Juri Kuran - a pure blood vampire, Yuki's mother (bares resemblance to Yuki), raised Kaname as her son, and is wife and sister to Haruka, erases Yuki's memories and suppresses her vampire blood so Yuki can grow up safe and human, doing this kills Juri

Kaito Takamiya - is a character from the Vampire Knight novels, was not in the anime and was introduced in chapter 53. A vampire hunter also trained by Yagari and was being trained around the same time as Zero.